[General] "Glowing Rune" special effect at base of feet

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Level 4
Sep 14, 2011
Hey Hivers,

I want to create a "glowing rune" at the base of a unit's feet (origin) but I'm finding that the rune has a minimum height of about 65. Do I have to edit the model to get around this? Anyone familiar with this doodad?

Level 4
Sep 14, 2011
In the editor, you can move down doodads by holding Ctrl and pressing Page Down.

If you need to do it in game, you better create a dummy unit with the rune model, the Locust ability, and a negative flying height.

Would a periodic trigger be necessary in the latter case, to keep the dummy in the right position? I wish I had better modelling skills; it would be so nice to just attach a special effect @ origin.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
You can attach special effects to units with the Sphere ability (check the Blood Mage), but then it would still have the flying height, because you can't edit effects in-game.

If you don't know how to edit models, then yeah, I suggest you use a periodic trigger. Just move the dummy unit to the hero every 0.1 seconds.

Though I might be able to edit the model myself. Which glowing rune is it exactly?
Level 4
Sep 14, 2011
Actually I'm using one of each type of the glowing runes except the white one, so that would mean a lot of editing (though I would be super grateful if you were feeling generous - I am a composer so I would be happy to write you a little music in return!).

Since then I've decided to make the rune smaller and have it float above the head of the unit (which changes nothing - I still need them not to be floating so high off the ground), and rotate slowly in place. Tried it using a periodic trigger and a dummy unit but I can't get them to rotate quite right (they are lopsided).

I tried to find the "glowing rune" variations in Magos' model editor but I could only find 3 base runes with no FX or colour (strange), and I would have big trouble moving them around and adding an animation since I have little model editing experience and zero experience with animations (and no program).

If you'd like to see what I'm doing, PM me and I'll send you a copy of the map so you can have a look at my "makeshift" method.

BTW, thanks a ton for your comments/helpfulness, bro!
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