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Freedom PROTECTED.w3x
Size 8.1 MB
Lenght: 8.1 minutes


- Goal :This cinematic has been made to pass a message about various themes such as Freedom, Friendship, Hope, choices, and some more. The main subject of the cinematic is Freedom.

- Story : This cinematic is about 2 valuable gladiators who are forced to combat after being captured by the Emperor's soldiers. Fighting and killing is their only way to survive, their only Hope to Freedom.

Credits :

Map maker : ===Abou===

===Hubert Selby - Requiem for a Dream===

===Holy Human - Ceiling (roof)===
===Tranquil - Great Lightning===
===JetFangInferno - Sand Aura - Sand Explosion===
===Sephiroth_VII - GiantSandWorm - DOOMBEAST===

Additional help :

"Our choices here echo in eternity" :
===Jordan "Chalu" Shirley===

Freedom, Free, Abou, Freed, Arena, Gladiator, Cinematic, Video, Fight, Hope, Friendship, Choices, Choice

Freedom (Map)

20:32, 28th Oct 2009 ap0calypse: Approved Because of the user voting/reviews. Update: Re-moderated with reviews and rating! Date: 2011/Oct/15 15:18:25 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Rep Received: 0Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or...




20:32, 28th Oct 2009
ap0calypse: Approved

Because of the user voting/reviews.
Update: Re-moderated with reviews and rating!

Date: 2011/Oct/15 15:18:25
Vengeancekael: VM // PM:
Rep Received: 0
If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation
If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact
Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules

Comment: Reviews:

Rating: (4+4+2+2)/4 = 3/5
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008

Main points

• The terrain was really lacking, I missed a lot of doodads.
• The most of the Units were a one-hit KO, wasn't very entertaining.
• The cinematic was quite original, I must say I was impressed.
• The map is protected, so I can't see the real terraing and how you've triggered. (Cinematics mustn't be protected)​


• Terrain ~ Lacking
• Units ~ Good
• Originality ~ Great
• Story - Excellent!
• Camera - Between Lacking and Good​

Final Rating



Good work man, I'm really looking forward to see the next part.
Last edited:
Level 4
Oct 8, 2005
I do appreciate your review. The terrain in the arena was ment to be simple; not full of doodads so the "public" could focus on the action that is happening. But, in another hand, I agree with you. The terrain is lacking. haha. I'll try to make it more appealing next times.
Level 5
Jul 6, 2008
My Review
- Story : This cinematic is about 2 valuable gladiators who are forced to combat after being captured by the Emperor's soldiers. Fighting and killing is their only way to survive, their only Hope to Freedom.

(+) Camera- Decent usage with the camera movements.
(+) Music- This cinematic contains custom music. Requiem for a Dream
(+) Special Effects- This cinematic contains Special Effects.
(+)Grammar/Typos: There is no grammar errors or spelling mistakes at all in this cinematic.
(+) Battle Scene- I liked the Battle Scenes in the cinematic :) I was impressed, but I agree with Squidle. Most attacks were one hit K.O.
(+) Originality
(-) Sound Effects- There is no sound effects in this cinematic. You could add like Sword Slashing, etc.
(-)Terrain- The terrain lacked doodads/destructibles in the Colosseum.
(-) Map is Protected. I cannot see the triggers in your map.

I was really looking forward to the fight between the two Gladiators.

My Rating: 4/5
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
I do appreciate your review. The terrain in the arena was ment to be simple; not full of doodads so the "public" could focus on the action that is happening. But, in another hand, I agree with you. The terrain is lacking. haha. I'll try to make it more appealing next times.

You can't put that much in an Arena, I know. But next time, try to make the arena a bit smaller and add some... crates and barrels or something.

Good luck with your next one. :)
Level 3
Aug 17, 2009
+ = The Story is very good
+ = Model Using was good
+ = Requiem for a dream =)
++ = Special Effects were excellent!
+ = Original
- = Camera Using was not the best
- = #Squidle - The Fights were very short

But I think it's a 5/5 Good Work!
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Freedom is a cinematic created by Abou revolves the story of two gladiators who are forced to fight upon being captured by the enemy troops.

