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Goblin Bombadier

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my version of a Goblin Bombadier.
Also its a sort of selfportrait.
Hope you like it!

EDIT: changed the walkanimation and made him bigger.

Goblin, Hero, User, Bombadier,

Goblin Bombadier (Model)

[APPROVED] January 19th, 2008 Works ingame. Your animation skills are budding very nicely, however these could be very much improved if you have time. 3/5 --donut3.5-- HappyTauren: Portrait needs to be fixed.




January 19th, 2008
Works ingame. Your animation skills are budding very nicely, however these could be very much improved if you have time.

HappyTauren: Portrait needs to be fixed.
Level 3
Jun 10, 2009
I love it, its simple, but I can use it for my goblin hero. 4/5 for now, but It better have a portrait or 0/5 :mad:

I found no portrait ingame, and I am very disapointed...I was exited for this. 0/5... Please add portrait?
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Level 6
Aug 30, 2005
hmmm, i used the attack slam (the one where hes chucking dynamite), and i added a dynamte stick as a projectile. it seems that the goblin chucks it after the dynamites outta his hands -.-

same here. its been 2 years after this post and i doubt he will fix the animations for the goblin... but you can do that by increasing the animation damage point of an attack.
i like it so much its basicly my primary charicter in my current map !!!!

my only problom with it is the tiny barrels of exploives, the only thing with them is that in game they look somwhat funny, because they look like there floating out side his body, and not in perfect alienment with his body either. i have no idea how you could remove them but if i could i would do that. other then that this models very nice in that it has plenty of animations, like throwing dynamite infrount as well as behind him self, he can launch rockets, from his back pack, he has a suicide animation thats neat, tho really its cooler for other things, as hes pluging his ears waiting for a boom, hes pretty kick ass.

pretty neat, a very good goblin model, a must have for eny major goblin orinented map.

8.5/10 would be a 9 because it is very detailed and well animatied but those barrels are just killin me man

permission to add attachment points?
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