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Frozen Fire

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Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
Solomon409 Presents:

Frozen Fire
EARLY BETA IS OUT!!! TEST ME OUT!!!! :ogre_hurrhurr:
Click here to visit my newly creasted Moddb.com official mod site

What is Frozen Fire?

-Well, it is many things, one may call it a smoothie of many concepts.
-This will include:
(green is for IMPLANTED, red is for NOT YET IMPLANTED yellow is for WORKING ON)
  • Capture the Flag
  • AOS Elements
  • Mini-Games
  • 72 Custom Heros(No Slightly-Altered Blizzard Heros)
  • 288 New Spells
  • Item Class System (This means mages cannot equip swords and melee units cant equip bows)
  • Hidden NPCs(you need to explore the map)
  • Intractable Wildlife (You can hunt deer and sell their meat or fur, whatever)
  • Mining Ores/Gems (gotta buy an pick axe)
  • Forging Items (With the Ores)
  • Gold Auto Income
  • Creeps DON'T DROP GOLD...........(life doesn't just drop you gold for owning it with your LV 10 ultimate)
  • Heros Level to 50
  • Custom Attribute System(will expand on this furtur down.)
  • Alchemy System(you can transform various herb/materials into potions. This method though is more expensive in the beginning but pays off when you save around 400 gold for each potion.Making potions is always more cheaper!)
  • Fast-Paced Gameplay(on games with more then just 3 players, gameplay is very fast and furious, since most players will be on the battle feild attempting to push the tide of the battle, one death can chage it resulting in an fast panicy phase of regaining lost ground)
  • Hero Taverns(located in a secluded area where you can preview enemy possible heros)(but cannot use them)
  • Hero Revive(diffrent then traditional hero reviving systems where YOU need to manualy bring the hero back from the Underworld)(hero revives are instant but the revived have very little HP and almost no MP
  • Hero Bounties(killing heros are the best way to obtain gold. Killing heros reward you depending on how high level that hero is. The current equation though not permantent for hero kill gold gaining is "Hero level of killed unit x100" So if you kill a lv 1 hero, you only get 100 gold, but killing a level 50 hero gets you 5000 gold.
  • Champion Bounties(though i said killing those creep waves don't give gold, but if you kill an CHAMPION-type creep(read about it on bottom of post) it rewards you with 1000 gold and your allies with 500 gold.Gold is harder to obtain, so you have to be creative.)
  • Racial Bounuses(read more a bottum)

Team Members
Solomon409- Game Name:Jaxis
Role- Leader, main unit Hero maker, terrainer, item makers, triggerer, and ETC..

Steven- Game Name:Steven
Role- Main bug tester, Idea factory

Matej- Game Name:(to be known)
Role- Bugfixer, Spell-Checker, Others

ORCorc- Game Name:(unknown)
Role- Idea/Concept Factory

NEW-Now if you want to play and very early version of this map for sneak peeks, and you have hamachi + lancraft, join my hamachi game testing network called Solomon WC3 password is derder Usually when im on, you will wind me testing it out any updates or bugfixes with an team member named Steven.(family)(he cant speak english THAT well so, ya know......)

Frozen Fire is an major battle in Northrend between an small Human encampment and an small Undead Strike Force. You can read the Full story underneath:
During an time, a dark time, before the Burning Legion was purged from our world and the Undead swarmed everywhere, was an old legend of how an small military encampment fended off Thousands of Undead troops. Historians waved this off as nothing but nonsense, an tale told by old wives to their children...... This tale is all but fake. This legend is real, an true story about how one man, an simple man can inspire the courage to fight when things seem dire, to never surrender. This is the tale of Frozen Fire.......

The Name of the General was unknown, nor was the Lich who lead that Undead Army. Many men and women fought an died that day. Heros too, Rised on both sides. The Original tale of Frozen Fire is unknown, for the original record was almost destroyed in the harsh, unforgiving Northlands. The outcome of the battle was unknown, an neither were there records of the Military Encampment stationed there. But I know, I WAS there. I WITNESSED the great battle. An i will tell you how it turned out.......

