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Get Blizzard to Up Warcraft 3 Battlenet File Size

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Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
Warcraft III is a legacy product. We won't get any updates on it anymore.

But even so, if they change something about it, I hope they won't just extend the limit but get rid of it completely. There is no reason for this limit anyway, since the file transfers are peer to peer anyway.

dont forget the magical 18 KBs download speed, imagine sending Dualism or some shit like that over Bnet 1.0, you would download it for longer than you would actually play it for :D
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Yes works everywhere... except you know on the legal official server Battle Net.

I don't really understand why would anyone want more then 8mbs, it just encourages importing for the sake of importing. Does it really effect gameplay that much itself?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Yes, it can. Imagine wc3 did not have all the resources. No doubt some people import unnecessary stuff that does not even fit and neglect other qualities but ultimately you want to materialize your vision that may stray apart from classics.

Also for example audio can make a big difference but also cuts a huge share. And in modern wc3 mapmaking, even non-imports grow. You may not insert any textures, models, sounds whatsoever and still consume 2mb.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Imagining part not that hard, it perfectly describes my experience of playing wc3 online. Granted I didn't play on Battle Net so forgive me if my experience is wrong, I played on Garena while it worked and now I am on Game Ranger.

I am not saying importing is bad but there is a reason why it is limited to 8mb. Still unlimited when it comes to creating solo maps or campaigns.
The problem is not the actual downloads; it's that WC3 doesn't even allow you to host beyond 8mbs.
It would be totally fine to not be able to download a map beyond 8mb (like the user joins the lobby and stays at 0% all the time), but not being able to host it is just stupid. That's more or less the only thing that bugs me.

There would be no problem providing the link to the map on hive in the game lobby for those who join. Heck I'd even make maps artifically beyond 8mb just to prevent people from downloading altered non-official maps through the game lobby. ;)
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
People still play WC3 on BattleNet? Last time I checked it was a ghost town of robot hosted games filled with tumble weed and the odd map trawler robot.

It's quite alive actually.

Much of the community now uses makemehost.com and/or entgaming.com owned user hosting bots to host maps. These websites offer a filter and list to look for maps on battle.net, and it definetely made it easier to find games than 4 years ago.

Most of the robot hosted games with no hosts have disappeared in favor of user hosted maps, including a plethora of DotA ones.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Well explain these images to me...

As you can see, 99% are ghost town games. There were 0 people in that SWAT aftermath lobby like in most of the lobbies.


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