hi guys
can any1 tell me how 2 make this building i made (which is a iron gate horizontal) have an ability that makes it open and close using a trigger?
what do u mean im trying 2 find out myself
i wanted 2 make a gate (player controled) and make it have ability affected by triggers and when you click it
it opens n closes when you click again
this trigger 4 gates player controlled is used on maps like
village builder gold n ect
do you use it as a playerowned building or as a doodad?
if you use it as playerowned building, i'm not sure if there is a trigger to open it
if you use the doodad, use following trigger.
event: choose any (e.g. unit enters a region)
condition:not needed
action: destructable --> open/close/destroy gate --> open <your gate>
Here you go. Make a gate (destructible, not building) and place a special unit near it that has the Open and Close abilities (base them off thunder clap, 0 damage, 0% slow.)
Do the following triggers:
Open Gate
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of ability
Ability comparison - (Ability Being Cast) equal to Open
Destructible - Open Gate <select the gate>
Close Gate
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of ability
Ability comparison - (Ability Being Cast) equal to Close
k, try this, if the gate is open, use play unit death alternate animation, which is an open gate. then you have to find sth that units can walk through it, i guess there is a trigger to do that, but i don't know where, must be sth with make building walkable
Hmm give a builing gate model
When it uses open ability
repleace it with a walkable one and make it play "death alternate" animation (opened gate)
when walkable uses close repleace it with original one
You make an ability based on Thunder Clap or Roar, rename it to Open and set all data to 0. Then make another such ability and name it Close. Give those abilities to a gate tower for example and use them in the triggers.
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