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help wanted for two maps and counting

What do you think of this map? choose all that apply

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Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
I have made and am working on Invaders TD, i need help and anybody can join the team, as long as they can do something with the map

I Need:
Any members that are willing to join, i defiantly need a terrainer. just post if you want to join
The workers are;
:Owner: dragoon431
:Triggerer:DVendetta, Apheraz Lucent
:Beta Testers:ZlolZ, Slayer14, Dragonis431, InfinateAnswers
:Cinematic maker:DVendetta
:Modeler: Offsite friend
:Loading screen/ screenshot/ description manager:DVendetta
Invaders TD
Tower Defense
v 1.0

By: dragoon431

Project Team:
Name of MemberCurrent Activity
dragoon431Creator of the Map
Project Testers:
Name of Member
The Story:
November 28th, year of Dragons, entry by Apheraz Lucent
"We encountered some monstrosities recently. They are not like anything we saw before - they emit brightly burning red light. Some had stings, some were heavily deformed or mutated, and some were fashioning such pieces of armors none of our best blacksmiths could create. Those creatures - they were all deadly, with their devilish swords that when swung, caused sorrow across our lands. I don't know how much we can resist their attacks."

December 12th, year of Dragons, entry by Anaya Lucent
"Our heroes have... fallen... Even thought we, the people of the Silver Triad city, fought fiercely and with stunning bravery, we lost. Only few of us remained alive, and we retreated to the Heaven's Gate. I don't know history of it's name, but these creatures are attracted to it, in an attempt of seeking something with purpose we don't know. Celestial guardians spoke to us, after my mother was killed, among many others. They need our protection, for the sake of the world and future. They also said that we will have our revenge.
Hey! People of the Silver Triad! Let's end this wretchedness!"

We did our best to give you something worth playing.

Over 100 levels - with no resting in between!
New and unique ideas!
A secret place!
New towers!
A lot more!

About Invaders TD:
It's the best to use two different builders and grow strong before you encounter the Boss Stage. If you succeed in finding the Secret Place, you will get a lot of help in defeating harder levels.

Map Previews:
"secret place "

"Dimensional Gate "

"Terrain1 "

"Terrain2 "

"All Builders "

"Op Damage photo New Code"

Support Us!
Write a post in here with your opinion about this map, balance, visuals, ideas - everything is welcome in here! If you are interested in helping this project develop, tell us what you're good at. Maybe you'll be the gem of this project.

Special Thanks:
Thanks to everyone who's helping me, or providing me with support. Helpers are listed in here, and if I forgot someone, please notify me so that I can add you up.

Reviewers and Support:
ksStr, Orcnet, ZlolZ, Slayer14, AnSah, DVendetta, Apheraz, InfinateAnswers
Forgotten_Warlord - Fire Sword, Water Blade.
EvilCrizpy - Mage Helmet.
paladinjst - Guard Armor Stormwind.
Sunchips - Red Plate Helmet, Crown Boots, Red Dragon Scale Mail.

Download Link:
Instant download link

My other projects:
Rise of the Undead



  • Invaders TD.w3x
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Level 3
Nov 12, 2010
so i want me to beta test which map? recently i've tried the TD map and some things i wanna say:
-the bird tower's attacking model is like abit wierd and hard to be seen, and why it's weapon type is artillery?
-try to make a leaderboard which shows how many lifes left.

i think i have less things to say, because i just tested the map awhile, since im a little busy... btw the map is actually quite good, maybe i guess ur just not done with it. so good luck~
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
thx i will change the bird tower, everybody else said it was a fail but yeah your right I'm not done yet that's why i made this section and thanks for your help you will get credits and rep and when your not busy test maps and tell me which maps you commented on please so I'm not confused, i will work on maps
Level 3
Nov 12, 2010
Recently I've tested these 2 maps for a while...

the arena
1 terrain issue here: wierd to have trees in water.

Dragoon431's TD
-Some wierd tower attacking missile model:
pig farm shoots pig causes this issue: the pigs model stays there.

-And also kinda wierd for the footman and ghoul shooting tower. Why not just change another shooting model? because shooting unit is kinda wierd...
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Recently I've tested these 2 maps for a while...

the arena
1 terrain issue here: wierd to have trees in water.

Dragoon431's TD
-Some wierd tower attacking missile model:
pig farm shoots pig causes this issue: the pigs model stays there.

-And also kinda wierd for the footman and ghoul shooting tower. Why not just change another shooting model? because shooting unit is kinda wierd...

I see your problem, the models stay there to play their death animation. Get someone who could do a simple model edit to that to either change or remove the death animation.

About your PM dragoon, I'd be glad to help! I'll go with the Beta Tester position.
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
Ok, I'll get started and try to get back to you as soon as possible to inform you of any bugs you might have.


Ok, here's what I think about these maps. (All maps were quick-tested in singleplayer.)

Blackfire: Well, it's really not much of a map in my opinion. I'm sure you're in the process of improving it as it doesn't look like much of anything in its current state.

Face off: Sorry, this map requires patch v1.25 and I do not have it, therefore I cannot play it.

Dragoon's TD: The table always says you have 30 lives when you are really losing them and the defeat dialog box looks too weird with the words running off the screen.