Play as any one of the 36 heros on both sides, be it be one of the mercenary heros, or the defenders, YOU will finish the story of Frozen Fire.......

Classic Mode-
-Each side has an leader unit. This unit has ranged attack that can reach any unit that can attack it. (ranged unit's range is equal to the leader unit)
-Guarding each leader are 2 towers. In addition, if you do not destroy the enemy unit production buildings, every 10 seconds, units will spawn near the leader unit to aid it.
-At each base are 2 Towers guarding it's entrance. There are also 2 towers guarding each unit production building.
-There is one lane. The lane has 2 control points. 1 is most closest to the middle where most of the battles take place, there is also one control point in between the base and the halfway point.
-What are control points for?, well... Basicly, those tower cannot be destroyed with swords nor bows right?, well when you capture a control point, that tower is taken by your troops, and is in your control. That makes it harder for your enemies to push back against your waves of troops.

That is the central gameplay, you do not have to play AOS, but no ones stopping you. The AOS mode is just the most common form of playing it then minigames.


We all know that any AOS game needs heroes, special warriors that have strong levelable abilities and are the central supporter of the invading army. Each side has 24 unique heroes that only they can become and 24 mercenary heroes that both sides can use.

Underneath you can see how the attribute system works and the different hero information.
In the original Warcraft 3 Game, heros have an special set starting attribute points that can only be altered if
1- Equips an item that alters attribute points.
2- level up and the hero will automaticly gain an set number of attribute points to each stat.
and 3- use tomes that give permanent point bonuses.

Well in this map, no it doesn't work this way.
Your hero starts off with 5 attribute points to spend and when you level up, you gain another 5 attribute point(note that your unspent amount can be viewed in the slot next to your gold amount)
You will then also see and YELLOW plus sign next to your hero skill learning button. (note that ATTRIBUTE POINTS are for you attributes only and HERO SKILL POINTS are for levelling your abilities)

When you click on the button, it takes you to an sub-menu that allows you to distribute your attribute points.(note that when you exit the menu after spending those points, the yellow button will disappear, this is not a bug.)
Attribute point dont impact you hero as much now. Since I made the level cap 50, the strength, agility , and intellect bonuses to life/mana/regen/armour/attack speed/damage is lower.

Each race has it's own bonuses, Below, I have listed each bonus which can be improved via the hero learn ability menu.
(Note only heros of the race will receive these racial bonuses
+Bounus 0.25 HP regen
+2 Bounus Agility regerdless of class
-50 Max hp
Orcs -
+5 Strength
+100 Max HP
-2 Defense
Night Elves-
+5 Agility
+Shadowmeld Ability
-2 Strength
Blood Elves-
+Mana Thirst Ability
+100 Max Manapool
-3 Strength
+1 All Attributes
+2 Defense
-5 Damage
+Aura of Death Ability
+0.25 HP regen
-50 Max Hp
+50 Speed
+5 Intelligence
-2 Strength
+7 Strength
+300 Max HP
+Magic Resistance
+0.5 Mana Regen
-100 Max HP
+6 Strength
+125 Max HP
-1 Agility and Intelligence
Mixed Breed-
+50% of buff 1
+50% of buff 2
-50% of both debuffs
*If is a odd number for point bonuses or debuffs, it is rounded down.
*If is a ability, it's effect is only half as strong.

Well ya cant have an map centered around AOS without heros can you? here are some heros that are currently created.
Champions of the Alliance
Holy Crusader- Area Damage Dealer
An AOE Hero, extremely good at killing multiple amount of units at one time.

Holy Hammer- The Crusader's Hammer is full of holy energy, during each attack, the Crusader has a chance of casting an Holy Strike on the target, which stuns it briefly.
Each level increase the chance of this happening, and the amount of extra damage this spell does.

