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import Data.List
list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
-- Problem 1: find the last element of a list
lastList :: [a] -> a
lastList [] = error "list cannot be empty"
lastList (x:[]) = x
lastList (x:xs) = lastList xs
-- Problem 2: Find the last but one element of a list.
lastButOne :: [a] -> a
lastButOne [] = error "list cannot be empty"
lastButOne (x:[]) = error "list must be larger than one"
lastButOne [x,_] = x
lastButOne (_:xs) = lastButOne xs
-- Problem 3: Find the K'th element of a list. The first element in the list is number 1.
elementAt :: [a] -> Int -> a
elementAt [] n = error "list cannot be empty"
elementAt s@(x:xs) n
| n > (length s) = error "n cannot be larger than list"
| otherwise = if (length s) == n then x else elementAt xs n
-- Problem 4: find the number of elements of a list
countList :: [a] -> Int
countList [] = 0
countList (x:xs) = 1 + countList xs
-- Problem 5: reverse a list (I assume, not using "reverse")
reverser :: [a] -> [a]
reverser [] = []
reverser (x:xs) = reverser xs ++ (x : [])
-- Problem 6: find out whether a list is a palindrome
isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome [] = True
isPalindrome xs = let xs2 = reverse xs
in (xs2 == xs)
-- Problem 7: flatten a nested list structure
-- NOTE: This doesn't strictly solve the problem. May want to revisit later.
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten = foldr (++) []
Problem 8: Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements.
If a list contains repeated elements they should be replaced with
a single copy of the element. The order of the elements should not be changed.
> compress ["a","a","a","a","b","c","c","a","a","d","e","e","e","e"]
-- excellent opportunity to play around with mapAccumL
compress :: (Eq x) => [x] -> [x]
compress xs = fst $ mapAccumL (\ys s -> if (length ys > 0) && (last ys == s) then (ys, s) else (ys++s:[], s)) [] xs
-- the simplest solution from the Wiki
compressr :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
compressr = map head . group
Problem 9: Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists.
If a list contains repeated elements they should be placed in separate sublists.
*Main> pack ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e']
pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack = group
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