Fel Orcs - Archer
"Aim for the head, umbal!"
Although the spear is the orcs' favored ranged weapon, there are some who prefer the subtleties of archery.
Where the humans and elves of Azeroth demonstrate their skill and precision (some more, some less), the orcs are more about sheer power!
Their bestial strength allows orcs to wield war bows that humans and night elves would be unable to draw.
And in doing so, they are achieving ranges and penetration powers that are worrying. And that, coupled with their instinctive hunting skills,
makes the archers incredibly dangerous as hunters of the Fel Orcs in Outland.
Through years of perpetual warfare and struggling for survival, the Fel Orc-Archers have developed a level of precision and penetrating power
that allows them to use their arrows to knock a knight in full armor off his horse with ease.
This model is the "base model" for the Fel Orcs Archers, so to speak.
I'm also working on derivatives for the Archer which, like my Fel Orc-Grunt derivatives,
are meant to represent the surviving Fel Orc clans in Burning Crusade.
So stay tuned...