Holy Force- The Crusader release an holy light, causing any unit around him to either shatter from the blinding light, or be stunned temporarily.
Each level increases the damage dealt and stun duration

Holy Pulse- The Crusader utters an spell that causes an beam of light to strike an target and bounce. Any unit hit by the attack will be hit by Holy Light.
Each level increase number of targets it can bounce and the amount of damage delt to each target.

Divine Retribution- The crusader starts a spell in which light strikes down from heaven and hit ground troops and buildings.
Each level increases the damage per wave and duration.

Champions of the Undead Legion

Shadow- Disabler
Shadows are areas where light doesent strike, Shadows are also reffered as Darkness Elementals. Shadows's attacks are disableing, with most abilities stunning enemies or helping allies.

Death Coil- The Shadow throws a coil of darkness that can either harm enemy living units or heal allied undead units.
Each level increases the damage done/health recovered.

Dark Leash- The Shadow channels an bolt of dark energies that surround the target, slowly damaging them and immobalizing them. The effect of this spell is only broken when the caster is interrupted.

Dark Rift- The Shadow opens an rift to the darkness plane, releasing dark energies. The dark energies fly around the Shadow and attacks nearby units in an small radius, and returning damage back to the Shadow as life.
Each level slightly increases radius, health returned, and damage done by energies.

Shadow Prison- The Shadow focuses dark energies arounds enemy units, trapping them in a prison of swirling dark magic for an long duration.
Each level increases damage down by prisons, and prison duration.


Pandaren Thunder Breaker-Multi-Strike Hero
The Pandaren are an race of strong panda humanoids. The Thunder Breaker is good at attacking multiple units at once and unlike most magic-classes, can stand up to melee attackers. To hire Pandaren mercenaries symbolize to have great wealth and the finest ale for it is only for that, shall they sell their services.

Thunder Charge- The Pandaren gathers electrical energies around him, shooting off an bouncing wave of energy. Bounces 8 times, with each bounce dealing less damage then the previous.
Each level increases damage.

Storm Bolt- The Pandaren shoots off an electric charge that splits off into many bolts, striking multiple units.
Each level increase #of units and damage.

Thunderstorm- The Pandaren calls down lgihtling to strike units in an small AOE.
Each level increases AOE and damgae per bolt.

Thunder Break- The Pandaren calls lighting to strike randomly in a target AOE, each strike stuns units near the strike and deals massive damage.
Each level increases # of strikes, frequency of strikes, damage and stun duration.

Secret Heros(sopmething for you to look for)(not in demo yet)

Rock and Roller-Disable and Destroy
Rage Winterchill is was an God of Rock before descending into the mortal realm to spread the power of rock.The ordeal of crossing over stripped him of much power,he still presses on and spread the power of Rock.

Echo Wave- The Rocker plays an chord that sends heavy vibrations towards an target AOE.Those hit by the attack are stunned and take mild damage.
Each level increases damage done, and stun duration.

Wicked Chords- Striking an wicked chord that send an ray of pure rock energy, causing a explosion on the first thing it hits.Deals extremely high damage but has high mana cost and cooldown.
Each level increases mana cost, cooldown, and significantly increases damage done.

Sound of Rock-(PASSIVE)
By attuning himself with the sound waves, he can dodge attacks more efficiently.Also give his attacks an critical chance.
Each level increases critical strike damage multiplier and evasion chance.

Power Rock- The rockers busts out some powerful speakers, they allow him to target and hit multiple enemies at once tough immobilizing him. He also gains the ability "Dissonace" which slowly drains the mana of nearby enemies.

