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Make hero stop gaining exp without leeching exp

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Level 3
Nov 18, 2007
So the thing is I want a hero to lvl up only in specific conditions by using triggers, I know you can disable or enable exp gain for heroes however they still leech exp so if I leave a hero that gains exp normally with heroes that don't gain exp the first gets reduced exp which I don't want.

basically is there a way to make specific heroes not gain exp AND not "steal" exp from nearby heroes?
Level 3
Nov 18, 2007
I found a solution but it's somewhat complicated (checking every time a unit dies if nearby there are heroes that don't get exp leeching + heroes that get exp and multiplying the amount of exp they get accordingly).
Anyway it's another person's map and his problem to deal with, I'd like to provide an easy solution so that it can be fixed faster.
I'd like to know if there is a trick/simple way without making a system just for some specific heroes.
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