Created by normalice
Map Info:
A 'civilized' location in the midst of a savage land. Conquer the indigenous to achieve economic domination (or "hegemony").
Each base is isolated by an 'aquaduct'. All bases start on a (+2) cliff. Getting to the other bases can be done quite simply with waygates, or zepplins. Starting mines have 25k, natural expansions have 10k, but are all very close to each other (in the middle). I'd expect a scramble of sorts to retain a foothold on the center. Most maps reward air significantly, but very few really have any incentive for siege. This map has advantages to both.
There is also a dragon roost in the center, only accessible by air. Taverns on the other end of each waygate. Lots of creeps. 4 shops, 4 observatories. Additional natural expansions for each base, but these are on the 'ground' (+0 cliff). Four extra expansions in each corner. The map is 'symetric' for any factor-of-two players (2v2, 2v2v2v2, 4v4), but can work for any FFA game as long as the number of players does not exceed 4. Additionally, the resulting empty bases will allow this to function for any 3v3 play as well. 1v1 is not recommended, but it would serve this purpose if required.
can be found
here. Probably will upload more later..
Author's notes:
When I started making maps, I had a set number of "odd" ideas that I thought would be neat to see. This was the toughest and the last of them, so this may very well be the final map that I ever make. We'll see, though...
The other maps of mine that I consider the 'prime' maps (i.e. all other maps I've made are either based on them or weren't really inspired by anything unique) are
(2)Ten Paces,
(4)Power Trip, and
(2)The Pit. If you like unusual maps that are still balanced for competitive play, you may want to check some of these out..
added some doodads and texture variations..
changed the author name (to myself)
aligned potted plants
added more doodads and texture variation
removed many unnecessary pathing blocks
changed some of the terrain around the waygates to unbuildable
Reduced starting and corner mines to 15k
Reduced all other mines to 10k
Fixed a pathing issue with the top right goblin observatory
Other work: