General questions about the editor

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Level 3
Jul 7, 2009
Hey guys. Lately I got interested in to the editor and started doing a project, which results in a lot of questions... Not to create lot of threads here are the questions.

1. I've got couple of texture images (of same thing (just different for variables)) How to make those texture images in editor be one texture but with variables?

2. Is it possible to use Shadow Meld during day and night?

3. How to change ping model? Advanced - Gameplay Interface - ? (can't find)

4. Is it possible for a building to attack only in front of it self, causing it unable to attack behind it?

Thank you for your time.
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
For 2. Yes i think if you change the day/night duration to really low and but the action duration really high :p

I dont understand what you mean in q4
but if your asking is it possible to make a unit only able to attack in the direction its facing then i would assume some sort of Projectile system. Or a very high amount of occlusion or. Reducing its site to 0 and having a dummy unit to show vision infront of it.

3.Gameplay interface- Signal button for the interface and Model-Indicator - For the actual Minimap Ping
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
1)no clue :p
2)dunno if the actual shadow meld ability works, but you can always create a dummy ability, detect if it's cast an then add permanent invisibility to triggering unit as well as add it to a unit group (shadow_meld_grp).
Then use a trigger that detects when a unit gets an order with condition 'unit is in shadow_meld_grp' and remove permanent invisibility from it. This way, the ability can be used day and night with infinite duration. If you want a duration, it's almost the same except that you use windwalk ability or create a hashtable where you save upon cast the duration and reduce that one every 0.1 seconds by 0.1 .
3)answered by Brambleclaw.
4)You'll need to check whenever a unit attacks whether the attacked unit is in it's front arc or not and if not in front arc, order that unit to stop.
As far as I recall, buildings have no front arc, so you'll need to make units that are targeted as buidlings with movement speed set to 0. Unless I've forgotten something this should do it for you.
Level 3
Jul 7, 2009
And to clear up 1)
So I've got these 2 pictures that i want to use as terrain. How do I make them be as one terrain slot, but with variables (variable 1 as picture 1 and variable 2 as picture 2)?


  • 1.png
    137.7 KB · Views: 104
  • 2.png
    143.1 KB · Views: 142
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
You would put them as variations of 1 terrain. So you would import both and then overwrite a terrain and make each one A Variation of the terrain.
Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
about 4)
Event - a unit is attacked
condition - attacking unit is a building
then some code that checks for the angle between the facing angle of attacking unit and the unit that is attacked. If the angle is between whatever, order attacking unit to stop.
whatever should be all angles that are not your front.
e.g. if you take 90° as front angle, order stop if angle is greater than 45° and smaller than (360-90/2)=315°.
This way you define your front angle :)
What is not done with this trigger (and where I currently can't find a proper solution) is to set a facing angle for your building upon construction. Me thinks if turning speed = 0, unit cannot face any other direction than it looks when positioned, but I'm not sure about the last one...

Frosty5, instead of double posting, edit your previous post. On hive it's only allowed to double post if you bump a thread that hasn't gotten any answers in 48 hours or alike.. (ok, and then submitting a tutorial that exceeds the size of just 1 post or needs multiple posts for structure.. ;) )
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