[Trigger] Few Questions PLEASE ANSWER

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Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
PLEASE ANSWER... I never get answers to my questions :wsad::wsad::wsad:

1. Im having problems with the Visibility modifers, can someone tell me how can I make the damn map visible/invisible ?

2. How do I make a fog in a certain region ? the weather effects in enviornment don't work for some reason (maybe because the region is huge ?) and anyway I want a thicker fog.

3. How can I show/hide filters for specific players ?

4. How can I change the possible distance beetwin a unit and a cliff without making the unit a air unit ?

5. Anyone have a idea on how to make a good trigger that will make a unit weaker (damage, speed, armor, and stuff like that) ?
Currently I did with a few aura's but its not really convinient and I also don't know how to remove their tooltips.

6. Im having problems for some reason with removing timer windows and floating texts, they just don't want to get removed for some reason x.X

7. I thought about making a 2 or more inventorys that will work like this:

A unit aquires a item - assign that item to say, Item(inventory slot).

Then when that unit casts the Change Inventory spell it will move all his items from inventory to some place on the map and make some boolean true.

If he casts again make the boolean false.

When the boolean is true fill his inv with the Item(inventory slot + 6) and when its false fill with the Item(iventory slot).

Now I don't see any reason this wouldn't work but if the unit will change places of items inside of the inventory would it mess the Item(harray) ?

8. If I asign a variable to Point(Integar/Real + 1) to make a easy MUI trigger, how do I remove that point ?
Level 4
Nov 18, 2007
1. If you're using a Black Mask to disable visibility, you need to make sure that under Map Options the "Masked areas are partially visible" option is unchecked (it's default is checked).

2. Use Environment - Fog, rather than Weather. You can test the setting by going to Map Options and using "Use Terrain Fog".

3. Filters?

4. Change the possible distance between a unit and a cliff... meaning how close a unit can get to a cliff? That's part of the game, I'm not sure there's a way to change that other than by setting "Pathing - Collision Size" to 0.00. I'm not even sure that'll work.

5. No clue.

6. Never used them, so I wouldn't know.

7. I think your worry is misplaced. If I'm reading your spell correctly it should work fine.

8. use "Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_<variablename>)"
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
2. Can't make a fog on a region.
4. Collision doesn't work for this
8. That will remove a specific point, I want a script that will remove a Point(Integar).
Don't know if there is something like that though.
Or is it just "call RemoveLocation(udg_Point[Integar]) ? lol probably not :/
Level 4
Nov 18, 2007
Didn't see the region part, my bad.

As to the cliffs, I didn't think it'd work. Hence, my "I'm not even sure that'll work." I'm not sure you can get past the cliff issue.

In JASS, points are identified as locations. Regions are designated to rectangles, so removing a point would be removing a location in JASS.

If you've set the point to the global I don't think you should need to worry about leaks, but I'm not sure as to that fact.
Level 6
Nov 28, 2007
6. timer window: i dunno why it doesn't work, but u might have forgotten to set the timer window to a variable, or something.. please show the trigger ^^ and please show the floating text trigger too. :)
Level 9
May 27, 2006
2. Maybe divide the huge region into few smaller ones? And for thicker fog, just make additional trigger line/additional region in the same place.

3. @Draemiel
He thinks about cinematic filters, for example masks, like the red/black one.

4. I`ve replied in your topic, Wolf ;P

5. I think the idea with auras is the best... Maybe in JASS it would be possible, but as we dont know it, we`d be trying to do something in GUI. I`d suggest making disabled spellbook with all the auras inside, and triggered-adding the spellbook to unit.

8. I think its just "call RemoveLocation(udg_Point[Integer (Integer A, maybe?)])", but im not sure, i`m completely lame at JASS ;P
Level 9
May 27, 2006
Look, you have an ability, for example Brilliance Aura. When you have your ability, find the item-ability named "Spellbook". Copy it and rename to whatever you want. In "Data - Spell list" choose your spell (Brilliance Aura), then turn off "Data - Shared cooldown" (or something like that). Now go to trigger editor and make this:
  • Disable spellbooks
    • Events:
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • Player - Disable [name_of_your_spellbook] for Player 1 (Red)
      • //OR//
      • Player Group - Pick every player in (All Players) and do Player - Disable [name_of_your_spellbook] for (Picked player)
Then add the spellbook to any unit in any way you want (by Object editor or by triggers) and it`ll have the brilliance aura effects without taking any icon slot! ;P [if you want to level up a spell in spellbook, its made like for all other spells: unit/hero - set level of (ability) for (unit) to (level) ]
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