FF style combat

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Level 3
Nov 11, 2007
Anyone know of any maps that have a Final Fantasy 10 style combat system? I need to do research for my map.
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
I know of some FF maps where you get a message "encountered monsters" at random periods,and get teleported to a small arena with sum creeps.Is that it?
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
I think he's more looking for a combat system where after that random encounter or non-random, that a turn system takes over and you fight turn by turn.

The only final fantasy system i've come up with is like crystal chronicles so dont have anything to help u out with.
Level 3
Nov 11, 2007

I've been fidgeting with a turn based 3 on 3 battle, trying to make it so the triggers will run no matter who or what those 6 units are, and all is going well... sort of.

Ive conquered enemy attacking, I've tied up all the actions so theres no where you can go that will lead to a bad trigger execution or anything. but I can't seem to make the player turns (this is a single player map) independent for each character. So if one dies... then suddenly everything gets messed up. I was hoping that I could find another map to look at and see how they got through it.

As, right now, my trigger system looks like a jumbled mess with almost 100 triggers and even more variables, I'm starting to have trouble keeping track of it all, and this is making it hard to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Myabe we can idealize (lol) on a method for a turn based system. My idea would be to, when battle begins, take the level of the hero or maybe agi and use it to deterimine how first turns are lined up.

Example Hero 1's agi = 5, Hero 2's agi = 6, monster 1 lvl = 4, monster 2 lvl = 5 .

So order goes, in favor of hero's; Hero 2, hero 1, monster 2, monster 1.
With monster 1 being the same as hero one, maybe heros can have a number stored with a .5 extra and used like with a less then or equal to something condition.

Now say all those numbers are stored as a variable, and a trigger checks for those variables from greatest to least. Once it hits the unit with the highest variable, the unit gets its turn, then when it uses its turn, its variable gets set to 1 or uses a diff variable and sets it to 1.

With every turn the variable gets a +1 so eventually everyone gets turns distributed evenly. Maybe u can even have a spell like in ff-10 where you use tidus's ability to set their turns back, you could have a ability when used on a unit, that does, say -2 to the defending units turn variable.

The only way I see this lagging to much, is if you have a big array of levels or agi to cover and has to scan like 20-40 early game to get to the low levels, late game when fighting higher lvl monsters it wouldnt lag as much cuz it wouldnt need to search long to get a unit since its variable will likely be high.

Thats my approach to it, for attacking, I would have the unit have an ability thats ranged but make it very close range so it has to run up to cast it or something. Probably have attacking randomized unless lag lets some type of triggered AI take place within the scanning and attacking triggers.
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Level 3
Nov 11, 2007
Hmmm, trouble I've been having so far is that when I hero dies, all triggers involving them become useless, but the game gets confused because I can only turn off whole triggers, not just parts of them. In all my previous attempts, this resulted in everything going crazy the moment a character died... I'll try something like what you mentioned, as it is a little bit difforent from anything I've done so far. Tell me if you can come up with a solid way of skipping a units turn though.


Hey! it worked! I just wasn't able to get the agility thing in there yet, perhaps I'll try harder later. But the basic idea runs smoother then I thought. And the best part, it leaves room for bonus game function, rather then restricting it. I'm no longer having trouble with unit deaths or anything, and with this function, resurrection, unit changes, and surprise guests, will all work nicely too.
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