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Glendor rpg Need Alot Of People

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Level 3
Jun 3, 2009
private message me if you're interested in helping in the newest rpg project
Glendor Rpg we need a stats system a creep respawn a idea maker a model developer a map designer(terrain designer) and a jass editor
we currently have a jass scripter working on our creep respawn system
i will upload some pictures soon
here's the map file to look at it
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Why choose your RPG over the hundreds of other RPGs other people are wanting to recruit for? Do not expect people to throw themselves at your feet just because you are looking for them. It is the other way round as such people you want are in short supply and every want-to-be project director wants them.
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Why choose your RPG over the hundreds of other RPGs other people are wanting to recruit for? Do not expect people to throw themselves at your feet just because you are looking for them. It is the other way round as such people you want are in short supply and every want-to-be project director wants them.


@SecretTrader, If you wish for people to join your project, I advise you to show them a taste of what the map has right now, for most people, it'll be a lot cooler to join a map that has a lot of potential, if the creator does not show the map's potential, then why would people bother join a project on which they have no idea what the map would contain/what the map's features may be/what the terrain concepts would look like,etc. (sorry if I sound rather offensive)
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
No story, no screenshots, no proper description about the project itself, basically nothing would push people to download or join the map development. I downloaded it, it is empty, nearly nothing in it, no descriptions, no terrain, no story. Environment is extremely lacking, quests do not seem to have a purpose at all. I saw some text like *I heal bitches* as well. It left me a feeling of a lifeless map, an rpg like: Come, take quest and do it. You may say it is not done etc, but it is really easy to polish one corner of a map just to give a feeling of what it looks when it is done, now it looks like a work of two evenings and yet you upload it, sorry if it sound offensive. Oh, and you ask not to edit the map with caps, edit what exactly?

It is really easy to go like this, you come here, ask for many people who would basically do the entire map for you and you expect a *boom* - here you have a complete map. No, it doesn't work like that.
As I always say, make people want to play your map if you want to get them to join. They should want to play your map so badly that they will invest their time into finishing it so that they can play it ^_^.

The only other possible motivator is money.

If people don't care to play your map, they're obviously not going to help you with it. Get them excited. To do this, you need to go into great detail of what you want to accomplish in your map + possibly provide screenshots of terrain or features or w/e.

If this seems like too much work, then don't even bother trying to recruit people as they are never going to join without some reason. Nobody's going to go, "I feel like volunteering all my time to someone else today for no better reason than to do what that person says."

The other thing that can motivate people is your own skill at making maps. They may know nothing about it, but simply because you are a famous person that has creates lots of resources and is acknowledged to have great skill, they will join your project regardless of whether they want to play it or not. The reason behind this: learning from the so said master, that way they can make their own awesome maps.

A final reason, one that wouldn't apply to wc3, is making for a portfolio to show off at job interviews or to get people to join projects or to get funding for a company.
Level 3
Jun 3, 2009
no the maps only 5% complete for alpha i have a small team working on the map with me i just need some help in some fields the story line is one of the very last things i care about right now terraining and all of that will be done later alot of people just dont understand that when a map needs a team it isnt completed past 50% most of the time this is how much i have done in about 8 hours of creating time i obviousally have alot to do thats why im looking for members so your point is invalid
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