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Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
Map Title: Homeworld V2.3c FIXED

Map Author: Kildare

Map Link:


Image File:

Game Type: Offense/Defense/Space Combat

Number of Players: 2-12

Story: Welcome to the epic space war of the Homeworld saga!

As the Hiigarans, your path to your homeworld of Hiigara has been blocked by the Imperial Taiidan Fleet. Eliminate them and embrace your destiny as you reclaim your homeworld!

As the Taiidan Empire, your sovereignty over the Galaxy is being threatened by the returning Exiles. Destroy them and your place in the Galaxy will be secure!

Description: Player 1(red) and 7(green) are motherships of their respective teams and have the ability to collect resources and build up a fleet. The rest of the team are single ships/squadrons which can either be an Interceptor, Bomber, Corvette, Frigate or a Battlecruiser. A proper description of this game concept is that it would somewhat resemble a mix of Warcraft and a space arcade game.


NOTE: Screenshots are taken from an older version of the map, where the tiles of the map have not been replaced with the current "space" tile, therefore causing the ships to look as if they were "cut" in half if their bodies extend below the ground level.
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Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
Mothership guy should have some more options as to which ships to build. Atm you could only build one offensive ship. Overall more options. After the resources starting pouring in, I just upgraded stuff and build the cruisers.

One thing that I found highly irratating was the fact that you can collide with your own ships and kill them. Controlling groups is almost impossible without getting atleast one of your ships killed (well they collide, so in fact two). I kept losing my ships as they bumbed into each other, very irratating. I lost my cool when I ordered about 7 of my ships to attack-move where there were enemy ships, and after my ships succesfully killed them, they all rammed into the same place and I lost all of my ships :p. You are propably going for realism, but imo this is really killing the gameplay. Pissed off people rarely have fun :).
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
Mothership guy should have some more options as to which ships to build. Atm you could only build one offensive ship. Overall more options. After the resources starting pouring in, I just upgraded stuff and build the cruisers.

Fear not for i am currently thinking of new ships.

One thing that I found highly irratating was the fact that you can collide with your own ships and kill them. Controlling groups is almost impossible without getting atleast one of your ships killed (well they collide, so in fact two). I kept losing my ships as they bumbed into each other, very irratating. I lost my cool when I ordered about 7 of my ships to attack-move where there were enemy ships, and after my ships succesfully killed them, they all rammed into the same place and I lost all of my ships :p. You are propably going for realism, but imo this is really killing the gameplay. Pissed off people rarely have fun :).

I'm trying to find a way to make the ships separate at the moment. Don't worry about it, i'll get it fixed. Worse come to worse i'll just make the ships stop damaging each other.
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
MAJOR version update!

Change log:

- Added Squadron system.
- Lowered Bomber Plasma and EMP damage.
- Reduced number of gunfire from Interceptor.
- Missile Cruisers, Interceptors, Bombers and Corvettes do not collide with own units.
- Fixed Turn rate for Cuisers and Mobile Refinery.
- Added Carriers, Destroyers and Flak Frigates to Mothership fleet.

NOTE: A bug was discovered and a hotfix was immediately created. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
I think you need more ship classes and such

Ships such as? I already ran out of ideas for new ships class as it is without making the map look ridiculous. I've already given Carriers, Destroyers, Flak Frigates and Missile Cruisers to the Mothership player. I think 5 ship classes should be enough to choose from for the others. -_-
Level 6
May 27, 2007
Looks very interesting.
How about
-Long range frigates
-some sort of EMP that pauses all units near it's attack (attack would be immensly slow, or it's an ability)
-anti-emp fighters (they arn't effected by emps)
-an infiltration frigate (trigger is messy, but I could make one for you)
-some style of tank ship

Tested the game offline;
It's alittle boring. Not alot of difference in ships, and you have alot of resources to work with. =[
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
Tested the game offline;
It's alittle boring. Not alot of difference in ships, and you have alot of resources to work with. =[

LOL, obviously an offline game would be boring because there's no one to shoot at. LOL. Plus there isn't any mothership players(if u were playing a non-mothership player) to make things even more chaotic.

