[+]the terrain was well done, nothing especially fantastic, but since it is a melee map, the terrain should not detract from gameplay, in this regard the terrain was perfect. the bases/map was overall balanced and the expansions were very helpful and easy to access.
[+]the layout was symmetrical but not boring the routes were not direct but there were no "choke points" to give anyone an unfair advantage.
[+]Overall color scheme and theme were ascetically pleasing and everything fit, nothing seemed "out of place" or awkward
[+]gold mines did not have a ridiculous amount of gold but enough so, while my gold mine collapsed, it did not allow any player to "camp" at their base and gather resources forever.
[+]Creeps placed so you do not "attack" them accidentally but could be found easily and approached when ready
[+]There were enough creeps and at a high enough level so you could level up a little before you attack enemy players but creeps were not spammed.
[+]the map was so subtly well done i did not realize i was playing a user-made map, i seriously thought blizzard had made it (since i dont know every map in the (standard) game
[-] i cant really think of anything bad with this map
Overall this map was very well done, it is a good solid melee map. as i said above, nothing especially spectacular but since its melee, that makes it perfect. It is subtly awesome.
a great map and a definite 5/5 for melee
EDIT: oh shit i didnt even realize the map had a custom AI script, i just thought it was the normal AI being stupid
[-] leet.firefox brought up a good point, AI was definitely... non-aggressive. :/
sorry, a 4.5/5 now