Towers are an major defenseive unit that is very essential to preventing lone heros from jumping into the enemy's base. There are a total of 2 types of towers and 3 locations.
the first two locations are "Capture Zones", these zones can be taken over by you troops. when you capture an enemy tower, it is done by reducing the hp of their flag to an certain point, then the flag is yours and the towers/tower around it is also yours!
here is an small diagram of the capture zones:
[BASE 1]{1st}{2nd}I No Man's Land I{3rd}{4th}[BASE 2]
Capture points 1st and 4th have only one tower guarding them, points 2 and 3 have two towers guarding them since those are right across the"No Man's Land" area. (the "No Man's Land is an area where the two towers cannot reach and therefore considered neutral.

There are 2 types of towers for each side, an guard-type and an Elite-type. Guards are found everywhere and deal good damage and have an firing rate of 0.9, Elites are only found guarding your General. the general himself may have 50000 hp, 50 hero-type armour, deal 100 chaos-type base damage and pwn, but the towers are also necessary since it has splash damage(so it can hit many enemies at once).


In any AOS map, you will find creeps. Creeps are the basic footsoldiers that make up the bulk of any side's invading force, and are used usually as cannon fodder or shields to take damage away from the hero, or in other words, DISTRACTIONS.

In my AOS map, creeps are more then just distractions, given the right push, they can defeat the commander on the other side by themselves.

Creeps have different types. Unlike in DOTA where your magic caster creeps and those melee creeps that are the same except for their damage type and range, creeps now have different useful functions for different types.
you can read an detailed description under-

Footsoldiers 5 units per spawn- Footsoldiers make up the bulk of each invading force, Humans have Footmen and Undead have Skeleton Soldiers. They arent useful for much except absorbing damage and basic attacks.
There are 2 types of footsoldiers
-MELEE: Medium Armor
Medium Attack Damage
Melee Range

-RANGED: Low Armor
Good Damage
400 Range

Mage 2 units per spawn- Mages are more useful then footsoldiers but are more vulnerable and require the aid of footsoldiers to stay alive. These creeps heal you are the troops, Humans have Heal and Undead have Dark Restoration. Mages have low hp, damage and armour and so need the aid of footsoldier to absorb damage while they heal them.
-MAGE: Low Armor
Medium Attack Damage
400 Range
Can cast Dark Restoration (Heals allied unit for 25 damage)

Siege Machine1 unit per spawn- Siege units are useful for exactly what it sound like, destroying buildings. they have large attack range and good damage but have very low hp and armour and have minimum ranges. Siege machines are strong only agenst buildings so require footsoldiers to guard them until they reach the enemy base.
-SIEGE: Very Low Armor
High Attack Damage
600 Range
UNDEAD: Disease Cloud (Area that are hit spawn Disease Clouds)
HUMAN: Fragmentation Shards (each attack does damage to units nearby the hit area)

Elite 4 unit per spawn- Elites wont bother you much unless you destroy all of your enemies unit production buildings. Elites are nearly as powerful as champions and have good hp, armour and damage. Elites never spawn unless ALL of your enemy unit production buildings are gone.
-ELITE: Good Armor
High Attack Damage
Melee Range

Champions 1 unit per spawn- Champions spawn intervals are very high, and so you do not see them very often in game. When you do however, you see that they are very hard to kill and they can kill you if you were alone. Champions have high hp, strong armour, and good damage.
-CHAMPION: High Armor
High Attack Damage
500 Range

-Early-Beta test map is out!, it currently only includes some of the features, like the ones listed green on the features list and most heros, but have fun testing it!!!
-also, the version of the date of 12-20-2010, only has some tooltips fixed, so its not a bug, Matej is not finished yet.
-I have Created a official site for this mod at Moddb.com


  • Frozen Fire BETA2.27.2011.rar
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Level 11
Oct 27, 2009
sound interesting, but you need to upload your map here on forum so people can download it and check if there is some bugs or some other irrelevants. if you need some help feel free to post me and i will see what i can do or if i cant help you i will find someone who can. good luck whit your further projects.

sry for my bad english
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
NEW-Now if you want to play and very early version of this map for sneak peeks, and you have hamachi + lancraft, join my hamachi game testing network called Solomon WC3 password is derder Usually when im on, you will wind me testing it out any updates or bugfixes with an team member named Steven.(family)(he cant speak english THAT well so, ya know......)

