13:18, 21st Jun 2011
shiiK: Look, each individual part looks pretty neat and all, but together, they make a mess. Besides, there's so many seemingly random details not resembling anything. People like to recognize what they are seeing. Use the thread you made for updates like these and wait for a qualified texturer to give you the green light before updating the resource again. Another tiny update and I'll just reject this permanently.
shiiK: Look, each individual part looks pretty neat and all, but together, they make a mess. Besides, there's so many seemingly random details not resembling anything. People like to recognize what they are seeing. Use the thread you made for updates like these and wait for a qualified texturer to give you the green light before updating the resource again. Another tiny update and I'll just reject this permanently.
shiiK: Didn't you read Dentothor's and my comment in the thread you made?