Fight for control of the world of Gaia as one of ten factions. A massive alliance based domination match among the continents of Maredoron, Makura, Azjol’Nerub, and Elephan, along with the world of Overland.
The goal is simple, conquer the enemies of your alliance with all the weapons at your disposal. For most factions, travelling across the Great Ocean is a necessity, and so is maintaining a power fleet to combat the navies of your enemies and the Naga armies
Boletaria: Northernmost kingdom on Maredoron, Boletaria is a rugged, mountainous land, and it’s people are powerful and determined, if not a bit primitive. Tge demons attempted to consume the power of Boletaria's Sunwell, but were halted by the brave Boletarian militia and the Aspect Terra. Now after the invasion, they gather to show the southern kingdoms they are a force to be reckoned with
Heroes: Grand Master Ironhide tge Merciful, Jarless Barrucade Urchin the Naga Bane, Chief Gharlgarh of the Winterfin
Hadri: Aliens originally from Overland, the Hadri crashed to Maredoron aboard the massive Virodar. It’s small kingdom of Azurmyst owes it’s existence to the Boletarian Jarl Pineweaver (Who courts the Hadri Prophet Velian’s daughter Aeaii). It’s people are devout to the Holy Light and once wished to return to Overland, but now wish to carve a place amongst the kingdoms of Maredoron.
Heroes: Velian the Prophet of tge Light, Harbinger Heliofax
Lightspear Trolls: The one tribe of Trolls from Elephan that sided with a faction, the Lightspear, led by Chieftain Senjis, are now based in the kingdom of Zul’Darral inside Boletaria thanks to Jarl Boaboa. They are a spiritual people with a warrior spirit
Heroes: Chieftain Senjis, Rokkan Chief of Zul'Amen
Shattered Sun Offensive: The army from Overland that stood against the demon Iridillan and the Burning Legion. Made up of Blood Elves and their Narru allies, the Offensive joined the Boletarians due to the future Jarl Indrick Hormunculis Arcamide the Seventh who, while trapped in Overland, led them to kill Iridillan
Heroes: Dark Ranger Byredice, Avish'irs Guardian of the Light
Equestria: The youngest pony kingdom of Maredoron, Equestria has had none of the strife and war that have defined the other pony kingdoms. Because of this, Equestria was caught woefully unprepared when the demons invaded, their capital of Canterlot being destroyed early in the war. Now, after rebuilding their capital city, the Equestrians have begun arming themselves in response to the increased militarilization of their neighbors
Heroes: Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo, Metalsmith Lord Ossyan (or Ironworks), Stardancer the Vampyre
Ios: The oldest kingdom on Maredoron, Ios once controlled the entire continent, but lost it’s empire after the 700,000 year long Thousand Years War. Now, after it’s sacred forests and cities were burned by the Burning Legion, Ios has dedicated it’s vast, ancient army to Equestria in an attempt to protect it’s lands from other threats
Heroes: Eyriss the Angel of Retribution, Lord Arcanist, Cenarius
Zecca: The one tribe of Zebras that fled Elephan, the Zeccans carved a lasting kingdom amidst the jungles of western Maredoron. Dedicating themselves to the druidic power of the Earthmother Gaia, they Zeccan Druids have long been the most powerful of their kind. But, just before the invasion by the demons, Zecca fought a long and (literally) bloody civil war against the followers of the Blood God Phlebos (The underlying cause for the Elves’ defeat in the Thousand Years War) They provided small groups of Druids to fight the Demons, but spent most of their resources rebuilding their land
Heroes: Mithril the Metalsmith Druid, Gaia
Southern Empire: Questionably the most powerful kingdom on Maredoron, the Southern Empire is an industrial juggernaut with the contestably largest army in the world. Led by the ‘Mad’ Imperator Augustus from the city of Coltstantinople, the Southern Empire is extremely industrialized, to the point where they cause pain to the goddess Gaia, much to the chagrin of Zecca and Ios, who view the Empire with disdain. Their acceptance into Equestria’s alliance was incidental, as Equestria and it’s allies require the vast military of the Southerners. Eternal rival to Boletaria (North and South hate each other)
Heroes: Imperator Augustus
Old Gods: Impossibly evil beings once chained far beneath the world by the Iosan Gods, the arrival of the Burning Legion awoke these foul beings, who used the invasion as a distraction so the kingdoms of Maredoron wouldn’t notice the masses of Naga building off of their shores. Along with the Naga, the Old Gods command the vast army of Azjol’Nerub and the smaller forces of Makura. After the defeat of the Legion, the Old Gods forced the remaining demons into servitude, opening a dimensional gate just south of the Old God C’Thun’s tomb
Heroes: Naga Sea Witch, Nerubian Warlord, Tidal Lord
Titans: Pachydermal creatures with a superiority complex, the Titans forced the ponies and Trolls from Elephan, taking it as their own empire. After the demons invaded Maredoron, they came into contact with the Old God C’Thun, who promised them the largest empire in the world in exchange for their service, with the Tusklords quickly agreeing
Heroes: Tusklord Azgalor
Model Credit goes to
Blizzard Entertainment
Ujimasa Hojo
Massive Master
Special thanks to the My Little Pony RP Forum on
My Little Pony, Gaia, Maredoron