hoihoi8s Custom Hero Survival v1.21

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There are lots of hacked versions on battle.net. Make sure you get the latest version from here.

Special thanks to Airandius from the HiveWorkShop.com forums for converting the load screen to a smaller size.

for older versions, visit http://www.nibbits.com/wc3/maps/

- All Minor Skills Upgrade To Level 20-
- All Ultimate Skills Upgrade To Level 3-
- Players Will Receive 300 Gold and 200 Lumber Between Each Wave.
- All Players Have 7 Skill Slots So Choose Wisely.
- Original Map By Briza187, fsmc07a, CDRbaby
- Based off Custom Hero Survival 8.0

fixes for 1.21 2/10/08
- Nerubian Seer no longer has melee damage upgrade
- text fixed for skills command: Rain of Chaos and Essance of Blight work properly.
- you can get Rain of Choas on random now.
- You can no longer get chemical rage on random which causes a crash
- Health potion cost reduced. Mana poition cost reduced. All potions contain 4 charges.
- New Items: Helm of Valor, Hood of Cunning, Medallion of Courage
- only 1 dood man final boss spawns no matter how many players. His stats were boosted slightly. Game ends when he dies or timer runs out.
- Spells added to enemies
- Most spells have mana cost increased to minimum of 50 at higher levels
- Summon Hawk lvls 1-9 spawn a hawk that does damage
- Item: Spell shield removed from Heart of the Wizard Lord Zy
- Added feature: Random hero
- Spirit Walker lost Corporeal Form ability
- non-melee heros have range modified. In general, chaos range heroes have range of 550, normal & hero type 600, and all others 650


MY FAVORITE BUILDS: (note-I usually buy a skill up to lvl 20 before getting the next skill)

Build Name: Lightning Shield Fun
Hero: Str Hero (seige Panda has most HP)
Items: Items: 6 Dark Elven Guantlets
Items Late: 6 Arthus Armor
Tomes: All STR
Skills in order bought: Finger of Death lvl 1, Lightning Shield, War Stomp, Holy Light, Divine Shield, Drunken Haze, Unholy Aura, Finger of Death

Build Name: Summoner
Hero: Ranged Agility Hero
Items: 1 Striker Star (for aura), 4 Arthus Armor, 1 Tri-Mage's Orb of DragonKind
Tomes: All Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Lava Spawn, Phoenix, Infernal, Tranquility, Summon Hawk, Avatar of Vengence, Doom

Build Name: Critical Striker
Hero: Melee agility hero
Items mid game: Anhk, Mask of Death, 2 Agility Sword, rest gloves of haste
Items late game: 1 Tentacle Whip, 5 ultimate cleavers
Tomes: Most AGI, some Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Melee Aura, Drunken Brawler, Holy Light, Cleave, Critical Strike, Roar, Reincarnation, Reincarnation

Build Name: AOE Paladin
Hero: Melee Strength Hero. I like Earth Panda, since he gets more STR overall
Items mid game: Anhk, 5 Dark Elven Guantlets
Items late game: 1 Silencer, 5 Arthus Armors
Tomes: All STR
Skills in order bought: Blizzard, Divine Shield, Holy Light, War Stomp, Rain of Fire, Evasion, Reincarnation

Build Name: Exploding Melee
Hero: Melee agility hero
Items mid game: maybe an Agility Sword
Items late game: 1 Silencer, 5 Tentacle Whip
Tomes: Mostly AGI, some Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Melee Aura, Vampiric Aura, Incinerate, Cleave, Holy Light, Pulverize, Critical Strike

Build Name: Heavy Damage Caster
Hero: Melee intelligence hero
Items game: 6 Heart of the Wizard Lord Zy
Tomes: All INT
Skills in order bought: Shockwave, War Stomp, Mana Shield, Fan of Knives, Thunder Clap, Carrion Swarm, Immolation

More builds to come


V1.00 10/30/08
-All spells rebalanced. In general AOE was nerfed, single target buffed.
-New spells added: Resurrection, Shockwave, Inferno, Cluster Rockets, Soul Burn

fixes for V1.01 11/02/08
-All spells: Most spells rebalanced. Instant win spells nerfed. Underpowered and underused spells buffed
-Fixes: resurrection works properly
-New spell: defend, pulverize
-Removed spell: battle roar
-New individual bosses after group bosses. Have a single target spell ready.
-Almost all tool tips updated and are more helpful
-The hard chaos enemies can't spawn in rounds 1-3
-Final level summons received chaos damage

Fixes for V1.02 11/04/08
-More spell and skill balancing
-Spell added: Dispel Magic
-More enemy types. Went from 33 to over 100
-Ness can use barrage now
-Force of Nature - since there are only 4 trees in arena, final level summons 4 trees. Thorns aura added
-Carion Beetles - skeletal mages removed from final level

Fixes for V1.03 11/12/08
-More spell balance
-Spells added: Feedback, Ensnare, Raise Dead, Envenomed Spears
-Removed repick cheats
-Changes a few hero models

Fixes for V1.04 11/14/08
-More spell balance
-Number is units between levels is based off of round number instead of hero level
-Firebolt removed from Salamanders
-Spells Added - Rejuvenation
-16 more enemy units added
-Item: Tri-Mage's Orb of DragonKind - Frost Wurm attack and defense now updrade with creeps, attack speed increased, attack increased, HP increased
-Tooltips now include ability incompatabilities

Fixes for V1.05 11/18/08
-More spell balance
-Spell Added - Charm (Note: On a rare occasion, if you charm the final enemy of the wave, you may have to kill him to trigger the round over.)
-All showroom heroes are now level 10
-Number of skills is really capped at 7 now. You can no longer buy passive skills and have them work if you already have 7 skills.
-Resurrenction and Infernal give back the right ammount of wood when retrained
-jumbled text fixed

Fixes for V1.05a 11/18/08
-added more conditions to the round ending code. Shouldn't get stuck anymore.

Fixes for V1.06 11/19/20
-Bugs Fixed: Charm (and all the bugs it caused like getting stuck after a round)
-Spell added: Roar
-Regular summoned units now get small attack upgrades. (less than half of enemy and ultimate summons)

Fixed for 1.07 11/20/08
-Spell Balance
-Spell added: Faerie Fire
-Bugs Fixed: fixed a bug where skills wouldn't level up if you had 7 skills
-All enemy units have at least 200 mana. Some spells added to enemies.
-Bug fixes: Frost armor now autocasts.

