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robot gh2

Model by Max666 in 2004 and originally for wc3sear.ch

Please give proper credits.

GH2 (Model)

GH2 (Model)

Werewulf: Approved due to no ignore reason and a highly desired model. alot of polies though.




Werewulf: Approved due to no ignore reason and a highly desired model. alot of polies though.
Level 2
Apr 14, 2004
The man aint exposed, irradiate would work otherwise.
Besides look in the SC Manual. You're talking about Vultures.
Quirriff, the picture in the manual is different from the sprite, just like how the rendered hydralisk looks different from the sprite in having spines along it's tail. look very closely at the goliath sprite, it's ver hard to see, but there is a little man exposed in the front. i guess it's not very visible, but you can sorta see his leg sticking out.
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Its not a little man, the Goliath has a gun or something down there.

On the CGI pic in the manual, the Goliath in the Brood War human outro and the Starcraft Ghost game it does not have the guy outside, hes inside a cockpit. The goliath appears to look like this.
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Goliaths hav a cockpit similer to an SCVs frame and below the Hub is a Gatling Anti-Infantry Vulcan cannon. the missles actualy shoot out of the Mian Cannons on the sides in many cases, but in the RTS, never did so, they were just jetisoned and homed on their own...
Its not a little man, the Goliath has a gun or something down there.

On the CGI pic in the manual, the Goliath in the Brood War human outro and the Starcraft Ghost game it does not have the guy outside, hes inside a cockpit. The goliath appears to look like this.

Quirriff, the picture in the manual is different from the sprite, just like how the rendered hydralisk looks different from the sprite in having spines along it's tail.

it's a little man, damn. cant you see the outline? it even has some brown pants.

oh yeah, just for random comment, there's also a little guy there on the missile turret.
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Ply the Brood War Campian, and the 'matics portray ingame art very closely, cos they used the original models used for the sprites, in the movies (past experiance and how they make sprite run games of this type)
The "UED" 'matic has a good shot of a Golaith when they r having that gay news reel thing, and u will see, no lil wiener is hanging out side the Frames to be kicked in the balls. the DVD is easier to see however, better res...

As for the missle turret? lol... yer so many have sed that and i see why, but... uh... no... lol, if u look at the cockpit for the SCV, u will notice it mirrors that of the Turret, yes, its a lil guy, but he is still inside a cockpit. The things that look like legs are Sensor Arrays. And besides, that'd be one small ass lil person cos look at how big the damn window is (the so called "Head"), and how small the body would be. Nice and comfy for some deformed Gnome maybe but lol...

i guess il leave this alone now lol, i hav my views, u got urs :p

its wot i get for being an Anylitical Artist...
Level 2
Jun 21, 2005
Why do the skin path file names don't match the actual file's names???
There is no smoke nor flame blp file in the zipped file... in the zipped file there are 4 files:

Goliath3.MDX, Goliath3_Portrait.MDX, Goliath M 3.blp, Goliath Portr.blp

I think the skin paths are wrong because they say:

Number of Skins: 4
Skin 1: Goliath Portr.blp
Skin 2: Goliath M 3.blp
Skin 3: Textures\Flame4.blp
Skin 4: Textures\Smoke.blp

I saw no Smoke.blp nor Flame4.blp in the zipped file...
Level 2
Feb 22, 2007
ok the Goliath has 2 weapon systems a missle launcher and a Tri Auto Cannon. the Missle launcher are located on the arms. while the tri auto cannon is located under the head. it is not ment to be a man it was ment to be an auto cannon. also if he was exposed then how could a goliath survive on space platform?