[Trigger] Hero Ressurrection Help?

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Level 1
May 3, 2008
Hi guys. I'm not trying to get anyone to write my trigger for me, but I've been killing myself trying to make this one work. It seems like it should be very simple.

I made a trigger so that when a hero dies, an immobile structure is created in its place (representing the hero's corpse)

What I would like to do is make a trigger that allows the hero to be revived when another hero (which would be controlled by a different player) targets the structure with a specific item.

(The idea being that a passing hero could see a corpse on the ground and raise the body)

In any case, I can't figure out how to make the specific hero that died revive. I can't find a command to (Revive Hero controlled by Targeted Structure's controller) or anything like it. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Level 4
Feb 4, 2008
You will need to mimic the effect.

You will use a trigger that revives the hero once a spell is casted (the spell that the second player used on the first to revive him).

And you will need to make a custom spell for that too (although you know that by now i assume).

It goes something like this (sadly i formated my hard drive today and still reviving it so i don't have the editor with me).

Player casts an ability (Unit starts the effect (or casts) an ability) (Unit Event)

Corpse selected. (player Selects certain unit type) (found in player selection in triggers)

Revive hero at certain location in map

That way you will almost mimic the effect, but don't forget to remove the corpse from the map once it has been revived ;) (maybe use the trigger : Remove "doodad or unit" from game).

Level 1
May 3, 2008
Thanks for your responses.

I can manage the event and condition steps, my problem comes into play with the action.

The action (revive hero instantly) has a limited selection of options attached to it. I need it to revive a hero that may very well belong to any player in the game. I can't just have it pick the unit that last died, because the hero's corpse may be on the ground for a long time before anyone finds it.

Basically what I need it to do is find the hero (presently deceased) which is controlled by the same player that owns the building (gravestone model used) which was created when the hero died. Then revive that hero when it's building is targeted by a specific effect. (I'll make the gravestone building disappear afterward.)

I think the desired effect is a lot simpler than I'm making it sound :/

Anyways, thanks in advance for any advice ;)
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