Fixes for 1.08 11/21/08
-spells progression evened out some
-Spell Added: Pocket Factory
-enemies between rounds removed except for bosses
-all boss except giant wolf have spell shield
-spell immunity removed from rock golem and war golem. Now have spell shield
-added attack sfx to heros without them

Fixes for 1.08a 11/21/08
-Hydra can not spawn randomly before lvl 40

Fixes for 1.09 11/22/08
-Death Coil fixed
-Avatar of Vengence Fixed
-Spells Added: Acid Bomb
-Siege Heroes got additional primary stat bonuses
-XP gained by heroes upped by 5%
-Enemy damage increases decreased slightly

Fixes for 1.10 11/23/08
-difficulty slightly decreased: Enemies only upgrade once at 15 instead of twice. XP gained increased slightly.
-upgrade for enemy attack speed accidently was 10x the correct ammount. Attack speed now only goes up 20% per upgrade instead of 200%
-Vampiric Aura now works on all enemies

Fixes for 1.10a 11/23/08
-Vampiric Aura fixed

Fixes for 1.11
-Difficulty increased, last version was to easy
-Spells nerfed: banish, divine shield, Stomp
-Spells buffed: wind walk
-Consumable items and starter items repriced. Tome of Knowledge added.
-All bugs with retrain should be FIXED

Fixes for 1.12 11/24/08
-Magic attack removed from all enemies
-Spells added to enemies
-Spells nerfed: Mana shield, spiked carpace, thorns aura
-Spells buffed: Barrage
-Tome price raised 10%

Fixes for 1.12a 11/25/08
-Players 2-12 tp back to the shop area after rounds

Fixes for 1.13 12/07/08
-Spell rebalance
-Spells fixed: Healing Wave now heals targets past 1st target.
-War Stomp, Fan of Knives, and Thunder Clap now all effect mechanical enemies
-Major overhaul of damage system. Enemies now only gain 6 armor per tier instead of 50. Enemy HP increased per tier. Melee enemies gained a Melee Evasion skill so they aren't pushovers.
-Life steal percentages dropped to accomodate more damage being dealt per hit due to lower armor.
-Agility Heros: Agility per level decreased. Str per level increased. Attack speed per agi point decreased. Armor per agi point decreased.
-Str Heroes: HP regen per str slightly increased. Agi per level increased.
-Seige enemies: splash damage removed. Minimum attack range removed.

Fixes for 1.14 12/10/08
- Heroes that are undead are now tagged Undead. Use Death Coil as a heal spell instead of Holy Light. Both these spells work correctly now.
- good riddens transmutate. We have to wait no more.
- New Spells: Devour Magic, Lightning Shield

Fixes for 1.15 12/19/08
- more spell balance
- Howl of Terror stats fixed
- New items and some item re balance
- XP gained increased slightly
- Melee evasion slightly decreased
- All enemies have 1500 mana to make Mana Burn and Feedback useful spells
- more Incompatibilities added to spells
- Incinerate tooltip fixed.

Fixes for 1.16 12/21/08
- Due to popular request Evasion removed from all enemies. Enemy HP adjusted to compensate.
- New scoring system.
- 2nd through 12th now receive some gold depending on your place finished.

Fixes for 1.16a
- Scoring for 6 through 12 now works correctly
- Impale stun reduced to 5

Fixes for 1.17
- Spells Added: Spirit Link, Bloodlust, Hardened Skin, Invisibility, Disease Cloud, Steal Spell, Pillage, Elune's Grace
- Spell balanced: lower levels of blink nerfed, AOE of Devour Magic made smaller, Stun of Infernal reduced, Pulverize buffed, final level Treant had HP increased, Berserk damage taken increased, Life Drain and Mana Siphon buffed
- Only 1 of final boss summons, regardless of number of players. Final Boss slightly easier.
- XP gained slightly increased
- Mana of Faceless One Terror reduced
- attack range of Maiden of Pain and Fel Orc Kodo reduced
- Bosses between rounds now have a 5 second spawn delay
- All Heros have the same animation length (set them all equal to just below Demon Hunters default)
- New terrain in bottom right corner of the arena's. No more teleporting pads.

Fixes for 1.18
- NEW: Random spell option! If you choose random spells you get 300 extra gold per round.
- More Spell balance
- New Spells: Firebolt, Cloud, Web
- Range and melee enemies now have seperate damage upgrades. Melee now does more damage per upgrade. Collision size of melee creeps increased and set back to default.
- Several enemies received fortified armor
- Final Dood Man boss and attack cut in 1/2. Hp reduced 25%.
- A few heroes got Fortified armor. A few get increased stats, but get heavy armor.
- Elune's Grace bug fixed. Hero attacks now deal 100% damage instead of 0%

Fixes for 1.19a
- The game doesn't end before the final boss

Fixes for 1.19
- Charm buff - Charmed units now give gold and xp in addition to being charmed
- Spells added: Stasis Trap, Essense of Blight
- More spell balance
- 40 damage per second added to earthquake.
- When picking random spells, melee heroes can't get Frost Arrows, Trueshot, or barrage. Range heroes can not get Melee Aura, Cleave, or Vampiric Aura, pulverize
- Doom guard summon's attack upgrades now
- Mirror image bug where all enemy units would explode should be fixed
- Game ends properly if you survive the final boss, but do not defeat him.
- Load screen added and preview screen to match
- New command: -skills <player number>. For example to see player 1's skills type -skills 1

