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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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My friend need an burning Fissure and want help from me. This is for him but i think someone may need this burning rock too so i decided to share this. I hope you like it.

Update: File size reduced to 61kb

Fissure, Fire, Burning Fissure,

Burning Fissure (Texture)

17:08, 13th Apr 2011 shiiK: Too simple, too heavy and it doesn't really look like a burning rock either. I'm sorry, but this is far from as useful as it could've been.




17:08, 13th Apr 2011
shiiK: Too simple, too heavy and it doesn't really look like a burning rock either. I'm sorry, but this is far from as useful as it could've been.