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How can I up abilities with each level

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Level 3
Apr 12, 2015
Hello guys
I was searching in the object editor about that but I cant find it.
I want to change an ability that I can up an ability with no level limits. So that I can up that ability if I have ability points.
I'm glad if someone will help me =)
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Make it have the same amount of levels as the maximum level of heroes.

If you dont want that, you can reduce the level everytime you level it up.
As long as you triggered all stuff, you shouldnt have any problem.

The last thing you could try is have the Hero ability be a dummy ability and have a Unit ability that is the real ability.
Abilities can be leveled up without limitations via the trigger "Increase level of <ability> for <unit>".
Then you reduce the level of the hero ability every time it gets leveled up and your increase the level of the unit ability every time.
Be aware that the tooltips etc won't work 100% as you would want to.
Level 3
Apr 12, 2015
Thank you for your reply. I find another way to change the limit to of upgrading an ability. I change in the tab advanced-> Hero Abilities Level Skip(Default) the 2 into 1 and it works now^^ It is for all abilities but in my map it was that what I was looking for
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
I thought you meant that you can level up an ability infinite times.
Something like Attribute bonus in DotA 2.

But there is indeed that one.
If you only want it for one ability, you can the "Stats - Level Skip Requirement" to 1.
Your current solution is as you mentioned for all abilities.
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