Fixes for 1.20
- Locust swarm tooltip fixed
- Spell balance: Animate Dead nerfed, Stampede AOE reduced, bash buffed, Siphon Mana buffed, Heal buffed, Voodoo now makes caster invulnerable also (length nerfed),
earthquake slightly buffed, Fighter's Fury buffed, healing wave buffed, Wind Walk damage buffed, dark ritual buffed, death coil buffed, orb of annihilation buffed, treant HP buffed, Searing Arrows buffed, Charm buffed, Life drain buffed, Disease cloud buffed, Elune's Grace buffed, Pulverize buffed, essance of blight buffed, Drunken Haze nerfed, Finger of Death buffed, Tornado buffed & no longer channelling,
Cloud nerfed,
- Melee heroes can't get Orb of Annihilation, Black Arrows or Searing Arrows on random
- No hero can get Dark Ritual or Death Pact on random
- Draenei Seer enemy replaced by Furbolg Ursa Warrior
- Range enemy attack slightly decreased
- New Item: Arthus Armor
- small thorns aura added to Plague Treant
- Hopfully the gold specs all over the ground that cause lag have been removed
- These single target and utility spells now only cost 75 wood per level: Firebolt, web, slow, fairie fire, curse, spell steal, entangling roots, hex, ensnare, shadow strike, storm bolt, sleep, dispell magic, devour magic, mana burn
- Skills command now gives the spell level and says "(random)" if the player chose random
- Removed disabled triggers from the map to save space
- INT heroes with lower HP got increased INT progression
- New Spell: Rain of Choas
-Banshee and Lobster hero switched out
-All enemies now have 0% hp regen

Upcoming for V1.22
-More map balance
-Your ideas and balance issues!

Custom hero survival

hoihoi8s Custom Hero Survival v1.21 (Map)

08:54, 3rd Feb 2009 MasterHaosis: Approved. I like your huge map description. Huge to read, but useful. Map is nice and fun, lot of Hero skills, more balanced than in previous version. Good job.




08:54, 3rd Feb 2009
MasterHaosis: Approved. I like your huge map description. Huge to read, but useful. Map is nice and fun, lot of Hero skills, more balanced than in previous version. Good job.
Level 1
Aug 23, 2007
please put the appropriate credits for the original creators or this will be acknowledged as a major ripoff since you also put your name infront of the map
Level 1
Nov 25, 2008
Nice Work on the map so far, but you should consider buffing the summons, they are not useful at all past lvl 10 and even a summoner build with supporting skills or auras won't help them.

Some other issues:

- weapons shouldn't have critical, because it diminishes the use of the skill
- passives and auras in general are too good throughout the whole game
- int & str heros are too weak compared to agi, because of armor and atk.speed
- it would nice to see some sort of team-mode (2v2v2v2v2)

Ok i think thats it for now, just keep updating the map, you've done a fantastic job so far.
Level 1
Dec 11, 2008
Hii.. i played your map and it was great. But i found 1 error that the stats skills gives 50stats bonus rather than giving 60stats bonus.. can you correct it??:thumbs_up:
Level 1
Dec 23, 2008
First of all let me say that I really like this map, and what I'm about to say is based on like the 20+ times I've played it (version 1.15).

Anyway, here is a list of thing I think need balancing, starting with the most general:

-Summons are currently way too strong. You can simply get 4 summon skill (doesn't matter which) and 3 auras and completely dominate everything but the last boss without even trying. I get that you try to scale them by giving them armor/damage as the game progresses, but it is just too much and they can just be re-summoned when they die. The best way to balance this to add some kind of aoe/cleave to certain enemies so the summoner player actually has to think (or get a heal like chain heal or healing spray).

-Low level spells are useless. At level 1 most spells aside from certain auras do absolutely nothing and cost large amounts of mana (eg. Wind Walk lasts for 0 seconds, inner fire lasts 5 seconds and gives +1% damage). Currently the only useful way to level skills is to get one to level 20 before getting the next. This lowers the amount of options you have early. It would be more fun if you could balance several low level skills early to do well. Also, mana cost shouldn't decrease every level. Most level 20 spells cost like 20 mana which is pretty much free and makes mana pointless to get.

-Heroes are completely unbalanced. "Normal" is clearly the best damage type as it does extra damage to medium, but gets no damage penalties. Heroes with siege damage that rely on physical attacks get totally screwed on levels they are weak against. Also, heroes with higher base attack speed scale much better with level than those with lower attack. Some heroes just have terrible stats (compare the sleepless one to the demon hunter). I think the only way to balance this is to make everyone do chaos damage and have the same base attack and average stat growth. I know it makes heroes too similar, but currently there is no point in picking most of the heroes.

-Certain spells are useless, while others are too cheap. Why would anyone use healing spray or tranquility? Whats the point of curse, slow, frost arrows, etc? On the cheap side there is: summons, animate dead, wind walk / divine shield (if you have both, you can't lose), heals (holy light/rejouv), melee aura /trueshot (are better than all other damage bonuses. Compare 150% melee aura to roar which adds the same amount but has to be cast and can be dispelled). I haven't tried every single skill combination, but just by looking at the skills it is obvious which will be completely useless (look at starfall/ground spikes/volcano which do pretty much nothing past lev 10).

-Certain mobs are much stronger than other. If you randomly get a ranged enemy that deal chaos damage, and you're a melee that depends on life leech to survive, you are almost guaranteed to die against chaos kodos (unless you have the cheap wind walk/divine shield combo)

-There are a lot more things I can add, but I shouldn't waste any more of your time. For a last point, I don't understand why bosses appear outside of your box. There is a time limit in which you have to kill them, and certain builds just can't do it. Also, the last boss can't be beat by any build within 2 min (you can do well with bash, but you do too little damage to win in time).

Anyway, keep up the good work since I really like this map.
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
tried out one of your builds up top (exploding melee), it seems as though incinerate stops the effect of cleave.
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
it would be better if you gave a little more time before the bosses pop in the center. right after you finish round 9, the bosses pop out and you arent even healed yet and this makes it really easy to die even if you can beat the boss. also when they pop out so early, they all aim fo red becasue he is the first one there so that is kinda messed up.

also when the bosses are done too your skills dont refresh, so you to heal everyone and refresh all the skills because that wolf is hard too

there are too many useless spells: like earthquake which does 0 damage, blink, ensnare, dispel magic when there is devour magic.....

also lots of skills need to be rebalanced, thunder clap does less damage than war stomp and war stomp stuns the creeps. maybe it needs to be switched around.
forked lightning does 530 damage and hits 11 units when chain lightning does 1000 damage and hits 11 units too it should be a little more even.

death pact and dark ritual need to apply to all units becuase there arent that many undead summons

cluster rockets says it does 160 damage......

