Firstly, imediatly by seeing the mini map image, I knew this map was going to have problems. I would advise a more professional one rather than one with all the ugly interface.
Secondly, terrain has a lot to be desired as it is pretty much monochrome. I would advise giving more variation and paying attention to details.
So I set fourth to play a game, but nothing could have prepaired me for the bugs I would encounter. I tried TKing an ally and it did shit all, the shot passed straight throu them without any affect. The opposing team was constantly using crow form, but when they died they no longer respawned. Next I tried shooting an enemy, the shot whized very close to him but still did not kill him, yet I repeated the same on an ally and it killed my ally when the shot was not even near him. Also some of your icons are improperly imported and so green, this is just shocking workmanship for a map as there really is no excuse for green icons, especially since THW's icon section especially provides you with shaded versions to stop that.
As for actual gameplay, the aiming system is useless you simply need to just keep changing directions and no one can hit you. Sniper bullets travel near instantly in real life, yet in this game they have a long delay to travel even the shortest distance, thus eithor make it near instantanious shots, or else completly change the aimming system.
I pretty much got sick of the map with one game, the gameplay is just too simple and repetitive and this map has near no replayability at all, if it even has playability to start with. I would advise adding more variation, perhaps some NPCs to make yourlife harder or random effects, just so it does not end up in an [A] mashing exercise of trying to shoot the moving target with a matrix speed bullet. I would also maybe advise that snipers only OHKO if their shot hits the target head on, any other hits should deal moderate damage but not be fatal as one does not simply land headshots by shooting in the vague area of an opponent in most games.
All in all, I would rate it somewhere inbetween 1/5 and 2/5 as it definatly is a map with some effort put into it (someone spent quite a while one it at some stage) but it is bug prone to the point of unplayability, is not that interesting or enjoyable and is full of shoddy workmanship. However, as I doubt this map will ever be updated and the problems fixed (as it has never been updated when problems were clearly obvious), I drop my score added by effort put in and so give it a 1/5.