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How can I take game back from half pause? :D

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Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
Hehe you think I am joking but not. Well this is kinda new for me. So you know pausing game is a normal function. There's no problem with it. Now the weird side of the thing is that I have a trigger with the common periodic( 0.03 ) turning pause off. Nah I show a SCRNSHT

It seems to be paused, but not it isn't. You can see it from the movement target, and that it is single player( quests , log ) so you can not see the main menu dialog. Of course I could turn it to paused but I weren't... I have tested it with pausing game periodically and it returns strange things to... Is there any way to prevent... ... that... or just disable game pausing.


  • HowThe....JPG
    86.3 KB · Views: 276
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
You speak in riddles, fellow!
It seems to be paused, but it isn't. You can see it from the movement target
The movement target also freezes when you pause the game, this is normal.

Either way: the game is paused in your screenshot and it is single player.
Do you have any clue why the menu is invisible? Because there is no 'real' pause-button in single player, so you can only pause by opening a menu. Which... didn't happen in your screenshot.
The trigger "Game - pause game" shouldn't turn the screen dark grey (afaik, I could be wrong).

So what exactly is your problem, and what is... "that" when you say:
Is there any way to prevent... ... that...
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
You didn't get what I am saying. You can check it by your eyes. I can still move my camera( as far as I know it is impossible while paused ) and I can order units, units moving, animations working, just game left its... graphics, mean icons and the black mask on it. Open attached map in warcraft, then press F10 twice and see what happens..


  • Testit.w3m
    11.6 KB · Views: 38
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
No, you can move your camera when you pause the game (I think, it's been ages since I last played on b.net).
And I did indeed not get what you were saying, hence the "You speak in riddles, fellow!"...

But now I see what you mean, and my question is: why would you ever want to do that?
What do you wish to accomplish by doing this?
Pausing the game can be vital for players (toilet, eating, helping someone, ...) - it's not something you wish to undo.

But I DID say something valuable in my previous message: the triggered pause is not the same as the manual pause.
You shouldn't try to undo a manual pause by using triggers.
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
So my main problem is that getting the sound current played position by API is not possible so I need to count the time with periodic. But if game is paused music will still run however my periodic trigger stops/pauses so I tried to unpause the game via triggers. That is failed due to this bug or whatever you want to call it. So I would like to find any solution to prevent game half pause or prevent somehow that to pause be allowed.

"You speak in riddles, fellow!" - I know... That's my other problem... :)
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