Oh yes, i currently need a new team member, someone who knows color codes and can make my heros stuff look very detailed.

Right now, all i need is an proofreader, and someone who can add all the hero things to the spell learn discription like at level 10 has 30 sec cooldown

My english isnt that good so i need someone who can do it!(i will PM the map to you!)
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Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
@mckill2009 the reason is cuz for some reason, it wont display properly when i do that
@greda23 if you have hamachi, be sure to join my testing network. I usually start testing new chages and whatnot around say.....4-5:00 any day of the week
my hamachi network is Solomon WC3 (yes caps) and password is derder
If im offline, that means were not testing yet or the changes are that big.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
sure thingy scrappy, if you use hamachi for virtual lan games(i host on lan, my Bnet is bugged) you should join my network, the name is Solomon WC3 and the password is derder
oh yea, i have a main bugtester already, but more feedback is good!
I will be posting an very early alpha-test map for you guys around 10am-12pm new york city time(new york state)
Level 3
Oct 20, 2010
the assemblage of my ideas for your request.

here are the assemblage of my ideas for your request:
a.the battles between the units too long-make them shorter
b. the heroes suppose to be more strong(even from the start)
c. more custom models! custom models are making peoples more exited!and they are very good.example:people will less like to choose death knight without custom model. they will like death knight with custom model.
d.the weapons-make them more creative
e.third side(THE HORDE-:goblin_good_job:)
f.random effects(that i always forget to for make you....)
so this are my ideas. of course that the map is great.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
i cant add third side!
im sorry, but i jsut cannot do it.I have the game too in devolpode to edit in a third side, doing so whould require me to completly edit the triggers for unit spawns, unit fights, and heros.

also, about strengthing the heros, no i wont do it. The heros arent supposed to be able to 2 stike kill creeps in the beggining.just becuase you find it hard to play dosent make it unbalnced.I have created newbie heros that are relativly easy to use for a noob.You heros are supposed to be able to kill a tower by itself.hats the whole purpose of creeps. If heros were that stong, what would the purpose of creeps be?
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
I can do some of the descriptions for the units and abilities. I can make the descriptions and units names and well.... text in color if it is needed. This sounds pretty interesting. Ill be able to look at the map in a few days when i get home from vacation. Good luck with this map, it looks pretty good as far as the description goes.

(If it's good enough I'll make a custom loading screen and game preview for you)
(If it's really good I'll make your game its own website =D)

Good Luck with your map.
Level 3
Oct 20, 2010
i cant add third side!
im sorry, but i jsut cannot do it.I have the game too in devolpode to edit in a third side, doing so whould require me to completly edit the triggers for unit spawns, unit fights, and heros.

also, about strengthing the heros, no i wont do it. The heros arent supposed to be able to 2 stike kill creeps in the beggining.just becuase you find it hard to play dosent make it unbalnced.I have created newbie heros that are relativly easy to use for a noob.You heros are supposed to be able to kill a tower by itself.hats the whole purpose of creeps. If heros were that stong, what would the purpose of creeps be?

i know that you cant add third side! but i just post it because it is a great idea.and for the heroes,i will send you message about it.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
@jsheph03 I would really appreciate it if you could make a map load screen since at the moment we don't have a real custom one.If it is required, i can send you the most updated(recently changed) map file(which probably isn't the one posted) to your email.
You could also add you own signature into the top left corner of the load screen and i will add you to the credits as well. If you suddenly decided to continue doing concept art or create a website for the project, i will add you to our team members list.

Also,@ anyone else reading this
I have created information on racial bonuses. Basicly, each race has it's own ups and downs, its up to you to decide which fits your style and which doesn't.

P.S.To anyone who has skills and is bored, if you wanna help with this project, please post it here and list what you can do, I'll tell you if your services are needed, and if they are, im adding you to the list.
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