Hot Potato! 019

Hot Potato! This map is a mini-game made to be played by small even teams of people. The objective is to bounce the neutral projectile off your competitor's head and prevent the other team from doing so. Use your abilities to block them or give yourself an advantage and score as many points as possible. When the projectile hits the ground, the round is over. The game ends after the pre-defined number of rounds has ended!

This was made for a hive contest. Enjoy.

019: Initial Upload

mini-game, minigame, mini, game, fun, competitive

Hot Potato! 019 (Map)

07:13, 5th Jul 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
Pharaoh_'s judging
Cokemonkey11's Hot Potato

Concept: I didn't get the whole concept, I have to say, not the way to play with it, but the reason you picked a supposedly “hot” potato to reflect itself on the head of the footmen, instead of getting squashed. My point is, why would someone want to rescue a potato and keep it in the mid-air? I think you didn't achieve the fun aspect you tried to, since, for a funny name like this, I expected a hyperactive gameplay. It was boring to wait until the potato landed on your head, mainly because its speed was really low. Although it was different, it doesn't make it valueless, I in fact want to award you for taking the risk to make such a concept.

18 / 25

Enjoyability: It needed some higher action to accompany the gameplay. Trying to perceive and calculate where the potato will land was not really fascinating. It was practically perfect, but theoretically dry. I would also like to see extra potatoes bursting out, one more per round, each of them attached on a team (they could be presented with different color) and each team, if they had saved their potato in the air for enough of time, they could also start disabling the enemies, to let theirs drop. They could also use disables to the enemy team, until one of the allied players reached out their falling potato. That could enhance the team play and serve as an interactive status to the current one. I liked the idea, but what I want to say is that it needed some rework. I am sorry if I become offensive, but it looked like some coding showcase, than an actual game.

17 / 35

Going Green: You could import more stuff to the map; I don't get why you kept the file size that low. This reason had some impact on the aesthetics, which I will describe below. The map itself was rather big for the potential maximum time the potato can spend in the mid-air. For the system it hosts though, it has an unbelievably low size (positive).

10 / 20

Playability: Everything worked more than fine, great realism attached to the potato's movement, you could make something for the footmen too, to interact better with the potato, instead of using their flat movement.

19 / 20

Aesthetics: It must have been the flattest terrain.
a) You should change the footmen, enough of this model, you could use some villagers (custom ones), yielding some plates on the top of their heads that would let the potato more realistically knock off their heads.

b) You could change the potato to something else; throwing a potato on the head of somebody will most likely let it land on the ground and not perform surreal throw offs.

c) You could add some sound, like screaming to make a statement that the villagers desperately chase the potato (using the sounds attached on each of the villagers would a create a more realistic environment, hell I would love it). When the potato falls, you could make them “cry” (sound effect).

d) You could change the terrain to a village. This way, it could have some interactive role, e.g. certain obstacles (hay carts and other) that would prevent the villagers from saving the potato.

e) The swirling lightning, before the potato was “fired” and the human tower didn't make sense.

f) Finally, you should change the tinting color of the rock to a more red and green orientation, to make it look like a potato, if you persisted on keep the object's concept.

5 / 20

Total Score: 69 / 120
Level 7
Dec 29, 2008
Kobas, did you never play the game "hot potato" as a kid? The game where you toss an object around to other people while singing this silly song and when the song is over, the person who holds the object is brutally shoved into an oven and baked for an hour?
Kobas, did you never play the game "hot potato" as a kid? The game where you toss an object around to other people while singing this silly song and when the song is over, the person who holds the object is brutally shoved into an oven and baked for an hour?

hey yeah I playe-- WAI WHAT!??