Female Zealot

Female fuse of the Zealot.

First model of the HiveWorkshop that will exist ONLY here! I am proud of myself :3

PROTIP: Shows bad with low textures on!

Uses no custom textures!

Liberty (Mod)
Liberty (Campaign)
Liberty Story (Campaign)

Please review and comment with changes you want to see.

Tell me which of the two versions you also like, and i will work on it only and ditch the other, as it is too time consuming.

Protoss female zealot warrior blade female selendis merge fuse starcraft star craft

FemZeal.m3 (Model)

femzealcapless.m3 (Model)

Readme means you HAVE to read me...txt (Binary)

01:50, 28th Jul 2011 Dr Super Good: Dr Super Good: Resource appears useful and works.




01:50, 28th Jul 2011
Dr Super Good:
Dr Super Good:
Resource appears useful and works.
Just Protip
That DDS is for my logo placed below her feet. And i think female protoss are taller.

Also, Selendis only has a high quality texture.

If people want me to, i'll try creating breasts. Just remember that i might not make it that kewl.

Also, if you don't import the "texture", there will be a black plane under her right foot!
I can make it smaller if you guys like. No probs at all.

Has anybody tested it though?
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I'm not going to ever use it just because it has a pony on it. Could you like just write your name somewhere on the model instead?

Anyways well done, altrough it doesn't exactly use like female.. but oh well, that's somewhat even better, you can use it as some elite protoss Zealot unit then...
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Infested zealot?! No! Is not possible!

Protoss cannot be infested by the zerg hyperevolutionary virus. Theoretically the only one who could has done something about that wast he Overmind, but he never came around to create those.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The hybrids are not infested, they are fused. Kerrigan like wise was not infested but fused to form the "queen of blades". The major difference is the quality of the resulting creature, where as infested terran units look chaotic, rough and zombie like, fused zerg units look more perfect, smooth and zerg like.

Kerrigan went through a long infestation process to garuntee such perfect combination of zerg into her (many missions you had to defend her I think) unlike normal infested terrans which are done very quickly. The result is that she will remain tied to the zerg forever (even after being blasted by the artifact). The hybrid like wise have induced zerg with protoss fusion over a long time meaning again that they seem flawlessly combined unlike infested terran units. The fact the hybrid are powered and controled by the void also means they are probably further enhanced with new xelnaga technology (thus why the fusion between zerg and protoss was possible). The hybrid come in 2 basic forms so far, the templar like and the ultralisk like forms.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Which makes the whole plot of her being deinfested look even more retarded. Seing as she is a hybrid herself.

Xel'naga technology or the Void powers of the Dark Voice? I still hope that Hybrids will get something like the Naga race of TFT. Seeing Hybrid buildings would be nice, I mean I guess they would be Xel'nagaish, with organic crystals and most looking infected, with some sort of blue tentacles... would be nice to see Duran again, explained who he is, maybe some hynotized human slave units as well =P

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Hybrids seem to be like the zerg in their behaviour. Each individual can exibit behaviour, and even complex behaviour but they have no free will. If you paid attention, you would have noticed how the hybrid were following that shady xelnaga guys orders to the word and were acting as 1 being (exibited by the zerg usually). They also had no problem mixing with zerg units. Maar was probably following orders to, just unlike zerg they have protoss like intelligence.

Hybrids are meant to be a shit load stronger than you saw in the WoL campaign. 1 of them alone destroyed a whole lab. All other appearences were against protoss which probably have resilliant technology (from years of battling other protoss and zerg) so are resillient to most of their power.

The hybrid also seem to be able to recycle psyonic energy, like how the zerg recycle biomass. They are able to drain power from the souls of the protoss to resurrect themselves.

It is likly that the hybrid templar guys can utalize abilities like The Queen of Blades could like psyonic implosion. The reason again why we did not see such abilities are that protoss might have a high resistance to them (and the ability from the campaign was made to never see use on a protoss). This would explain the move Maar consantly used which lifted on of your units in the air.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well hybrids are supposed to be the combination of purity of form and essence. So they are lead by one mind, similar to how the zergs were controlled by the Overmind, and also have the minds to control psionic energy, similar to the protoss, also being physically the combination of the two species.

