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Four Armies

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Level 3
Jun 15, 2009
Four Armies

New Mapproject by Snuffyb

The Idea is very simple. It is similiar to Maps like "Castle Fight" or "Civilization Wars". You have to build buildings, where your units are spawing and heading towards the enemy his army. The big difference to the both example maps is, that there are four teams with allways 3 players. The four Teams are enemies among each other.

There should be different Game modes, which affects the Way of the Units. But only at the beginning. Did a Unit left the base, there is the posibility that the enemy team is defeated and the Unit get lost at this Base. To Prevent this, every Unit arriving at its destination will go random following way. But only if the enemy team is still alive at the end of the choosen way and if there is not the base of the owner of the unit at the end of the way.

This Mode seperates each base by lines in three parts. Every part has acces to one of the three ways. The Units spawing next to buildings in each part will choose the according way.
Abbreviation for "Dont Leave The Game". In this Mode each player is assigned one Way. Every unit spawned by a building of the player will choose allways the same way. So if one player leaves the game or is defeated, the according team loose one way.
Same lik "-dltg1" with one difference. The According Team will get a bonus for balancing, if one player is leaving the game. I am not sure what the bonus will be.

Maybe i will make more modes, but now i have first to create the other one ^^

Victory/Defeat - Conditions:
If one players loose every Unit/Building(unfinished ones are unimportant)/Hero he is defeated. If Every Player in one Team is defeated, the Team loose. The Last Team wins the game. For this you also have to kill the Builder of a Team. See Units for this!

The Map is based on Winter Region in a Valley. The Players have there bases in orientations. They even called so. The North,The East ,The South and The West. At this Postions at the Maps there are grassy regions within the players have to build and stay with there Builders. There are Ways from North to South and from West to East crossing in the Middle. In addition there is one way connecting each base to their neighbor base across the corners. The Ways are grassy too. In every of the Four Regions seperated by the 2 crossing ways in the middle of the map, you have a place for each team for your "Commander" to buy abilites, items, increase Income or different things.

Latest Map Version
Has been changed. New will coming soon!

Minimap Ingame:

Has been changed. New will coming soon!

Minimap Menu:
Has been changed. New will coming soon!


Units etc.:
Every Race have to build first an Command Tent. There you can "Call the Commander" and it also activates other buildings. Also you get your first income. There is for every Race a special Commander with special abililties. At the start of every Game you have a Unit(Not able to move), where you are able to choose you race.

Races: Fire, Nature, Human, Highelfs, Orcs, Dragons, Daemons, Undead

The names are not finished yet, but Models for races are choosen.
A detailed List of Units and Races will come soon. Also need Ideas, for this I will make a Thread in Ideas Factory!

Builder: Every Race have its own special builder. This builders are immortal untill you loose every building! Therefore Buildings which are finished will be count not unfinished Buildings. That´s Important for Victory or Loose of a Team.

Terrain: It´s finished. Thanks to Silwanas.
Triggers: Always new Ideas. A lot of things are done, but also there are a lot to do!
Units/Buildings: Balancing etc. aren´t finished at all.

I need help for Unit Balancing, Ideas and also i would be happy about comments. Oh yeah as you will see, i'll need someone for checking language :grin:.

greetings Snuffy
Last edited:
Level 3
Jun 15, 2009
Update! New Information on Units and Map.

Next Update will be probably at Friday evening. There i will show the New Terrain.
The Races and the Buildings/Units i have choosen for now. Also Lists of Units i have done until now. Also Gamemode are changed and will be updated.
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