maybe u could make roar work with divine shield on or something too
thanks great game
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
it would be better if you gave a little more time before the bosses pop in the center. right after you finish round 9, the bosses pop out and you arent even healed yet and this makes it really easy to die even if you can beat the boss. also when they pop out so early, they all aim fo red becasue he is the first one there so that is kinda messed up.

also when the bosses are done too your skills dont refresh, so you to heal everyone and refresh all the skills because that wolf is hard too
I'll look into that one.
there are too many useless spells: like earthquake which does 0 damage, blink, ensnare, dispel magic when there is devour magic.....
No reason to take away options. Use earthquake when you cast a bunch of range summons vs melee units. The earthquake will slow the melee enemies while your ranged units attack them. Blink is great.. just blink up onto the ledge and you are invicible vs melee units. Ensnare is great early and vs boss if you are ranged vs melee. Just ensnare them and fire from a distance (you can always retrain when it's useless later). Dispell Magic does double damage to summons, so you only need to use it once vs some enemies. Every spell has a niche.
also lots of skills need to be rebalanced, thunder clap does less damage than war stomp and war stomp stuns the creeps. maybe it needs to be switched around.
forked lightning does 530 damage and hits 11 units when chain lightning does 1000 damage and hits 11 units too it should be a little more even.
Thunder clap has half the cool down as war stomp. It's very useful. Chain lightning does 15% less damage to each target. It's pretty even once you do the math.

death pact and dark ritual need to apply to all units becuase there arent that many undead summons
Good idea

cluster rockets says it does 160 damage......
doesn't it say per rocket?

maybe u could make roar work with divine shield on or something too
thanks great game
I'll look into all your suggestions. Thanks!
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
so i stil l think earthquake and tornado should do some damage maybe like 100 damage per second or something

when you blink onto the ledge itll teleport you back down and you can blink back up but what is the point in leveling it up past like level 3. itll be cooled down before u are teleported down. other than manacost theres no real reason so maybe add some effect to blink.
also when you are on the ledge and the round is over. you will teleport back to town and then you will teleport back into the arena place.

the rockets do 640 damage or something like that so you should just put that because 24x160 isnt 640 its like 3000. and it doesnt depend on how many rockets hit you becasue everyone in the aoe gets hurt 640 about. i dont think the rockets stun them for 3 seconds either. its more like 1.5 seconds
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
how come some games that are completely remade from the origonal map, almost to point where it barely resembles it are rejected for "being stolen" when maps like this one are still allowed?

I've seen 20 different versions of this very same map and they're all almost exactly the same and poorly made.

Change the terrain, throw in some sort of sense of balance, heck, just make your own map instead of barely editing someone elses.

it's just bad, ANGER!
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
how come some games that are completely remade from the origonal map, almost to point where it barely resembles it are rejected for "being stolen" when maps like this one are still allowed?

I've seen 20 different versions of this very same map and they're all almost exactly the same and poorly made.

Change the terrain, throw in some sort of sense of balance, heck, just make your own map instead of barely editing someone elses.

it's just bad, ANGER!

Hi, this was and is my favorite map. Since I used to play 8.0 all the time online and in single player, I don't want it to change much. The goal is no cheats, no bugs, tons more balance and spells. Also, just because the terrain didn't change, doesn't mean I haven't put a ton of time into updating this. Since I am a programmer, I have changed alot of the Jass code behind the scenes.

If you don't like what I'm doing, feel free not to play the map, but at this point it has been hosted well over 2000 times this month according to map gnome. I am glad it is being enjoyed by other people.
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
so i stil l think earthquake and tornado should do some damage maybe like 100 damage per second or something

when you blink onto the ledge itll teleport you back down and you can blink back up but what is the point in leveling it up past like level 3. itll be cooled down before u are teleported down. other than manacost theres no real reason so maybe add some effect to blink.
also when you are on the ledge and the round is over. you will teleport back to town and then you will teleport back into the arena place.

the rockets do 640 damage or something like that so you should just put that because 24x160 isnt 640 its like 3000. and it doesnt depend on how many rockets hit you becasue everyone in the aoe gets hurt 640 about. i dont think the rockets stun them for 3 seconds either. its more like 1.5 seconds

Hi, I actually tried to add damage to earthquake, tornado, and cyclone (never added it because of no damage) a while back, but it isn't supports in the world builder. Perhaps I could make a custom spell. I'll give it a shot one of these days.

Cluster rockets is a bit of a mystery for me. All the numbers in the description are pulling the data directly from the CS data (e.g. Bombards an area with <ANcs,DataC1> rockets that deal <ANcs,DataA1> damage, and stunning them for <ANcs,Dur1> second. ).
Level 1
Dec 25, 2008
how to revive if i dead? i cant repick after i die like previous version...
Last edited:
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
is lvl 40 the last level?

it doesn't seem like it should be, but when i kill the boss just after lvl 40 (dude man?) it says you win the game. If i ignore him and wait for the time to expire to start round 41, after I finish the round it says "you lost".
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
i think that the level 40 boss winning or losing the map is a bug because ive passed him far in other versions. the map still goes on.
and i think that boss is way overpowerd
when you reach that boss with like 3 or 4 people they all die everytime becasue they dont have the skills to beat him. everyone dies in like 5 seconds anyways. i only play on hell and i divine shield and run away becasue thers no way to kill like 4 of them. i think he needs to be weakened a bit or make it so that only 1 of him comes out.
if he was meant to be the last boss, then if you wait for the timer to go out, it shouldnt take you to another level and then show defeat after you beat that level

also roar is bugged something is wrong with it. everytime i get it, it doesnt work for some reason. if i play on single player and then try it right in the beginning, it does work. ive tested it and i dont think its becasue it doesnt work with a certain skill or anything like that. im not sure what it is exactly though. for some reason though everytime i play i get that skill last and it never seems to work for me

also there is something wrong with repick. i think you should take it out or only allow it right in the beginning beucase if you do it after youve gotten some spells, you cant get 7 spells anymore. You shouldnt be able to do that after lvl 1 anyways
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
the only way i've managed to kill the lvl 40 boss was in single player with an agi hero with a ton of attack speed and the passive stunning skill.

also, roar doesn't work if you have a silencer (immune to magic), since you're getting it late in the game, this might be why.
Level 1
Dec 29, 2008
plz remove the bug from lv 41 boss ^^''
30k dmg live ??? vamp aura Oo plz fix this, need more levels =)
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
shallow ur genius that might be why ill test that later.
umm i can kill the lvl 41 boss playing alone too but it takes a long time. But if you play wiht more people and u all reach lvl 41, its impossible. i cant htink of any way a group of 2+ people can beat that level.
you should still give a little time and a warning before the bosses come out instead of having them just pop out of nowhere.
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
I've seen some great games denied of approval for not even half the amount of ripoff as this one is, also I did not see the original maker post in this thread, though I may be going about it the wrong way this map still should not be approved. Simply taking someone else's map and changing the triggers around is not enough, hell it still even uses the same terrain.

