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[Solved] Hero Base Damage

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Level 5
Dec 30, 2022
Hi, I have a trigger that does some math to increase a unit's damage with the Roar ability. In the trigger, I want to increase a hero's damage by 5x their main attribute. So the equation I use to change the "% damage" in the ability is:

% damage increase from Roar ability = (Main Attribute of affected unit * 5) / Base Attack Damage.

It works as intended, except:


The bonus damage increase is off. (The other buff is vanilla unholy frenzy and gives no dmg bonus)

I was using the vanilla paladin unit for testing. So I go into the editor and see that the base damage for all heroes is zero. Couldn't find anywhere else that indicated hero's base damage. It has to be somewhere, though, because the trigger is doing math on something. Anyone know where that info is at? Thanks for the help.
Level 5
Dec 30, 2022
I think I just got it. The main attribute increases damage by 1 per attribute, so the base damage is the main attribute. But will leave this up in case I am wrong.
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