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Hero exp

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Level 7
Nov 19, 2007
How do i know how much exp will my hero gets? i know where to set exp table but i don't understand how much exp my hero will get. How to know that?
Level 7
Nov 19, 2007
I know this but if i set in HERO XP Gained : Creeps reduction table 80,70,60,50,40 how do i know how much exp will my hero gets when it kills lvl 1 creep? or HERO XP Gained : Hero, table 100,120,160,220,300 how much exp will my hero gets when it kill another hero?
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
I know this but if i set in HERO XP Gained : Creeps reduction table 80,70,60,50,40 how do i know how much exp will my hero gets when it kills lvl 1 creep? or HERO XP Gained : Hero, table 100,120,160,220,300 how much exp will my hero gets when it kill another hero?

I believe the reduction is in relation to the level of that unit or their value and yours.

So the hero table you listed would be bad, as it gives you more exp for a weaker/lower level hero.

I haven't seen anything on it, so the best you could do is just manually test it out in game and adjust it from there.

If you check the FAQ it lists a bunch of things helpful to understanding it.

Heroes past level 5 by creeping
Normally heroes stop gaining experience when they have reached level 5, but it's actually very easy to change those limits.
Go to "Advanced" -> "Gameplay Constants"
Tick "Use Custom Gameplay Constants"
Find the field called "Hero XP Gained - Creep Reduction Table"
This is the table where you can see how much experience you get on each level. As default it's set to "80,70,60,50,0" which we can put in a table like this:
1 - 80%
2 - 70%
3 - 60%
4 - 50%
5 - 0%
So by changing the 5th limit to 40% instead, you will be enabled to reach level 6. Then at level 6,7,8,9,10 you will still receive 40% experience so you might want to add more values to it.

Hope it helps.

Edit: Didn't know I double post :< Sorry.
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