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Hosting: The Solution

Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Joining games where the player trying to host them can't host? Did some 12 yr old just ban you 'cause your too 1337 for him? Well, my friend, hax is not the solution!

Learning how to host is!


Basic Hosting

Advanced Routers and Firewalls


Basic Hosting

For most users, hosting is quite simple. In fact, all you have to do for most routers is get your ip address (open the Command Prompt in Accessories and type in ipconfig, then press Enter (Vista), or (windows xp), find the Run program or the Command Prompt, but you may not have the Prompt. If you dont have the Command Prompt app, open up Run, and in the box type in cmd. Press Enter. The Command Prompt will appear. Again, type in ipconfig and press Enter. Your IP Address, along with various other related information, will be displayed shortly), type in the ip address in your web browser's (msn, firefox, internet explorer, etc) address bar (the place where you type in which website you want to go to >.>), and your router should appear. From here, find which section of your router contains the feature called 'Port Forwarding', 'Forward Ports', or anythign similar to that. Once in this area, it gets a bit more varied. Generally, what you must do is enter in the ports 6112 through to 6119. It should ask for a protocol for each. You'll need to make 2 sets; the first of 6112 through 6119 with the UDP protocol selected, the other with TCP selected.

In addition to this, you should start Warcraft III, go into 'Options', select 'Gameplay', and find the option that reads 'Game Port'. It should be noted at this time that if you have multiple computers connected to the same router, each computer will have to have a different port forwarded, which is the main reason why all 8 ports (6112 through 6119) are forwarded, granting access from up to 8 different computers on the one router. Make sure that each computer has all 8 forwarded, and each computer's Warcraft III has a different port selected in the 'Game Port' option, from 6112 through to 6119.

This should solve your problem for most users. If it does not, then you'll need to read my next section.

Advanced Routers and Firewalls

Now, if you're reading this, that means my Basic Hosting section didnt solve your hostless dilemma. Don't give up! This section is all about those with trickier routers and/or firewalls.

Now, you may have noticed that in my last section, firewalls were not mentioned. Well, that is because meddling with your COMPUTER's firewall and not your ROUTER's is usually not the issue; however, with older computers, this is often the cause. Open up the Control Panel in the Start Menu. Find the Security section. Open up your computer's firewall. Find the Exceptions tab. Once there, type in 6112 through 6119, much as you did with your router. Again, make 2 sections, one with UDP as the protocol, the other with TCP as the protocol. This fixes the majority of firewall hostage blocking.

There are some really odd routers out there, and I myself own a couple of strange ones. Some routers may ask you to enter a Port Range. If they do, simply enter 6112 as the start port, and 6119 as the end port. Once again, make 2 sets, one UDP, the other TCP. Some routers may already have a list of supported games. If so, simply select the game. Easy!...unless, of course, your firewall is blocking the ports, in which case, please see the above paragraph. Also, if you have just gotten a new computer (and your router allows you to do so), delete the forwarded ports for Warcraft III and then reforward them via the new computer.

Others may be a total mess (and yes, I have seen some pretty scary looking layouts for routers). If ever in doubt, please, dont rely on me, see the following section.


These are some helpful third-party tips for those my tutorial cannot help:

  • Call your ISP. Find out who made the router and who gives you your internet service and ask them for some troubleshooting advice

  • Some drivers that come with add-ons such as messengers, auto refreshers, and other apps or programs, may not allow you to host. If you have tried everything else here, including going to PortForward.Com (see below), this might be your answer. So, if you believe this could be the cause, the remedy would be to reinstall your OS. This varies depending on what type of OS you have (Mac, Windows, Linux, etc). If you ever have any doubts on what you are doing while trying to reinstall your OS, please, call your computer's manufacturer or consult its manual (TIP: Many manuals can be found online).