Hero defence: I chose the Orc Builder, but all he could build was Heroes although it said he could build towers, but I didn't have any food to build the Heroes with and the first timer never disappears.

Invaders TD: Tooltips don't tell whether the unit attacks air units or not and again the words are running off the screen in the defeat dialog box.

The arena: Simple, basic melee map, but in some starting locations, the trees were to far away from the player's town-hall building or the trees were off-map, causing the map to be imbalanced,but I must admit, I did actually like the idea of how you set it up. It just needs improving, that's all.

Fountain Hunters: Sorry, this map requires patch v1.25 and I do not have it, therefore I cannot play it.
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Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
Ok, I'll get started and try to get back to you as soon as possible to inform you of any bugs you might have.


Ok, here's what I think about these maps. (All maps were quick-tested in singleplayer.)

Blackfire: Well, it's really not much of a map in my opinion. I'm sure you're in the process of improving it as it doesn't look like much of anything in its current state.

Face off: Sorry, this map requires patch v1.25 and I do not have it, therefore I cannot play it.

Dragoon's TD: The table always says you have 30 lives when you are really losing them and the defeat dialog box looks too weird with the words running off the screen.

Hero defence: I chose the Orc Builder, but all he could build was Heroes although it said he could build towers, but I didn't have any food to build the Heroes with and the first timer never disappears.

Invaders TD: Tooltips don't tell whether the unit attacks air units or not and again the words are running off the screen in the defeat dialog box.

The arena: Simple, basic melee map, but in some starting locations, the trees were to far away from the player's town-hall building or the trees were off-map, causing the map to be imbalanced,but I must admit, I did actually like the idea of how you set it up. It just needs improving, that's all.

Fountain Hunters: Sorry, this map requires patch v1.25 and I do not have it, therefore I cannot play it.

Blackfire: is not even close to finished sop don't test it

sorry you can't play it. Dragoon431's TD: k i will fix it Hero

i was only finished with the human builder don't worry the raids and everything else will be fixed

Invaders TD:
ok defeat box too long ok attacks land/air will be fixed The

thanks and again i will fix the problems shortly and notify you and ZlolZ about the maps, he's busy so your doing most of it at the moment no offense ZlolZ. good luck
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
ZlolZ, Slayer14 and everybody else who joins in the future we are going to do one map at a time, it will be easier. let's start with Invaders TD, then work our way down the list. ok? and if you find anybody who would like to help bring them here and tell them they will get +rep and credit. Good luck everybody
Level 10
Dec 12, 2010
ZlolZ, Slayer14 and everybody else who joins in the future we are going to do one map at a time, it will be easier. let's start with Invaders TD, then work our way down the list. ok? and if you find anybody who would like to help bring them here and tell them they will get +rep and credit. Good luck everybody

Good decision. I agree with you, it's better to focus on one map at time.

i have updated Invaders TD, attack is listed attack:land or air or land and air. and the defeat message fits inside the box

Good job on the update. :D
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
i have made some big changes to invader's TD, first i have updated the towers and terrain, i made a blighted path to tell you where to build. next instead of starting with a human builder i gave you extra money so you could choose, thirdly the descriptions of the builders have been changed and lastly i have added secrets. look at the quest menu and you will see the secrets and what to do test SOON PLEASE!!!
Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
You have some really crap terraining there -.- need some help?
first, do you have experiance? and second if you do ill take your help thx

i can help you in cinematic and trigger if you want but you have to tell me some info. to give you nice triggering and cinematic "Waiting Your Reply"
also i would love your help, what info do you need?

hey if anybody reads this i could use a screenshot manager/ main screen loading screen and those extra stuff that make the map look good. let me know if you can do this. and by the way post all changed maps, screenshots and so on here so i can add them to my maps and then update this page
Level 3
Jun 16, 2011
so does your answer mean you accept me as a team member? if the answer yes then tell me what you want or send me the unprotected version of the map to edit you know? i can't do cinematic or triggers without info. and one last thing i can do loading screen and make for you some screen shot and trailers too if u want

-waiting reply
Level 3
Nov 10, 2011
Here Is The Map

I have uploaded the map and VB post code. Good luck and i will be waiting to hear from you.


  • Invaders TD.w3x
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  • VB post Code.txt
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Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
ok, some of the screenshots aren't working. the description is edited now, and the purple part has been revised, i love what you have done. description good, checking the map now, and the video is AWESOME and would make anyone want to play :). thank you all so much for your hard work, fist copy will be released soon so our betas can work at it, report bugs and such the star tower will be edited as well. do you think we should do a social group for this TD project?
Level 3
Nov 10, 2011
ok, some of the screenshots aren't working

I will send the new codes in a private message to change them

the description is edited now, and the purple part has been revised, i love what you have done. description good, checking the map now, and the video is AWESOME and would make anyone want to play :). thank you all so much for your hard work, fist copy will be released soon so our betas can work at it, report bugs and such the star tower will be edited as well.

I hope the full version is good now

do you think we should do a social group for this TD project?

Nah no need
Level 3
Jun 16, 2011
Specially for you, all the photos that i have inserted with the smae Hd quality


  • All Builders.jpg
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  • Attack.jpg
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  • Building.jpg
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  • Environmeant.jpg
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  • Invaders Gate.jpg
    Invaders Gate.jpg
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