• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Haradrim Warrior

“It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would rather have stayed there in peace.” - JRR Tolkien

Right now I've got two other unfinished Haradrim models, an archer and a spear-thrower made in like-design.
If things change regarding Blizz's EULA from Hell, I'll get back into modeling again and add them.
If not, I'm going to be spending much more time in LotrO or making things for other games instead.

Keywords: Haradrim, Harad, Haradwaith, Easterling, Swordsman, Middle-eastern, Moor, Moors, Infantry, Soldier, African, Nubian, Lord, of, the, rings, war, ring, black, serpent

- Phantom Footprints removed
- In-game screenshot added

Haradrim Warrior (Model)

Nice Face Texture. Useful Model. Approved.
"If things change regarding Blizz's EULA from Hell"
Can i ask what does this means?

Copyrighted content is against the new EULA. So they can take maps down that contains copyrighted content, which includes lotr, ect. Also, they own everything you upload to their database, including the intellectual property and the rights to make derivative works. For example spin-off games based on mods, like Dota 2, League of Legends, various tower defenses, etc. Had they been made after the EULA update.

For the first point, maps with content violating their EULA will probably still exist for a long time, because they have to be reported to be taken down. And I'm not sure they actually care until a company reports the content. It is most-likely to protect their own asses against the US and European copyright laws.
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Level 8
Mar 12, 2016
"If things change regarding Blizz's EULA from Hell, I'll get back into modeling again and add them."
I think you know very well that things will not change. So, is this your last model for WC3?

Also, beautiful work as always.




Copyrighted content is against the new EULA. So they can take maps down that contains copyrighted content, which includes lotr, ect. Also, they own everything you upload to their database, including the intellectual property and the rights to make derivative works. For example spin-off games based on mods, like Dota 2, League of Legends, various tower defenses, etc. Had they been made after the EULA update.

For the first point, maps with content violating their EULA will probably still exist for a long time, because they have to be reported to be taken down. And I'm not sure they actually care until a company reports the content. It is most-likely to protect their own asses against the US and European copyright laws.

There are some interesting threads regarding this. (Thanks again, Deepstrasz for sharing these)
Regarding Losing your Intellectual Property by accepting the Custom Game Policy
TOS explanation and myths

The upper thread starts with: You don't lose your IP by accepting a contract like the Policy or the EULA
If you're willing, has enough money, and are competent enough to dispute the EULA in a court of law. Then sure, they do not own your map. The conclusion that "it is hard to enforce" or "it is a gray area" does not mean Blizzard is not going to sue you over ownership if you ever make a successful spin-off game.

They'll probably force you into an out-of-court settlement by the sheer amount of copyright layers they will be throwing at you. Haha
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
All I know about Araby is a few scraps of lore, never seen any artwork for 'em, but I've got a pretty good image in my head.

As for Mamelukes, my only experience with 'em is being repeatedly killed by Sarranid Mameluks in M&B: Warband while leading my Rhodoks on a crusade :p

If they're anything like they are in Warband, the only thing that'll throw me a curve-ball is the chain horse armour.
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
@Mister_Haudrauf That could be tricky, I can't get into the game at all. The authentication code isn't sending and [Offline] mode is greyed out.

This 'Always Online' model for a Classic game is frustrating

Nevermind, I somehow got in after I turned off my phone and launched the game from the launcher instead of the editor.

SD still has no shadows, I see :[
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Level 10
Oct 13, 2014
[QUOTE = "Galadgod, publicación: 3433520, miembro: 244972"] ¡Se ve increíble! Espero que sigas haciendo modelos para la colmena, tu trabajo es realmente genial.
[SPOILER = "Lamentablemente soy demasiado vago para importar texturas y usarlas correctamente"]
Hello Galadgod you can past me is model?
Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Pikeman's hiding until I can give him a barefoot texture, right now the texture for his foot is just a super close-up of his nose.

Yup, years & years in the making, declared dead when Blizz released their Hellish EULA, but signs of life have been seen, as of the rumors about the EULA only affecting Reforged-specific work
Level 1
Dec 29, 2019
Nice model, but why niger, sry african?)
I think haradrim and near-haradrim looks like arabic-semithic