There's a lot of things that make it so this game shouldn't be approved, but here's a pretty good one.

If you edit an open source map, any edited versions must remain open source, unless you have permission otherwise from the author.

and don't tell me it isn't open source, I have an unprotected v myself, and this one is barely any different.
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
Nice Work on the map so far, but you should consider buffing the summons, they are not useful at all past lvl 10 and even a summoner build with supporting skills or auras won't help them.

Some other issues:

- weapons shouldn't have critical, because it diminishes the use of the skill
- passives and auras in general are too good throughout the whole game
- int & str heros are too weak compared to agi, because of armor and atk.speed
- it would nice to see some sort of team-mode (2v2v2v2v2)

Ok i think thats it for now, just keep updating the map, you've done a fantastic job so far.

- weapons don't have crit anymore
- continuing to balance all spells and nerf cheap spells
- int & strength heroes should be more effective. Many of the new spells help STR and INT heroes.
- Team mode would be sweet. Maybe someday.

Thanks for the feedback
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
First of all let me say that I really like this map, and what I'm about to say is based on like the 20+ times I've played it (version 1.15).

Anyway, here is a list of thing I think need balancing, starting with the most general:

-Summons are currently way too strong. You can simply get 4 summon skill (doesn't matter which) and 3 auras and completely dominate everything but the last boss without even trying. I get that you try to scale them by giving them armor/damage as the game progresses, but it is just too much and they can just be re-summoned when they die. The best way to balance this to add some kind of aoe/cleave to certain enemies so the summoner player actually has to think (or get a heal like chain heal or healing spray).
summons have been balanced. If they still need work I can address the new issues. For example, Pheonix was pretty cheap, so only 5 spawn instead of 6.
-Heroes are completely unbalanced. "Normal" is clearly the best damage type as it does extra damage to medium, but gets no damage penalties. Heroes with siege damage that rely on physical attacks get totally screwed on levels they are weak against. Also, heroes with higher base attack speed scale much better with level than those with lower attack. Some heroes just have terrible stats (compare the sleepless one to the demon hunter). I think the only way to balance this is to make everyone do chaos damage and have the same base attack and average stat growth. I know it makes heroes too similar, but currently there is no point in picking most of the heroes.
A few enemies have been given Fortified armor. This will mix it up a bit and give siege heroes some good rounds.

I went the other way. I changed some armor types on heroes. Heroes with siege damage and non hero armor have higher overall attributes. Also, all heroes now have the same exact attack animation time. Before, some heroes could never attack fast due to their long attack animation.
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
i think that the level 40 boss winning or losing the map is a bug because ive passed him far in other versions. the map still goes on.
and i think that boss is way overpowerd
when you reach that boss with like 3 or 4 people they all die everytime becasue they dont have the skills to beat him. everyone dies in like 5 seconds anyways. i only play on hell and i divine shield and run away becasue thers no way to kill like 4 of them. i think he needs to be weakened a bit or make it so that only 1 of him comes out.
if he was meant to be the last boss, then if you wait for the timer to go out, it shouldnt take you to another level and then show defeat after you beat that level

also roar is bugged something is wrong with it. everytime i get it, it doesnt work for some reason. if i play on single player and then try it right in the beginning, it does work. ive tested it and i dont think its becasue it doesnt work with a certain skill or anything like that. im not sure what it is exactly though. for some reason though everytime i play i get that skill last and it never seems to work for me

also there is something wrong with repick. i think you should take it out or only allow it right in the beginning beucase if you do it after youve gotten some spells, you cant get 7 spells anymore. You shouldnt be able to do that after lvl 1 anyways

Level 40 boss has been nerfed. 50% less damage and 25% less HP. He should be beatable now.

Silencer was the problem. Also, divine shield cancels it. Same goes for Avatar.

I just found the repick bug and fixed it in version 1.18. Also try out the new random spells option! :)
Level 1
Dec 24, 2008
i think u need to make it so that melee only gets melee spells and range only gets ranged spells on random spells because its a useless spell if your melee and you get trushot aura......
also the doom guys that you summon have a reign of fire spell. it only does 25damage and needs to be made stronger or taken out for a different spell or something
i think fearie fire needs to be buffed also because giving vision is useless and 55 armor is nothing. it should be like 300 armor because paralyzing casks takes off like 120 armor and it goes on everyone. and all of those auto cast spells take forever to cast anyways even with no cooldown. theres no way you can cast on all of the guys with any of the auto cast spells unless it is a really early level.
poison sting doesnt work with barrage. maybe you should add that into the description

Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
i think u need to make it so that melee only gets melee spells and range only gets ranged spells on random spells because its a useless spell if your melee and you get trushot aura......
also the doom guys that you summon have a reign of fire spell. it only does 25damage and needs to be made stronger or taken out for a different spell or something
i think fearie fire needs to be buffed also because giving vision is useless and 55 armor is nothing. it should be like 300 armor because paralyzing casks takes off like 120 armor and it goes on everyone. and all of those auto cast spells take forever to cast anyways even with no cooldown. theres no way you can cast on all of the guys with any of the auto cast spells unless it is a really early level.
poison sting doesnt work with barrage. maybe you should add that into the description


Good catch on the armor thing. Acid bomb now only gives -60 armor at lvl 20 instead of -120 in the next version.

