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Help with equipment system

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laruka Astanika


laruka Astanika

I have sum up all my problems and simplified my post so i can be easily understood.

Sorry if this is a newbie problem
but i want to implement the_flood equipment system
HERE: Equipment System, Version 2.2a

Since im using a hero selection system how do i set the heroes i want to?

As you can see in the image above it is set to paladin 10 <gen>
means that i need to click the unit in the trigger editor to set that unit to have the inventory system

in my hero selection system heroes are not place around the map so they cant be clicked to set it upin the trigger editor
until being picked and chosen (created/spawned via triggers)

how to set them up? if their are not placed in the map?

sorry for bad English not my native language

much help needed thanks +rep

Below i have attached a map which is the base map I'm starting(Single Player btw).
here is the system I'm planning to use

I just need to get this to work i have tried my best importing the basic stuff for the hero selection window system but still it doesn't work I'm really headache now what should i do
I also intended to lock the camera to the Hero which i have no idea how to do so.

-Get these two system to work together leaklessly
-Lock Camera to Player red hero

So if anybody willing to help me setup these base system i really thank u and will credit u in my map

All of you would probably laugh at me on how simple this is..damn i just cant figure it out x(


  • Foundation.w3x
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laruka Astanika


laruka Astanika

The media you linked seems to be set in private, meaning that no one else can see it :p

If you are posting triggers, just follow this tutorial to add them into your post.

Sir, i have fixed my album privacy..member can view it now

EDIT: for example in the hero selection system Im using is

Set HSS_HeroType = Paladin

then in the inventory system its

Set Hero[1] = Paladin 0010 <gen>

how can i merge this two systems to work

sorry really bad knowledge of triggering still learning
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2013
The screenshot you gave us to work with gives almost no information...

But the 2 variables you showed in your post aren't the same so that is probably part of your problem.
The first one is a Unit Type.
The second one is a Unit.

What needs to happen is when the hero selection system creates the player's hero you need to save it to a variable. For example, call it PickedHero[1] where 1 is referring to player 1, i.e. Red. Then in your Inventory system after the Hero Selection System has run, Set Hero[1] to PickedHero[1].

This is pretty much a guess though as I'm going off a tiny screenshot and 2 variables.

laruka Astanika


laruka Astanika

The screenshot you gave us to work with gives almost no information...

But the 2 variables you showed in your post aren't the same so that is probably part of your problem.
The first one is a Unit Type.
The second one is a Unit.

What needs to happen is when the hero selection system creates the player's hero you need to save it to a variable. For example, call it PickedHero[1] where 1 is referring to player 1, i.e. Red. Then in your Inventory system after the Hero Selection System has run, Set Hero[1] to PickedHero[1].

This is pretty much a guess though as I'm going off a tiny screenshot and 2 variables.

yeah that's my problem,thanks for your reply.

By the way how do i combine all this unit variable into one?
the other is unit variable the other is unit type

i have no idea how variable works all i know is its store data for later use
Level 13
Mar 24, 2013
You don't really want to combine those 2 variables they serve two different purposes.

The unit type variable refers to a general unit type, like Paladin versus Mountain King

The Unit variable refers to specific units, like Uther the Paladin, or Muradin the Mountain King.

Trying to be more clear -- pretend X's represent Paladins

The unit type of all the X's is Paladin but if we want to refer to the first X (i.e Paladin) in this row, you would use a unit variable because you're not trying to refer to a particular Paladin not the Paladin unit type in general.
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
The Equipment System trigger is going to need to become two triggers. One to initialize the system (whatever it is—I can't see much of your trigger) and one to initialize a hero that you'll run on command. Take whatever sets up the item system but doesn't involve heroes and put that into an Equipment System initialization trigger, and put all the hero stuff in a Hero Initialization trigger.

Make two new variables called EquipHero (type unit) and EquipPlayerId (type integer). In the part of hero init the trigger where you do things from 1 to 12 for all the heroes and you're presumably operating on Hero[(Integer A)] (couldn't see it in the screenshot, just guessing) you're instead gonna remove the loop entirely and do those things to Hero[EquipPlayerId]. Then make the top of the trigger look like this:
  • Equipment System Init Hero
    • Events
      • NONE
    • Conditions
      • NONE
    • Actions
      • Set EquipPlayerId = Player Id of (Owning Player of EquipHero)
      • Set Hero[EquipPlayerId] = EquipHero
Now as long as we set EquipHero first we can manually execute the trigger to register the hero for each player. So go to your hero selection trigger and right after you spawn the desired hero add these lines:
  • Set EquipHero = (Last created unit) <-- This is a guess, if you already have the new hero stored in a variable then set EquipHero equal to that instead
  • Trigger - Execute (Equipment System Init Hero) without checking conditions

laruka Astanika


laruka Astanika

I have sum up all my problems and simplified my post so i can be easily understood.

Sorry if this is a newbie problem
but i want to implement the_flood equipment system
HERE: Equipment System, Version 2.2a

Since im using a hero selection system how do i set the heroes i want to?

As you can see in the image above it is set to paladin 10 <gen>
means that i need to click the unit in the trigger editor to set that unit to have the inventory system

in my hero selection system heroes are not place around the map so they cant be clicked to set it upin the trigger editor
until being picked and chosen (created/spawned via triggers)

how to set them up? if their are not placed in the map?

sorry for bad English not my native language

much help needed thanks +rep

Below i have attached a map which is the base map I'm starting(Single Player btw).
here is the system I'm planning to use

I just need to get this to work i have tried my best importing the basic stuff for the hero selection window system but still it doesn't work I'm really headache now what should i do
I also intended to lock the camera to the Hero which i have no idea how to do so.

-Get these two system to work together leaklessly
-Lock Camera to Player red hero

So if anybody willing to help me setup these base system i really thank u and will credit u in my map

All of you would probably laugh at me on how simple this is..damn i just cant figure it out x(

Bump. Edited original post
Help needed thanks in advance
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