Firelord's Animation

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Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
I get mixed up with the animation's of firelord.

I have this channeling spell which has a one second delay before he casts it. I Want him to dance on that span of time and then raises his arms once the channel is done.

But the thing he is doing if I set it to "Spell" or "Channel", he raises his arms two time then the cast starts. Some other time, he starts raising his arm, and then starts dancing and then done.

Is there anyway to change his animation while doing the spell ? Thanks in advance :)

His animations was screwed up with channel spells, sorry for the disturbance. :)
Level 13
Sep 29, 2008
I believe you just need to base it on an instant spell. Use "spell, slam" on the animation names.
I used this and it worked for me. That is, if you are trying to mimic dota's delay of requiem of souls? Hope this helps.

Mine I used War Stomp with no area of effect, has a casting time of 1 second and animation names to spell, slam.
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