Hat, British Flag, American Flag and model edit.

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British flag and American flag

Hello. I am making a map about "Battle of Guilford Courthouse" inspired by the movie "The Patriot"
I would like to have models of two flags with the pole with wave animations(the flags can be attachments/doodads)



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Working on something else at the moment. Use Magos Model Editor for that. Get the default flag, e.g. Objects\InventoryItems\HumanCaptureFlag\HumanCaptureFlag.mdl
and delete the parts of the flag, so that only the stick stays. Then import your flag model and edit it.
Thanks. Ok I removed the default flag. How can I put both models together? When I try to open another model it just opens it removing the previous one I opened. And can I also change the colour of the stick so it looks more like a metal pole?
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