Grand Battles

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Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Grand Battles: Cry of the Warsong!


You take part in a Grand Battle where you controll only one hero and maybe some troops, you fight to take over points and you advance with your allies. The point is that your allies is controlled by triggers, and will move on and attack locations repeatedly based on the current condition of the fight. Another point is that I want these fights to somewhat replicate some of those we all fought when we played through wc3 and wc3 frozen throne, so the first map of which I am making is "Cry of the Warsong". Which, for those who didnt know, is the level in the wc3 orc campaign where you meet Gromash Hellscream for the first time, and you fight against four or five human bases.

The ultimate dream is to make a map with nice gameplay and many functions and different missions all the time, but the utlimate goal is that its allways something going on at mutlible locations at once. But I know by a fact, I am not a so good map maker. So I wont be able to make that. So the idea is open for everyone to do, if they feel tempted to make one, just dont do it from the same map as I do, theres plenty to take from :p

When I get something that is playable I will post it up for folks to review, but untill then this is what you get :p

Thanks for your time guys ^^


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