To say the least I am a great mapper, I know how to do everything in WorldEditor, But I just suck at JASS and I can not be bothered to learn too much of it (Since I already know like 10 other languages and I am studying C# right now..and I already get them mixed up sometimes )
Any was MY project needs a JASS person to help with the advanced scripting...That is all, Everything else I got already done (including the epic GFX for it..which I did all by myself lol)
If you would like to see some screen shots of know more about the map, or hell even play it..Feel free to ask. Also if you are interested in helping JASS wise..please post (lol of course)
But some basic info:
There are two teams of three, and use there armys of goblins they must destroy the other teams war tower...That is basically what the game is about... but it is more fun then it sounds...