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Glaive Flurry

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Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
Hello, i would like to make an ability that goes like this:
(Its a three level hero ability, the "/" represents each level:
ex."LV1 DMG/LV 2 DMG/LV 3 DMG)

Glaive Flurry - 120/140/160 Mana
The rouge spins wildly, throwing glaives at nearby units (area of 500) every second. Each glaive deals 100/200/300 damage. Lasts 10/15/20 seconds.

For those who need more info, and play League of Legends, this ability is kinda like Katrina's ultimate.

NOTE- You do not need to trigger the spinning effect, i have a custom model that has it already.

Thnx and +rep in advance
Level 13
Oct 10, 2009
Hello, i would like to make an ability that goes like this:
(Its a three level hero ability, the "/" represents each level:
ex."LV1 DMG/LV 2 DMG/LV 3 DMG)

Glaive Flurry - 120/140/160 Mana
The rouge spins wildly, throwing glaives at nearby units (area of 500) every second. Each glaive deals 100/200/300 damage. Lasts 10/15/20 seconds.

For those who need more info, and play League of Legends, this ability is kinda like Katrina's ultimate.

NOTE- You do not need to trigger the spinning effect, i have a custom model that has it already.

Thnx and +rep in advance

'Tis be simple my dear friend. You are thinking of ze hard stuffz! I, dey great Slash be telling you mon how to do iit.

/End accent

Simply, create a multi leveled "Pheonix fire" abillity, set the damage to what is needed. The cooldown to what is needed then just add/remove the abillity when the channeling is broken/started

For now, lets call "Pheonix fire edited" as "Death Lotus (PF)"

Also, you need to make the dummy abillity; Base it off of channel and change the "Cast time" to 10/15/20 respectively.

  • Events
  • Conditions
    • Abillity being cast == Death Lotus (PF)
  • Actions
    • Unit - Add Death Lotus (PF) to triggering unit
    • Unit - set level of Death Lotus (PF) to level of abillity being cast
And then detect when the spell finishes...

  • Events
  • Conditions
    • Abillity being cast == Death Lotus (PF)
  • Actions
    • Unit - Remove Death Lotus (PF) to triggering unit
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Thanks slash for giving me idea on Phoenix Fire base ability, but the trigger is no joke :)

I have attached a test map, you can check it out

Also, luckily I read slash's post, he said that this spell is CHANNELING (you never mentioned that)
What I want to express here is you should explain it CLEARLY next time for your request, don't leave out a single detail and just say "juz laik katarina's ultimate", hey dude, not EVERYONE plays your game, okay ?

"Lasts 10/15/20 seconds" is NOT channeling, you can also imagine this spell as "walking-ability-effect", so please okay ?
I'm trying to make everybody's work more easier :)

As you can see from the test map, if you desolate the caster and a single target alone in the map, the Phoenix Fire will attack the unit a few times (5-6 times) before coming to a stop (cooldown, 1 second per damage)
This is the backfire of Phoenix Fire, well, I'm gonna find another solution then :)

I tried using Storm Bolt as base spell but that bad spell has an additional effect which is stun (even if I set to 0.01, it's still a stun and can interrupt channeling ability), solution, solution~


  • Glaive Flurry.w3x
    15 KB · Views: 44
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Because I want to let a "missile-like-projectile" coming out from the caster's location
But since I was seeing its original spell, the projectile is fast and barely be seen, I think using the damage per second + SFX action on that unit will work, although, a bit lazy @.@
rysnt, u can do it !
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
See the hijacked post on your thread?
I workin on mckill's request..
You the one that begin the spell making of this spell, and you is the only one that could finish this spell
I have a faith on you def!
Btw, i had this idea
Why don't make a dummy unit, then move it (instantly) to the picked unit, after that order the unit to damage the picked unit, attach the phoenix missile's projectile in the chest, also attach the glaive thrower's Missile to that unit, how about it?
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