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Help me how to make an Aos AI...

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Level 5
Jan 29, 2010
move to world editor help zone pls
Create unit at blub
order lastcreatedunit to moveto enemy base? D:
Level 3
Jan 17, 2011
plss... anyone help me with my map it is an AoS type map so I want an AI so I can test it. to anyone who can make an AI like DotA plss tell me...

Apparently there are some AI coders in the site, http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/adiktuz/ [He might be]

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/giant_crab/ [Maybe]

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/the_reborn_devil/ [Might be]

move to world editor help zone pls
Create unit at blub
order lastcreatedunit to moveto enemy base? D:

Custom AI is under Triggers & Script.. Or might be under request since this looks like a request...

i would but thats just too much "plss" for me to handle at the moment. Speak like a big boy and someone might take you seriously

Lol, are you even in a position to say something like that? Even if you are in the position to say something like that, it isn't very nice at all.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
AI is a touchy subject, seeing as it's such a wide field there's no "right or wrong" way to do it, just ways of a varying efficiencies - In theory the bare minimum would be to add an action to the end of the unit creation functions to cause them to 'attack move' to the enemy's base/s - But naturally that would presume you have only one or two lanes all leading to the same spot (ultimately) and I they have no side passages to take into account. You may also find the odd unit stops abruptly and does nothing (you could tidy them up with a periodic selection trigger).

In short, we can't really tell you how to make your AoS AI - We'd need a much better idea of what your map is like and what the AI is meant to be capable of - In fact it'd probably be much easier for someone to just code the map's AI for you but finding someone to do that would be a bit problematic me thinks.
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