  • Visit portforward.com
    A Guide to PortForward.Com: Once at the home page, select the tab at the top of the screen that says 'Router List'. Find your router (TIP: You can usually find all yuor router's information on the back or sides). Next, select 'Warcraft III' from the list of games (NOTE: This can also be helpful for other games which you wish to forward the ports for). Follow the instructions to create your static ip address. Complete the rest of the process, and you're ready to start hostin'!

  • Credits: I would like to thank all those who helped me understand computer technologies such as this, especially WolfHouseProductions, Eleandor, Dr_Super_Good, and my grandfather, Larry (Yeah, we're Italian, wanna fight about it?).
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Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Simple solution, PortForward
It has (almost) every router type and has a good and quick tutorial.

Also it has a program to check if it's allright.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Well, I followed the specific instructions at portforwarding.com, as well as yours, I also opened the ports at my firewall (and eventually I just turned off the firewall to see if *that* helped) and I still can't host.

Modem/router model: SNA6600-18

Ironically, the PFPortChecker program downloaded from portforwarding.com *does* say my port is open. Yet, I can't host. Which leads me to the conclusion that there are other things that must be done other than forwarding ports to be able to host.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
As I stated in the tutorial, some computers, firewalls, and routers simply WILL NOT allow you to host. And, if all else fails, try searchign Google. Type in 'how to host with (router model). What I find strange is that PortForward.com didnt even solve your problem...odd. What's your computer's model and manufacturer, and its OS (Vista, XP, Mac). Or, you can try contacting the manufacturer of your router, or your ISP (the company that provides your internet access)
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Ok, I've found the solution, and maybe you should add it to the tutorial:

1. Start Warcraft III.
2. Click 'Options'.
3. Click 'Gameplay'.
4. Approximately half way down the screen you will see 'Game Port', this is the port that you will need to open in your firewall program.

For each computer on your network that has warcraft installed, you must change this "Game Port" into a different port. For example:
Computer 1 uses port 6112. Computer 2 uses port 6113.

In your router/firewall configuration, you should then open port 6112 for computer 1, etc.
Do not open a port range, e.g. from 6112 to 6119 for one computer, only use single ports, even if only one computer is attempting to host.

P.s. I don't think warcraft 3 uses the UDP protocol.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Hmmmm...interesting. You are the only person I know who's found this out. I'll add to the tutorial immediately, giving you credit and +rep!

EDIT: And yes, most computers/routers/firewalls require UDP as a protocol to forwarding these specific ports for Warcraft III. Very few people only need to forward TCP-only ports in order to play Warcraft III.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Some drivers prevent you from being able to host. Most noticable some of those which come with auto refresh programs and probably messangers and crap. I lost my ability to host once purly because I installed a driver needed for an auto refresher. Thus you may end up having to reinstall your OS if the above still does not help you host.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Dr_Super_Good is correct, usign a point I didnt think i needed to place in my tut...think I"ll put that in there ;) credit and +rep to Dr

EDIT: Come on, nobody's got anythign else to say about the tutorial?
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Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
No, what I meant is that I dislike how PL works but i still use it sometimes, not that I didnt like it it but would add it to the tut. Still, I think I should add it, as it did work for you. Perhaps it can help somneone else.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Ok, changing it after i get back from work. Should be changed in about 5 hours

EDIT: @ Ghost4942,

Wow, REALLLLYYY nice tutorial there, man. Hey, maybe I should give over my tutorial to you, as yours is clearly far superior to mine, and points people in the exact direction and gives them a step-by-step process to follow. Well done!

EDIT 2: Changes made
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Level 8
Oct 18, 2008

11 long days..well, they were actually normal length days, they just...oh, nevermind. Pyritie, can you just please review this?

Oh, and btw: Pyritie, does your name come from a phrase meaning fool's gold? As it does in the Dragonlance books?
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Well, my router worked after this, and so did several others. But, since you of course cant judge this by my word alone, I geuss I'll just have to survive ;). Btw, what model of router do you have? Did it only stop hostign after patch 1.24, or has it never been able to host?