Why hello, another ActionScript user! Didn't expect to find any here!
I'm quite adept at ActionScript 3.0 (though I say so myself), so I can probably give you some tips. I actually migrated from ActionScript 2.0, so I had quite a different way of learning AS3, but I can still give you some nice links.
Senocular has a good beginner's guide, you can check it out
here. Not only does it introduce you to AS3, but it gives a detailed explanation about using AS3 in the Flash IDE.
Also, if possible, I highly recommend getting a book on learning ActionScript 3.0, one I've heard of a few times (I think, they're all so similar) is
Learning ActionScript 3.0: A Beginner's Guide. Now I didn't learn ActionScript 3 or 2 through a book, but I learnt the basics of C++ with one and it was
infinitely helpful. It's much more comfortable and easy than reading line after line on a monitor, most likely with ads on the sides as well.
Once you've gotten the hang of most concepts I recommend
this tutorial about Document Classes. Just about everyone using AS3 uses Document Classes as opposed to coding in the timeline, and lots of game making tutorials write in such a format. So even if you won't use Document Classes, it's always good to know what they are and how they work.
Finally, the most helpful resource is Flash's own Help, accessed by going to Help -> Flash Help (or F1). When you're connected to the internet this will bring you to the online documentation, but personally I prefer using the offline AS3 reference. When you're offline it will automatically bring you to the offline documentation, through which you can access the AS3 reference, but the simplest way (either online or offline) is to simply go to
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Help\en_US\AS3LCR\Flash_10.0\index.html (bookmark it).
This reference gives information on all the classes in AS3, their methods, properties, and so forth. While you should probably get the hang of AS3 and OOP before digging in here (you might not have understood my last sentence), it's a valuable reference for any ActionScripter. I use it all the time.
Well, those are the best links. Obviously Google is your friend, when you need some help on a particular aspect or are looking for a system just Google it and someone has probably asked the same thing on one forum or another.
If you need any help (or the path to the AS3 reference on Mac OS X) I'll be glad to answer. You can also PM or message me any time if you need any assistance with AS3.
(BTW sorry for the mammoth post, got a bit carried away there