Also, I'll try and add some conditions to the random spells option next version.
EDIT: In version 1.19 - When picking random spells, melee heroes can't get Frost Arrows, Trueshot, or barrage. Range heroes can not get Melee Aura, Cleave, or Vampiric Aura

For the envenomed arrows, I believe the poison works on your inital projectile, but none of the addition barrage projectiles give poison.
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Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
it would be better if you gave a little more time before the bosses pop in the center. right after you finish round 9, the bosses pop out and you arent even healed yet and this makes it really easy to die even if you can beat the boss. also when they pop out so early, they all aim fo red becasue he is the first one there so that is kinda messed up.

also when the bosses are done too your skills dont refresh, so you to heal everyone and refresh all the skills because that wolf is hard too

there are too many useless spells: like earthquake which does 0 damage, blink, ensnare, dispel magic when there is devour magic.....

death pact and dark ritual need to apply to all units becuase there arent that many undead summons

There is now a delay before the bosses pop out.

I added a small amount of damage to earthquake in version 1.19 with a trigger.

I upped the cast range on Ensnare to make it more useful. Dispel now has double the AOE of Devour Magic.
Level 5
Sep 19, 2007
1.20 coming soon. Here is a list of changes so far

Fixes for 1.20
- Locust swarm tooltip fixed
- Spell balance: Animate Dead nerfed, Stampede AOE reduced, bash buffed, Siphon Mana buffed, Heal buffed, Voodoo now makes caster invulnerable also (length nerfed), earthquake slightly buffed, Fighter's Fury buffed, healing wave buffed, Wind Walk damage buffed, dark ritual buffed, death coil buffed, orb of annihilation buffed, treant HP buffed, Searing Arrows buffed, Charm buffed, Life drain buffed, Disease cloud buffed, Elune's Grace buffed, Pulverize buffed, essance of blight buffed, Drunken Haze nerfed, Finger of Death buffed, Tornado buffed & no longer channelling, Cloud nerfed,
- Melee heroes can't get Orb of Annihilation, Black Arrows or Searing Arrows on random
- Draenei Seer enemy replaced by Furbolg Ursa Warrior
- Range enemy attack slightly decreased
- New Item: Arthus Armor
- small thorns aura added to Plague Treant
- Hopfully the gold specs all over the ground that cause lag have been removed
- These single target and utility spells now only cost 75 wood per level: Firebolt, web, slow, fairie fire, curse, spell steal, entangling roots, hex, ensnare, shadow strike, storm bolt, sleep, dispell magic, devour magic, mana burn
- Skills command now gives the spell level and says "(random)" if the player chose random
- Removed disabled triggers from the map to save space
- INT heroes with lower HP got increased INT progression
Level 6
Jun 20, 2005
Hey hoihoi8, I REALLY suggest that you use hidden tags for this page. It's too big to scroll down and see the last posts..

well, an example is just below, you can quote my post to see how it's done if you're not sure. =]

MY FAVORITE BUILDS: (note-I usually buy a skill up to lvl 20 before getting the next skill)

Build Name: Lightning Shield Fun
Hero: Str Hero (seige Panda has most HP)
Items: Items: 6 Dark Elven Guantlets
Items Late: 6 Arthus Armor
Tomes: All STR
Skills in order bought: Finger of Death lvl 1, Lightning Shield, War Stomp, Holy Light, Divine Shield, Drunken Haze, Unholy Aura, Finger of Death

Build Name: Summoner
Hero: Ranged Agility Hero
Items: 1 Striker Star (for aura), 4 Arthus Armor, 1 Tri-Mage's Orb of DragonKind
Tomes: All Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Lava Spawn, Phoenix, Infernal, Tranquility, Summon Hawk, Avatar of Vengence, Doom

Build Name: Critical Striker
Hero: Melee agility hero
Items mid game: Anhk, Mask of Death, 2 Agility Sword, rest gloves of haste
Items late game: 1 Tentacle Whip, 5 ultimate cleavers
Tomes: Most AGI, some Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Melee Aura, Drunken Brawler, Holy Light, Cleave, Critical Strike, Roar, Reincarnation, Reincarnation

Build Name: AOE Paladin
Hero: Melee Strength Hero. I like Earth Panda, since he gets more STR overall
Items mid game: Anhk, 5 Dark Elven Guantlets
Items late game: 1 Silencer, 5 Arthus Armors
Tomes: All STR
Skills in order bought: Blizzard, Divine Shield, Holy Light, War Stomp, Rain of Fire, Evasion, Reincarnation

Build Name: Exploding Melee
Hero: Melee agility hero
Items mid game: maybe an Agility Sword
Items late game: 1 Silencer, 5 Tentacle Whip
Tomes: Mostly AGI, some Manual of Health
Skills in order bought: Melee Aura, Vampiric Aura, Incinerate, Cleave, Holy Light, Pulverize, Critical Strike

Build Name: Heavy Damage Caster
Hero: Melee intelligence hero
Items game: 6 Heart of the Wizard Lord Zy
Tomes: All INT
Skills in order bought: Shockwave, War Stomp, Mana Shield, Fan of Knives, Thunder Clap, Carrion Swarm, Immolation

More builds to come


V1.00 10/30/08
-All spells rebalanced. In general AOE was nerfed, single target buffed.
-New spells added: Resurrection, Shockwave, Inferno, Cluster Rockets, Soul Burn

fixes for V1.01 11/02/08
-All spells: Most spells rebalanced. Instant win spells nerfed. Underpowered and underused spells buffed
-Fixes: resurrection works properly
-New spell: defend, pulverize
-Removed spell: battle roar
-New individual bosses after group bosses. Have a single target spell ready.
-Almost all tool tips updated and are more helpful
-The hard chaos enemies can't spawn in rounds 1-3
-Final level summons received chaos damage

Fixes for V1.02 11/04/08
-More spell and skill balancing
-Spell added: Dispel Magic
-More enemy types. Went from 33 to over 100
-Ness can use barrage now
-Force of Nature - since there are only 4 trees in arena, final level summons 4 trees. Thorns aura added
-Carion Beetles - skeletal mages removed from final level

Fixes for V1.03 11/12/08
-More spell balance
-Spells added: Feedback, Ensnare, Raise Dead, Envenomed Spears
-Removed repick cheats
-Changes a few hero models

Fixes for V1.04 11/14/08
-More spell balance
-Number is units between levels is based off of round number instead of hero level
-Firebolt removed from Salamanders
-Spells Added - Rejuvenation
-16 more enemy units added
-Item: Tri-Mage's Orb of DragonKind - Frost Wurm attack and defense now updrade with creeps, attack speed increased, attack increased, HP increased
-Tooltips now include ability incompatabilities

Fixes for V1.05 11/18/08
-More spell balance
-Spell Added - Charm (Note: On a rare occasion, if you charm the final enemy of the wave, you may have to kill him to trigger the round over.)
-All showroom heroes are now level 10
-Number of skills is really capped at 7 now. You can no longer buy passive skills and have them work if you already have 7 skills.
-Resurrenction and Infernal give back the right ammount of wood when retrained
-jumbled text fixed

Fixes for V1.05a 11/18/08
-added more conditions to the round ending code. Shouldn't get stuck anymore.