Maar's intelligence and abilities, make it possible that the hybrid subspecies differ drastically in terms of command. I believe the Hybrid Destroyers(such as Maar) have higher position amongst the hybrids, due to them having intelligence. Perhaps due to that they also have a bigger freedom of choice. The Hybrid Reavers on the other hand are more like zerg, unintelligent. Hybrid Reavers probably are wild and aggressive, their actions fully guided by the Dark Voice.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Hybrid Destroyers are based on a templar. The zerg is a sub giving them enhanced power and endurance only. Thus why they have so many templar like abilities and protoss shielding. They however still have low health realitivly like protoss units.

Hybrid Reavers are based on a ultralisk. The protoss is a sub giving them enhanced power and endurance (and the use of 2 legs like the protoss instead of 4). Thus why they have so many ultralisk like properties such as the cleaving attack and stuidly high endurance. They however still lack psyonic shields like zerg units.

Be aware that the templars (in this case high templars) are the strongest individual form of the protoss. Archons require 2 templars and units like colossus and carriers are machines so can not be fully intigrated (have to be built). The ultralisk is probably the most practicle land unit the zerg has, with metalisks and omegalisks being too easy targets to be effective.

Why no hybrid air units? Afterall the zerg is full of nasty air mutations like broodlords or the stupidly strong livithan. Well I imagine we will probably see more hybrids as the campaign progresses. The battle with the hybrids is probably reserved for the Heart of the Void campaign seeing as the major terran faction should be at peace with the major protoss forces (Raynor is on good terms with the protoss) while the Zerg are apparently "free" so probably no longer a threat for the Protoss.

Infact, it is more than likly the final battle invloves a showdown with the xelnaga shady guy in person. This would probably be all 3 factions (as is tradition in SC games) against endless onslaughts of hybrid units.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well I think that hybrids will most likely be more protoss based, then zerg based, seeing as protoss are the Purity of Form. Besides, a broodlord or mutalisk splcied with protos would be... weird.

Well Judicators are the ruling caste of the protoss, well used to be. But Templar are the strongest.

And yes, seeing as Legacy of the Void will be about Zeratul uniting tribes of protoss, and I guess finding human allies as well, naturally the main enemies will be the hybrids and not the zerg.
And surely there will be a battle with the Dark Voice... but it is intriguing how can they defeat him.
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Uhm. Look at Selendis and Rashagal (if that was the dark templar matriach). I mean, she's a matriach.

I mean protoss dont mind gender, i think they have the same parts.
But we need more girls units!
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well ffirst of all, its just a theory and if I were you I wouldnt rely on book lore. Writers who work tor blizzard tend to ignore lore and logic in their books and comics. Second, Artanis came around only after Tassadars death, after the fall of the Conclave.

Presergers are a different case, they arent military nor ruling. And I believe the female became a preserver only because she wws on that world, on Aiur the Conclave wouldnt allow that.

The Matriarch was a Dark Templar. Unlike the corrupted Conclave, they have always been tolerant and genders were equal. Perhaps because Matriarch was practically always their leader.
So your avatar and the character shown are ok to be copyrighted to Blizzard? I thought some company / person owned the copyright to my little pony already.

Seeing as how she is not making any money by using the symbol, and is instead promoting 'my little pony' (acting as an advertisement) I doubt the corporation would be mad.

Though that being said, Blizzard could technically be making money off this image.

Interesting topic.

But that's until i figure out how to do cameras for portraits. I am currently trying to make the actual model become a portrait.

The portrait is actually a completely separate model, and generally looks better as such.
Generally the model has low-poly (making it use far less space) and has a background which you cannot give a normal model.
Also the portraits generally only have enough mesh for what the people will actually see (the hellion portrait model is missing one hand), again making it far smaller in file size.
Seeing as how she is not making any money by using the symbol, and is instead promoting 'my little pony' (acting as an advertisement) I doubt the corporation would be mad.

Though that being said, Blizzard could technically be making money off this image.

Interesting topic.

The portrait is actually a completely separate model, and generally looks better as such.
Generally the model has low-poly (making it use far less space) and has a background which you cannot give a normal model.
Also the portraits generally only have enough mesh for what the people will actually see (the hellion portrait model is missing one hand), again making it far smaller in file size.

I mean, adding a camera on the model itself. So that the same model can be used for portraits. And backgrounds aren't THAT needed. And i know how portraits work :v