How can I implement the vJASS equipment system 1.4.3

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Level 6
Jun 18, 2011
I posted this on the equipment system's page, but I figure it belongs here. Greatly appreciative of any help.

I have imported all the doodads/destructible settings and used the same ID's for all copy/pasted units/abilities/buffs. I gave the imports the same file extension "UI\" and I copy and pasted all the triggers. I tried running with Auto Index, Ability Preload and BoundSentinel enabled, to save and then reload and turn off, but there is AutoIndex UD (duplicating auto index) so I cannot enable Auto Index because I am unable to save the code without Auto Index UD.

This equipment system map runs on the latest patch despite possibly having minor problems with it's syntax according to the thread, (It does give a warning after saving and now my map does as well) but I can't seem to figure out my mistake as to why it works on the test map and not on mine. Here is my map if anyone is patient enough to take a look.
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Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Did you just delete your entire question? If you want to make an edit, just write the new information at the bottom of your post. Your question was originally "How can I make my map work in Reforged" and the content was completely different yesterday to what I am looking at today. It doesn't help anyone if you just delete everything.

Tool: make WEU maps openable WE
Ghostwolf made that tool in the above link. You just click it, it opens up in hiveworkshop, and you drop your make inside. It might work even though your tool was jass newgen.
Level 6
Jun 18, 2011
Yes I deleted it completely and renamed the title because no one had replied and I had already solved that problem. Now I am stuck with implementing this system.
Level 6
Jun 18, 2011
There are a bunch of files for doodads such as war3mapImported\[bricks]roof_chimney.mdl for parts of the UI which is not in the imported file list of the test map. How can I get these files?
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Yes I deleted it completely and renamed the title because no one had replied and I had already solved that problem.
There are others who might have had the same problem you encountered, and if you left the original post + the solution you found, then they would be able to find it if they tried to search the hive forums.
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