Fixes for V1.06 11/19/20
-Bugs Fixed: Charm (and all the bugs it caused like getting stuck after a round)
-Spell added: Roar
-Regular summoned units now get small attack upgrades. (less than half of enemy and ultimate summons)

Fixed for 1.07 11/20/08
-Spell Balance
-Spell added: Faerie Fire
-Bugs Fixed: fixed a bug where skills wouldn't level up if you had 7 skills
-All enemy units have at least 200 mana. Some spells added to enemies.
-Bug fixes: Frost armor now autocasts.

Fixes for 1.08 11/21/08
-spells progression evened out some
-Spell Added: Pocket Factory
-enemies between rounds removed except for bosses
-all boss except giant wolf have spell shield
-spell immunity removed from rock golem and war golem. Now have spell shield
-added attack sfx to heros without them

Fixes for 1.08a 11/21/08
-Hydra can not spawn randomly before lvl 40

Fixes for 1.09 11/22/08
-Death Coil fixed
-Avatar of Vengence Fixed
-Spells Added: Acid Bomb
-Siege Heroes got additional primary stat bonuses
-XP gained by heroes upped by 5%
-Enemy damage increases decreased slightly

Fixes for 1.10 11/23/08
-difficulty slightly decreased: Enemies only upgrade once at 15 instead of twice. XP gained increased slightly.
-upgrade for enemy attack speed accidently was 10x the correct ammount. Attack speed now only goes up 20% per upgrade instead of 200%
-Vampiric Aura now works on all enemies

Fixes for 1.10a 11/23/08
-Vampiric Aura fixed

Fixes for 1.11
-Difficulty increased, last version was to easy
-Spells nerfed: banish, divine shield, Stomp
-Spells buffed: wind walk
-Consumable items and starter items repriced. Tome of Knowledge added.
-All bugs with retrain should be FIXED

Fixes for 1.12 11/24/08
-Magic attack removed from all enemies
-Spells added to enemies
-Spells nerfed: Mana shield, spiked carpace, thorns aura
-Spells buffed: Barrage
-Tome price raised 10%

Fixes for 1.12a 11/25/08
-Players 2-12 tp back to the shop area after rounds

Fixes for 1.13 12/07/08
-Spell rebalance
-Spells fixed: Healing Wave now heals targets past 1st target.
-War Stomp, Fan of Knives, and Thunder Clap now all effect mechanical enemies
-Major overhaul of damage system. Enemies now only gain 6 armor per tier instead of 50. Enemy HP increased per tier. Melee enemies gained a Melee Evasion skill so they aren't pushovers.
-Life steal percentages dropped to accomodate more damage being dealt per hit due to lower armor.
-Agility Heros: Agility per level decreased. Str per level increased. Attack speed per agi point decreased. Armor per agi point decreased.
-Str Heroes: HP regen per str slightly increased. Agi per level increased.
-Seige enemies: splash damage removed. Minimum attack range removed.

Fixes for 1.14 12/10/08
- Heroes that are undead are now tagged Undead. Use Death Coil as a heal spell instead of Holy Light. Both these spells work correctly now.
- good riddens transmutate. We have to wait no more.
- New Spells: Devour Magic, Lightning Shield

Fixes for 1.15 12/19/08
- more spell balance
- Howl of Terror stats fixed
- New items and some item re balance
- XP gained increased slightly
- Melee evasion slightly decreased
- All enemies have 1500 mana to make Mana Burn and Feedback useful spells
- more Incompatibilities added to spells
- Incinerate tooltip fixed.

Fixes for 1.16 12/21/08
- Due to popular request Evasion removed from all enemies. Enemy HP adjusted to compensate.
- New scoring system.
- 2nd through 12th now receive some gold depending on your place finished.

Fixes for 1.16a
- Scoring for 6 through 12 now works correctly
- Impale stun reduced to 5

Fixes for 1.17
- Spells Added: Spirit Link, Bloodlust, Hardened Skin, Invisibility, Disease Cloud, Steal Spell, Pillage, Elune's Grace
- Spell balanced: lower levels of blink nerfed, AOE of Devour Magic made smaller, Stun of Infernal reduced, Pulverize buffed, final level Treant had HP increased, Berserk damage taken increased, Life Drain and Mana Siphon buffed
- Only 1 of final boss summons, regardless of number of players. Final Boss slightly easier.
- XP gained slightly increased
- Mana of Faceless One Terror reduced
- attack range of Maiden of Pain and Fel Orc Kodo reduced
- Bosses between rounds now have a 5 second spawn delay
- All Heros have the same animation length (set them all equal to just below Demon Hunters default)
- New terrain in bottom right corner of the arena's. No more teleporting pads.