To begin with, the description at hive site does provide all those necessary detail we needed. However, the packaging could certainly use improvement to make it more interesting and encouraging for user to download it.

The terrain does lacking and need to be improve. It was lacking and doesn't make sense at certain points. Seriously enough, what the hell does a giant rock doing in the middle of the city?


There is many destructible/doodad that certainly does not match with it's size. A lantern that are as big as a house? I also notice those tree have same size, there is no tree that have same size and similiar height. You got to change the scale values of it.

The arrangement of the city landscape was poor. It look as if the developer simply build their house scattered across the city without any planning.

The inner part of the colosseum was a dirt cliff? It was ugly and doesn't look as it was colosseum at all. I suggest you to google and view colosseum to know more about the inner part of how the colosseum look like.

Next comes the camera, the camera was terrible. It contain choppy and static movement; I do not have to guess that you are using wait action in your triggering without setting 2 camera in appropriate way.

Absolutely NO FOG, that is your biggest mistake. Without fog, it could cause some ugly sight to be seen.

If you paid attention to the screenshot, you would notice something was floating in the air.


And look at those citizen who are watching the match, guess where they are looking? They are all facing a random angle as well.

The special effect was overused in battle, causing it to lag at several scenario. Infact, the animation usage was poor and hardly been use in the battle scenario.

It was more forward to sfx show rather than a fight scene.

Battle scene was poor, it was full of waiting syndrome and poor timing. When there is a fight, both side would not give their foes chances to retaliate. There is several times I seen the beastmaster or the mountain king was standing still while their buddy was fighting.

The slow motion was poorly done as well; those tiger was attacking the mountain king several hit (About 10-15) and it took him 3 second to cast it? With that amount of attack, the mountain king could have been dead before he manage to cast it.

You set him casting it at slow motion while the tiger was attacking it that fast? That's not even slow motion at all.

There is a lot of thing you need to improve. The best way I could suggest was to watch those top battle cinematic map such as Spirit of Vengeance to know exactly what is a real fighting cinematic is all about.

Even though the quality was poor and seems to contain a heavily amount of sfx that seems to cause it to lag. But, it was still viewable and at acceptable level to be approve.

As for now, my vote is 2/5 (Lacking) and vote for Approval.
Level 4
May 16, 2009
i liked it.
in some way it touched me,
im very immuun to touchy things and when i get touched i hardly show it (but sometimes it fails BUT ANYWAY), he is right tho, some people think they are god, and put friends up to eachother, wich some of my friends encountert :/.
i dint really payed attention at the cinematic, i was listening to the music more and the stuff the book 'said'
Level 4
Oct 8, 2005
Thanks for the replies, I did pay attention to everything that was mentionned.

I do understand that not everyone will appreciate this cinematic. Although I wanted the viewer to focus on the main action instead of the minor details.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
nice cinematic. The Fight scenes werent that bad. i liked them alot. Only thing that bothered me about it was the idle fighter, where either the dwarf would only fight, or the other guy would only fight.

terrain could be better.

other then that, just an average cinematic. i enjoyed it. but i wouldn't watch it again, no offence.
Level 12
Oct 16, 2008

Nice music
large arena
aLOT of action
has a morale
many different spells
has custom spells and movement effects
the gladiator dude deviating the hammershot was very neat

Only one music over and over again
using blizzard cliffs inside the arena, and they're even the mud type, not the city one
rude camera movements
obvious default blizzard spells
the w3 beastmaster ultimate ability used to do the charge of the dinos was a bad idea since they fade out instead of getting actually killed by your yellow beastmaster's earth attack
slomo dwarf versus normal-speed tigers or whatever
lacks sounds
standard blizzard interface. That's not worthy of a cinematic
not enough fading effects while you could have used more for better look, like instead of having camera pass through columns or move abruptly etc.
fights too short, evil-badass-demon-beast dies in a second lol...
protected cinematic.

2/5, +rep for the work put into it, make more and take critics in account.