How 2 use abilities/commands with custom UI?

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TL;DR How do you order a unit to build a building, without actually placing it, with default UI hidden?
Problem not specific to my Sheep Tag remake map...

When I am using UI - Hide game UI for (All players) to hide the default UI so I can use my custom UI, I can not use attack, patrol, move, build farm, etc. commands/abilities that my sheep have. I've tried to make it so when you press the f hotkey it orders the currently selected unit to do as in this picture:
but it won't work. With the default UI visible, hotkeys & the ability buttons work, but I don't want to use the default UI...
I want to make my own buttons, hotkeys, menus, etc. to do everything. If I hide individual UI parts instead of everything at once there's still one big part (which I presume to be the Battle UI frame) on the bottom visible... gah. "Shows or hides the specified frame in the user interface. Only Blizzard maps are allowed to hide the Battle UI frame." It can be hidden if you hide everything at once though... which is what I want, but then you loose functionality for commands/abilities and I can't seem to make use of them through scripting at all. Only right-click smart command works.

Btw, I also found a glitch with the hide game UI function libNtve_gf_HideGameUI(true, PlayerGroupAll()); where if you use it inside an if condition or you use it in custom script with the first parameter as true, it screws everything up showing you this credits thing and making multiplayer menus invisible.


  • Sheep Tag - Build Farm.png
    Sheep Tag - Build Farm.png
    165.1 KB · Views: 460
  • Sheep Tag - Default UI.png
    Sheep Tag - Default UI.png
    30.2 KB · Views: 428
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I think that blizzard posted somewhere that they are going to do something about this (or maybe it was just "we are aware of that").

Is there anyway to at least blank out the textures for that bottom-half so it's all invisible? I'm going to keep making all of my custom UI. Will have to hide the bottom half portion until Blizzard fixes this or someone finds a work around I guess though :sadpanda:.
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