Prior to the destruction of Draenor and Outland there were two factions of primal beings fighting for dominance.
On one side the mighty Breakers made of rock and magma. And on the other the Primals serving and seeking to spread life and nature.
The strongest of these beings were the Magnaron, hulking behemoths of stone and the Genesaur, mighty quadrupedal creatures often armed with massive gnarled polearms.
The Genesaur were the head guardians of life and the spreading of the Evergrowth and were often found alongside smaller ents, saplings and elementals
of nature.
Based on the Genesaurs from World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
Comes in three versions: Green, Purple and Yellow.
Team colors included.
Custom icons available for each color, one custom texture per model and portraits included.
Please credit me if you use this model.
genesaur, centaur, warlords of draenor, primals, nature, outland, world of warcraft, wow, ent