This is a simple yet magnificent template. It really conveyed me the feeling of a heaven's secret world, probably because of the mild white fog and the brilliant light beams. Good job for that! The way you built the structures and designed the architecture is really fascinating and really appropriate to the theme. You've used the tiles fabulously, while also offering the user of the template the opportunity of utilizing additional tiles to the current tileset because of the 6 Total Texture Space Remaining in Modify Tileset. You don't get to see this frequently in templates! On the contrary, you usually get the opposite (no more tiles can be added because the limit is reached).
It is also astonishing the way you mingled the nature doodads together. The contrast between their colours looks gorgeous, but I agree to some extent with WhiteFang. Despite looking fancy, the dark green of the pines doesn't blend perfectly with the other lighter colours. If you could find pines with a slightly lighter/darker colour, you could try using them and see if you obtain a better result. You know, trying never hurts! See which pine fits the best.
It was delighting to see pathing blockers implemented in the template as this saves that dreadful boring awkward job of putting them yourself.
The only real remark I have is about the southern rocky hills. They look spiky and quite unnatural. Would you mind smoothing them a little (not too much or you might end up creating a disaster)? I reckon they'd look much better. I'd also suggest adding some doodads around the shallow water, such as cattails and lily pads, just to give it some decoration.
All in all, the template looks nifty and I have no doubts on my decision. This gets a 4/5 and it is approved! Excellent work, keep it up! It's just a shame that this template is so tiny; it would've been supreme to have this on a larger scale.