Try not to give comments until after u tried it in Multiplayer because what u see in Singleplayer is only a fraction of what u can experience when played on multiplayer.

-Long range frigates

No, i won't allow any ships that have weapons that go beyond defense platforms' range.

-some sort of EMP that pauses all units near it's attack (attack would be immensly slow, or it's an ability)

That would be really imbalanced. Just use the lockdown(corvette) ability or the EMP Pulse item for the stun effect.

-anti-emp fighters

Interceptors are almost impossible to hit with emp. No need for anti-emp fighters.

-an infiltration frigate

Thought of that quite some time ago. Decided against it not just because of trigger issues, but because its quite pointless or it could prove to be imbalanced.

-some style of tank ship

You mean a ship that has super armor and defense? The battlecruiser is strong enough already, mind you, especially at full hp/armor upgrade.
Level 3
Apr 18, 2007
Are you having Marine Frigates? Those were my absolute favourite units in Homeworld; I hope you're not going to neglect them.
Level 3
Apr 18, 2007
Is there nothing to the effect of "When unit completes ability, change affiliation of afflicted unit?"
Level 6
May 27, 2007
That should work for infiltration frigate. Possibly leaks, but I should have removed the location/point leaks.

AttackerLocation = Point
AttAim = Point
AttDistance = Real

  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Hooligan (Battle Rifle) Buff
    • Actions
      • Wait 15.00 seconds
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • ((Casting unit) is alive) Equal to True
          • (unit being casted on) is alive) Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Set AttackerLocation = (Position of (Casting unit))
          • Set AttAim = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
          • Set AttDistance = ((Distance between AttackerLocation and AttAim) + 0.00)
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • AttDistance Less than or equal to 200.00
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Change ownership of (Targeted unit) to (Owner of (Casting unit)) and Retain color
            • Else - Actions
        • Else - Actions
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_AttackerLocation)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_AttAim)
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
WindexGlow: Two reasons why I WILL not use your ability.

1) An infiltration skill will only work for Mothership created ships. Because non-mothership ships are affected by a Hero Revival trigger, not to mention the Squadron System trigger. It is pointless for a Mothership player to infiltrate other mothership player's ships because the infiltration ship will get targeted quickly and it would be less costly to get the ships themselves anyway. Not to mention the imbalance it can cause(imagine i spam NOTHING but infiltration ships).
2) If you're asking me to make this a non-mothership player ship, i cannot allow any of the ship classes to have "targeting" skills. If you noticed, all the ship classes' abilities are non-targeting. As in you need to "Aim".

Scyth-Master: Instead of telling me "In Your Face", you should type out a full description inclusive of 5 UNIQUE abilities that are not found in the other ship classes. I'm not going to make a new ship whose 3 quarter of abilities are already found in the previous ships.

And i've mentioned this before, i can't make anymore new ships because if i do so, i will need to import MORE ship models, and MORE ship models means BIGGER file size. It's already large enough as it is.

If you're talking about a Mothership created ship, then i can't do that for you. If you've forgotten, FIGHTER class ships are supposed to fly around, not stand static and shooting other ships like Capital Ships do. Therefore, unless this is a Capital Ship, i cannot give it a Pillage ability.

Think about what you're asking for instead of coming in babbling nonsense without knowing what's involved.
Level 3
Apr 18, 2007
Nothing is unbalanced if everyone has access to it.

Meaning: If both teams have access to Infiltrator/Marine frigates, then there is no imbalance, because what one player can do is matched by what another player can do. As a support vessel, the Marine frigate works - an entire fleet of them, on the other hand, wouldn't. Lightly armed and armoured, as in Homeworld itself, they don't hold out well under fire - but if they do their work while the other ships are getting shot at, they do their job.

I'm not going to try and force you to change your map, I'm just pointing out what I see as a fallacy in one of your reasons.
Level 6
May 27, 2007
Perhaps use alittle creativity with your ships? You can re-use ships, just add new colors+resize.

And shouldn't the capital ships turn slower? They move 1mph but turn at 50mph.. XD
i cannot allow any of the ship classes to have "targeting" skills. If you noticed, all the ship classes' abilities are non-targeting.

Because the original homeworld didn't have any player-activated abilities, didn't they?
Isn't this supposed to be like the original/new homeworld?
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
And shouldn't the capital ships turn slower? They move 1mph but turn at 50mph..

Actually, they are supposed to turn at 0.01 rate. But the triggers "miss" them. Nvm, i got a better way now that i just remembered i can use the shift key to break past the 0.10 minimum limit barrier.

Because the original homeworld didn't have any player-activated abilities, didn't they?
Isn't this supposed to be like the original/new homeworld?

If this was COMPLETELY like the original homeworld, then it would be 3D and each player will be an entire fleet in itself. Unfortunately i can only duplicate that much, else you might as well play the original game itself. The concept of this game is really the "arcade" like combat of the various ships, as in you need to aim and shoot. I used the Homeworld story just because i happen to like Homeworld, and the Homeworld theme suits, too.

Meaning: If both teams have access to Infiltrator/Marine frigates, then there is no imbalance, because what one player can do is matched by what another player can do. As a support vessel, the Marine frigate works - an entire fleet of them, on the other hand, wouldn't. Lightly armed and armoured, as in Homeworld itself, they don't hold out well under fire - but if they do their work while the other ships are getting shot at, they do their job.

Sigh....alright, if you guys really insist on having a Marine Frigate, then i'll try and attempt to make one for you guys. No promises though. If it turns out to be buggy or imbalanced, i WILL remove it.

*grumbles about all the trouble i have to go through to make the new ship* XD
Level 6
May 27, 2007
$50 says he can't make the trigger/messes up horribly.

And you realize that you can balance things? If it's overpowered, increase the time it takes to control a ship, or decrease the infiltrators armor/hp.

And you can type numbers into the turn rate boxes (only in triggers) You realize that, right?
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
$50 says he can't make the trigger/messes up horribly.

$50 says I already made the triggers. :p NOW HAND IT OVER! XD

And you can type numbers into the turn rate boxes (only in triggers) You realize that, right?

Uhh...obviously? You don't type alphabets in it, do you? @@

And you realize that you can balance things? If it's overpowered, increase the time it takes to control a ship, or decrease the infiltrators armor/hp.

It's ok, i just made a limit to the number of Infiltrators you can build. So this should prevent any spamming of those ships.

EDIT: Version update! It will be awhile till the next update...if any.

Change Log:

- Fixed platform collision movement.
- Added Turanic Raiders.
- Fixed Item slowing effect.
- Removed ship "projectile/targeting" damage.
- Added Infiltration Frigate.
- Fixed Revive Locations.
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
VERSION UPDATE AGAIN! Sorry, i did mention it would be awhile b4 the next update, but someone did brought up an important matter regarding that i just had to fix. XD

Change log:

- Changed Interceptor model.
- Changed Frigate's Heavy Missile to Assault Drones.
- Modified Bomber's initial damage.
- Imported "Space" tiles.
- Changed Tactical Nuke effect model.
- Changed Lockdown to a "Stun" effect so target can be damaged.
- Changed EMP Pulse Cannon to Ion Pulse Cannon.
- Added EMP Shockwave to Bomber.
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
Finally after a long period of inactivity, a new version of Homeworld has finally been released, with 5 new playable classes!

Change log:

- Added Mover class
- Added Prowler Class
- Added Star Array Class
- Added Super Acolyte Class
- Added Heavy Transport Class
- Enabled respawning of loss squadron members
- Restructuring of weapon hotkeys
- Enlarged camera view
- Removed SC sound rips
- Added stats bonus as gainable skill
- All ship classes retain previous class' exp

EDIT: Hotfix added. There were a few bugs and changes.
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