Fixes for 1.18
- NEW: Random spell option! If you choose random spells you get 300 extra gold per round.
- More Spell balance
- New Spells: Firebolt, Cloud, Web
- Range and melee enemies now have seperate damage upgrades. Melee now does more damage per upgrade. Collision size of melee creeps increased and set back to default.
- Several enemies received fortified armor
- Final Dood Man boss and attack cut in 1/2. Hp reduced 25%.
- A few heroes got Fortified armor. A few get increased stats, but get heavy armor.
- Elune's Grace bug fixed. Hero attacks now deal 100% damage instead of 0%

Fixes for 1.19a
- The game doesn't end before the final boss

Fixes for 1.19
- Charm buff - Charmed units now give gold and xp in addition to being charmed
- Spells added: Stasis Trap, Essense of Blight
- More spell balance
- 40 damage per second added to earthquake.
- When picking random spells, melee heroes can't get Frost Arrows, Trueshot, or barrage. Range heroes can not get Melee Aura, Cleave, or Vampiric Aura, pulverize
- Doom guard summon's attack upgrades now
- Mirror image bug where all enemy units would explode should be fixed
- Game ends properly if you survive the final boss, but do not defeat him.
- Load screen added and preview screen to match
- New command: -skills &lt;player number&gt;. For example to see player 1's skills type -skills 1

Fixes for 1.20
- Locust swarm tooltip fixed
- Spell balance: Animate Dead nerfed, Stampede AOE reduced, bash buffed, Siphon Mana buffed, Heal buffed, Voodoo now makes caster invulnerable also (length nerfed),
earthquake slightly buffed, Fighter's Fury buffed, healing wave buffed, Wind Walk damage buffed, dark ritual buffed, death coil buffed, orb of annihilation buffed, treant HP buffed, Searing Arrows buffed, Charm buffed, Life drain buffed, Disease cloud buffed, Elune's Grace buffed, Pulverize buffed, essance of blight buffed, Drunken Haze nerfed, Finger of Death buffed, Tornado buffed &amp; no longer channelling,
Cloud nerfed,
- Melee heroes can't get Orb of Annihilation, Black Arrows or Searing Arrows on random
- No hero can get Dark Ritual or Death Pact on random
- Draenei Seer enemy replaced by Furbolg Ursa Warrior
- Range enemy attack slightly decreased
- New Item: Arthus Armor
- small thorns aura added to Plague Treant
- Hopfully the gold specs all over the ground that cause lag have been removed
- These single target and utility spells now only cost 75 wood per level: Firebolt, web, slow, fairie fire, curse, spell steal, entangling roots, hex, ensnare, shadow strike, storm bolt, sleep, dispell magic, devour magic, mana burn
- Skills command now gives the spell level and says &quot;(random)&quot; if the player chose random
- Removed disabled triggers from the map to save space
- INT heroes with lower HP got increased INT progression
- New Spell: Rain of Choas
-Banshee and Lobster hero switched out
-All enemies now have 0% hp regen

Upcoming for V1.22
-More map balance
-Your ideas and balance issues!
Level 1
Mar 8, 2009

Hey hoihoi8, you should make it so that there are set hotkeys for each slot in the command menu so that you don't get spells that have the same hotkey.
Level 2
Dec 27, 2008
OMG with this stupid 1.23 patch we can't see the map in the folder of WC3 when hosting lan or bnet game !!

EDIT : ok i find the issue, name of hoihoi8 file is too long :
hoihoi8 Custom Hero Survival 1.21 PROT.w3x is too long
hoihoi8 Custom Hero Survival 1.21.w3x is OK
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Level 1
Mar 25, 2009

i had this version downloaded orginally, then the maps disseapeared from wc3FT create game area, but was still under the maps when i go look for it in the file, fianlly i downloaded the map and sent it to the scenario section and it appeared, but everyone people join and finish DLing it auto kicks them so basically im lost..this never happened like a week ago any ideas?:eekani:
Level 1
Mar 25, 2009
OMG with this stupid 1.23 patch we can't see the map in the folder of WC3 when hosting lan or bnet game !!

EDIT : ok i find the issue, name of hoihoi8 file is too long :
hoihoi8 Custom Hero Survival 1.21 PROT.w3x is too long
hoihoi8 Custom Hero Survival 1.21.w3x is OK

Do you noe howto fix this bug?
Level 2
Apr 5, 2009
Well I already gave you suggestions on your forums, but I'll just put them here too.

-Spelling fixes
There are alot of typos in this game, and I may seem like a grammar nazi, but things like that make a game seem...more unprofessional. Some of them being in the beginning text when you change difficulty there is something misspelled there, and also Ultimates in the main "lobby" place, is spelled "Ultimateses". There are numerous other little ones like "Arthus Armor" when it should be "Arthas Armor".

-Boss items unable to be picked up multiple times
Self-explanatory, I hate it when people steal the item from the boss I kill.

-Boss items unable to be attacked
Some people like to be a thingy and ATTACK the boss items so no-one can pick them up at all.

-Some AOE spells are very OP(over powered)
Death and Decay, Barrage, Rain of Fire, Immolation

-Finger of Death is OP
1 Shots anything and has an extremely short cooldown.

Great game by the way!
Level 2
Apr 5, 2009
I already posted these on your website, but I'll put them here too.

-Spelling fixes
There are alot of typos in this game, and I may seem like a grammar nazi, but things like that make a game seem...more unprofessional. Some of them being in the beginning text when you change difficulty there is something misspelled there, and also Ultimates in the main "lobby" place, is spelled "Ultimateses". There are numerous other little ones like "Arthus Armor" when it should be "Arthas Armor".

-Boss items unable to be picked up multiple times
Self-explanatory, I hate it when people steal the item from the boss I kill.

-Boss items unable to be attacked
Some people like to be a thingy and ATTACK the boss items so no-one can pick them up at all.

-Some AOE spells are very OP(over powered)
Death and Decay, Barrage, Rain of Fire, Immolation

-Finger of Death is OP
1 Shots anything and has an extremely short cooldown.

Great game by the way :)
Level 7
Apr 3, 2007
Everytime I make this I get a bunch of people, then they ALL leave at same exact time, I think they are getting diconnected. It doesnt happen with any of my other games, im pretty sure it's the way you protected it, it disconnects them after they finish dling it. It didnt used to happen in earlier versions.
Level 2
Feb 12, 2008
Awesome map, i love the Hell lvl so much, so far i can only beat it with int... because of mana shield and divine shiled, there should be reduction of mana when it comes hell lvl for Mages, because once they have mana shield they simply become invincible. its so sad for melees because they can never rank top, i think you should make cleave more area effect and have higher percentage .. to make it fair and should make mirro image take less damage each lvl and more percent damage, and ultimate are useless in hell lvl, and summons are useless in hell as well since all your hp are reduced to like 20percent. Also there is a bug with charm when i tried to charm boss , i have to charm it twice but i get twice amount the money ha. And there should be a Crazy Hell lvl ha Nice map 5/5 i enjoyed having beat the Hell Ha:thumbs_up: btw this is my first post