I don't know and it is surely bad to judge a minimap and purely in it but the minimap is pretty much empty. I know you are planning to create a Defense of some sort so first change its type of map from Mini game to Defense and also your description pretty much does not tell anything about the game instead just some statement directed to Shadow Fury. I strongly suggest that you click Update here and make your description much better by telling a little bit of information about the game, what the game has, credits or thanking users you used here or in other sites if you have and lastly Changelog.
Now, about the actual map, you should definitely put more effort in it because looking on the minimap as I said, it's just an ordinary map that is empty, well, maybe there is something there though I still strongly suggest you to put your best efforts into your maps.
You should first go to Map Development and post your map there for this looks unfinish at its state right now.
Good day.