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[SD/Modeling] Headhunter Berserker fix

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Level 3
Apr 17, 2017
I need someone to fix the Headhunter_V1.mdx . Since Reforged you can't attach special effects (via trigger) to the "chest" attachment point, they are simply not visible. For example try the Aerial Shakles effect. It won't work. Any help is highly appreciated. Tyvm
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
Is Headhunter_V1.mdx the HD or SD asset?
Edit: I dug into this because I was intrigued and I found an explanation.

First, its important to note that because the headhunter model is super hunchbacked, the actual location of the chest attachment point is very similar to the head and overhead attachment locations... so you just have to deal with the way that looks.

Second, the problem isn't with the headhunter model directly; it's when using the berserker sub-animations of the headhunter model that the chest attachment point fails. When a headhunter upgrades into a berserker, it gets the "alternate" animation tag applied to it to change how the unit looks without actually doing a chaos morph (and the developers didn't know about reverse bear form so they didn't do that either) into another unit-type. You can see this by inspecting the model in the editor's viewer and tabbing through its various animations. For whatever reason, the headhunter model's chest attachment point has been removed from its 'alternate' animations. Therefore, trying to attach to chest will not show the effect until the 'alternate' tag is removed from the unit (which you can do with a trigger).

How do you fix this? Edit the model. Maybe the attachment point is there but has just been renamed when 'alternate' is applied? Not entirely sure because I'm not a model guy, but as I recall it should be possible to convert the model to .mdl and then view the animation name data by opening that file with a text (hex?) editor.
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Level 3
Apr 17, 2017
Hello and thanks for your reply.
I am talking about the SD model (I tagged this thread with "SD/modeling").
I took the 1.26 model (where the attachment point works) and imported it into my map. Nothing changed. So it would be to no avail if I tried to rename something in the mdl in the way you described, right ? Maybe Reforged is not processing the unit correctly anymore because it needs a different naming convention / format or whatever ?
Edit: What I once did, I renamed the chest attachment point to chest alternate and vice versa and it worked. However some other buffs where not shown anymore like for example bloodlust ...
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Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
Yeah I'm stupid and didn't read the tag.

Was Bloodlust's attachment working before you altered the animation names? If so that probably points to the actual root of the problem (though I don't know enough about the inner workings of the Editor to speculate as to what that may be)... whereas if they didn't work before either then you probably just need to rename all of the attachment points from alternate to nothing, and then just use the model directly without the alternate tag at all.
Level 3
Apr 17, 2017
Yea, bloodlust attachment worked before. Same with spiritlink btw. There seems to be something messed up. Dunno ...
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