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- Jul 21, 2010
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Heaven VS Hell Siege
Soon to come...
- Vista sucks (Director)
- Hexcellion (Hero balancing, overall balance and items)
- Darkgamma (Hero's, Hero balancing, beta tester and terraining)
- Maddeem (GUI and Object editor spells)
- All Hero's created
- Well balanced game
- Perfectly working score board
- Perfectly working hero revival system
- All creeps + critters created
- Well designed layout
- Well designed win/loss system
- Difficulty modes [50% - easy | 100% normal | 175% hard
Coming soon...
Waves will be given to you like a 10 course entree meal. After the 10 entrees have been served, then the main meal comes "The boss". Each wave should last for 5-10 minuets to complete, and it will require teamwork to complete these waves. And depending on what difficulty you choose. You might fight it hard to go off and do your own thing in the game to acquire special abilities and items if you choose 100% normal for your difficulty, but it shouldn't be so bad if you have a team that knows how to work together. But if you choose 200% Hard you will find your self struggling to go elsewhere other than your base.
As for bosses, you might not require team work so much if you choose 50% easy. But if you decide to choose a harder mode. Make sure your entire team is ready. Or the current players at the team base is well prepared to fight off the bosses
For such a game like this that resembles the gamehttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20. In the original you could choose two different gambling options.
- [You will have a 50% chance of getting a low level item.] [11,000 coins]
- [You will have a 50% change of getting a high level item. [22,000 coins]
But this time I've decided to make it a lot harder to gain coins and a less % chance of getting a random item. Because in the original game you could get your self max coins in a very short time if you know what you were doing.
So making the coins harder to consume, and to make the value of 100,000 on the original game. Worth 1,000 - 2,000 on this current version
- [You will have a 10% chance of getting a low level item.] [1,000 coins]
- [You will have a 15% chance of getting a low level item.] [1,600]
- [You will have a 30% chance of getting a low level item.] [4,000]
- [You will have a 5% chance of getting a medium level item.] [10,000]
- [You will have a 10% chance of getting a medium level item.] [25,000]
If you've been reading all of my information on this current project. You would've read that items play a very important role in this game. So I wouldn't want to make it too easy for people to consume good items, like in the original http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20.
- [You will have a 2% chance of getting a high level item.] [80,000]
- [You will have a 5% chance of getting a high level item.] [190,000]
I've also decided to add in a special gambling option. The ability to gamble for some of the best items in the game. But... For what price?
- [You will have a 1% chance of getting a Elite level item.] [1,000,000]
Yes these prices may seem too high, but things will change throughout the creation of this map.
---> http://i41.tinypic.com/287p6ad.png
---> You can choose to have your name on the Emblem
---> You can choose different colours
---> You can choose the size
---> Do not use/modify the emblem without my permission

Hero BalanceYes hero balancing is important for any game the requires a player owned hero.
And same goes for creeps and critters.
But if you find your self more into the hero side of things, then applying would be great.
Overall BalanceThis job is just like the hero balancing job. But instead you will help with the overall creeps
and critters.
vJASSIf you are well experienced with vJASS and you feel like you would be glad to contribute to
this project then by all means, it would be a honer to have you on our team.
JASSIf you are well experienced with JASS instead of vJASS and you feel like you would glad to
contribute to this project. I will be happy to have you on my team.
GUIGUI is the most some what preferable than vJASS amd JASS, due to GUI is what most people use.
Spells + ItemsItems will play a very important role in this game. So if you think you're up to it, I would be very
happy to help with the project.
Soon to come...
- Vista sucks (Director)
- Hexcellion (Hero balancing, overall balance and items)
- Darkgamma (Hero's, Hero balancing, beta tester and terraining)
- Maddeem (GUI and Object editor spells)
- All Hero's created
- Well balanced game
- Perfectly working score board
- Perfectly working hero revival system
- All creeps + critters created
- Well designed layout
- Well designed win/loss system
- Difficulty modes [50% - easy | 100% normal | 175% hard
What is Heaven VS Hell Siege?
Heaven VS Hell Siege is obviously a Siege type game, inspired by http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/x-hero-siege-80171/?prev=search%3DX%2520hero%2520siege%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 and http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20. The rules are fairly simple in this game and I will lay out a quick and brief description of how this game will work.
Much like http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/x-hero-siege-80171/?prev=search%3DX%2520hero%2520siege%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 you will find your self fighting off creeps + critters. But this wont be exactly what you think.
You will have two teams Hell and Heaven, both teams will be able to hold up to 6 players on each side. So if team one looses their "Hell Stone Tower" they will loose. And if Heaven looses their "Holy Gem Tower" they will loose. So basically what you want to do is keep everything away from what you're protecting.
But this game is also a arena type game. But this I will explain some other time.
Does this game relate to any other previously created games?
I came up with a fairly cool idea of combining the game http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 and http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/x-hero-siege-80171/?prev=search%3DX%2520hero%2520siege%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 together. To make Heaven VS Hell Siege! This version will be a bit different from the current http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/x-hero-siege-80171/?prev=search%3DX%2520hero%2520siege%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 because, instead of having, "lets say one team fighting off creeps n critters", "I'll make it so two teams will VS eachother." and that's how I came up with the idea of HVH Siege.
Coming soon...
Waves will be given to you like a 10 course entree meal. After the 10 entrees have been served, then the main meal comes "The boss". Each wave should last for 5-10 minuets to complete, and it will require teamwork to complete these waves. And depending on what difficulty you choose. You might fight it hard to go off and do your own thing in the game to acquire special abilities and items if you choose 100% normal for your difficulty, but it shouldn't be so bad if you have a team that knows how to work together. But if you choose 200% Hard you will find your self struggling to go elsewhere other than your base.
As for bosses, you might not require team work so much if you choose 50% easy. But if you decide to choose a harder mode. Make sure your entire team is ready. Or the current players at the team base is well prepared to fight off the bosses
For such a game like this that resembles the gamehttp://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20. In the original you could choose two different gambling options.

But this time I've decided to make it a lot harder to gain coins and a less % chance of getting a random item. Because in the original game you could get your self max coins in a very short time if you know what you were doing.
So making the coins harder to consume, and to make the value of 100,000 on the original game. Worth 1,000 - 2,000 on this current version

If you've been reading all of my information on this current project. You would've read that items play a very important role in this game. So I wouldn't want to make it too easy for people to consume good items, like in the original http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/hell-vs-heaven-final-79198/?prev=search%3DHeaven%2520VS%2520hell%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20.

I've also decided to add in a special gambling option. The ability to gamble for some of the best items in the game. But... For what price?

Yes these prices may seem too high, but things will change throughout the creation of this map.
Working as a team!
I don't really want to look at my self and say, I own this idea I made this map. So as for now, I wont look at my self as much as the leader, but more as a director of the team. I'll help you create, fix and come up with ideas together as a team. When a team gets messages across nice and smoothly, and gets along well. Then I believe that this project could turn out great!
Feel like you could help?
Do you think that you could help create this project. Help it come alive? So here it is, if I have not put something on the required list. But you think that you could find your self useful in other areas of the project. Then id be glad to put you on aboard the team.
Making new loading screen...
--->Those joining the team will receive a copy of the current map
--->Those joining the team will receive a copy of the current map
---> http://i41.tinypic.com/287p6ad.png
---> You can choose to have your name on the Emblem
---> You can choose different colours
---> You can choose the size
---> Do not use/modify the emblem without my permission

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