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First Person Camera beta version

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is a first person beta version map i made with some friend.It looks like oblivion.I am a noob so don't be very strict with me.The difference between my map and some other is that in my map you can see the weapon.Thanx and enjoy!! in-game screenshots added,protection removed,imported materials removed,triggers added.

cam, first preson, oblivion,system, triggers

First Person Camera (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected. 21th Jul 2011 Bribe: Needs an in game screenshot




12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.

21th Jul 2011

Needs an in game screenshot
Level 2
Jun 8, 2011
Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across (Playable map area)
Animation - Play Warrior 0000 <gen>'s attack animation
Selection - Select Warrior 0000 <gen> for Player 1 (Red)
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Distance to target to 0.00 over 1.00 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Angle of attack to 350.00 over 1.00 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Rotation to (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) over 1.00 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Height Offset to 100.00 over 1.00 seconds
Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to ((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by 50.00 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees) over 1.00 seconds
Wait 1.00 seconds
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Trigger - Turn on Camera <gen>
Trigger - Turn on Turn Left <gen>
Trigger - Turn on Turn Right <gen>
Trigger - Turn on Move Up <gen>

Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Distance to target to 0.00 over 0.00 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Angle of attack to 350.00 over 0.00 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Rotation to (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) over 0.50 seconds
Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Height Offset to 110.00 over 0.00 seconds
Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to ((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by 50.00 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees) over 0.00 seconds

Turning Variable
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Unit - Make Warrior 0000 <gen> face Turning over 0.01 seconds

Turn Left
Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Left Arrow key
Trigger - Turn on Turning Left <gen>

Turning Left
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Set Turning = (Turning + 1.00)

Stop Turning Left
Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Left Arrow key
Trigger - Turn off Turning Left <gen>

Turn Right
Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Right Arrow key
Trigger - Turn on Turning Right <gen>

Turning Right
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Set Turning = (Turning - 1.00)

Stop Turning Right
Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Right Arrow key
Trigger - Turn off Turning Right <gen>

Move Up
Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Up Arrow key
Trigger - Turn on Moving Up <gen>

Moving Up
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Unit - Move Warrior 0000 <gen> instantly to (((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by (0.00, 0.00)) offset by 3.50 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees)

Stop Moving Up
Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Up Arrow key
Trigger - Turn off Moving Up <gen>
As long as every player can have only 1 camera, this can only be MPI...

Multi Player Instanceable means it works for everyone. If you mean that every shares 1 camera, it still can't get approved. This camera system only works for player 1, it needs to work for players 2-12 also. If you mean that everyone only needs 1 camera, then he STILL needs to make it MPI, as only 1 player of 12 will actually have the camera system.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Multi Player Instanceable means it works for everyone. If you mean that every shares 1 camera, it still can't get approved. This camera system only works for player 1, it needs to work for players 2-12 also. If you mean that everyone only needs 1 camera, then he STILL needs to make it MPI, as only 1 player of 12 will actually have the camera system.

I meant "more than 1 unit per player is pointless since every player can only have 1 camera".
Cool any way 5\5!

  • Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across (Playable map area)
  • Animation - Play Warrior 0000 <gen>'s attack animation
  • Selection - Select Warrior 0000 <gen> for Player 1 (Red)
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Distance to target to 0.00 over 1.00 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Angle of attack to 350.00 over 1.00 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Rotation to (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) over 1.00 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Height Offset to 100.00 over 1.00 seconds
  • Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to ((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by 50.00 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees) over 1.00 seconds
  • Wait 1.00 seconds
  • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
  • Trigger - Turn on Camera <gen>
  • Trigger - Turn on Turn Left <gen>
  • Trigger - Turn on Turn Right <gen>
  • Trigger - Turn on Move Up <gen>
  • Camera
  • Events
  • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Distance to target to 0.00 over 0.00 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Angle of attack to 350.00 over 0.00 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Rotation to (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) over 0.50 seconds
  • Camera - Set Player 1 (Red)'s camera Height Offset to 110.00 over 0.00 seconds
  • Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to ((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by 50.00 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees) over 0.00 seconds
  • Turning Variable
  • Events
  • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Unit - Make Warrior 0000 <gen> face Turning over 0.01 seconds
  • Turn Left
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Left Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn on Turning Left <gen>
  • Turning Left
  • Events
  • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Set Turning = (Turning + 1.00)
  • Stop Turning Left
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Left Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn off Turning Left <gen>
  • Turn Right
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Right Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn on Turning Right <gen>
  • Turning Right
  • Events
  • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Set Turning = (Turning - 1.00)
  • Stop Turning Right
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Right Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn off Turning Right <gen>
  • Move Up
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Up Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn on Moving Up <gen>
  • Moving Up
  • Events
  • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Unit - Move Warrior 0000 <gen> instantly to (((Position of Warrior 0000 <gen>) offset by (0.00, 0.00)) offset by 3.50 towards (Facing of Warrior 0000 <gen>) degrees)
  • Stop Moving Up
  • Events
  • Player - Player 1 (Red) Releases the Up Arrow key
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Trigger - Turn off Moving Up <gen>
  • Create a fpc
  • Events
  • Unit - creates a cool fpc
  • Conditions
  • Created fpc tkaes 5\5
  • Actions
  • Player - set property of(per. + 1!)
  • Wish
  • Events
  • Unit - adds rep
  • Conditions
  • Actions
  • Unit - stonnash cant wait to see next version;D