library FearSystem /* v3
* */uses /*
* */ Table /*
* //By Vexorian
* struct Fear extends array
* Description
* -------------------------
* This is a fear system; use it to remove player
* control from a unit temporarily. Units affected
* will also be unable to attack.
* Fields
* -------------------------
* unit targ -> The unit you want to apply the fear.
* string path -> The path of the sfx you want to add to the unit.
* string attach -> The attachment string you want the sfx to be on the unit
* readonly effect e -> The effect currently applied to the unit.
* Initializes to null
* Methods
* -------------------------
* static method create takes nothing returns thistype
* method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
* method start takes nothing returns nothing
* When you have set every parameters you start your fear instance.
* method changeEffect takes string path, string attach returns nothing
* If you already have set the effect of your instance and it is running
* and you want to change it use this.
* static method isFeared takes unit u returns boolean
* static method get takes unit u returns thistype
* Operators
* -------------------------
* method operator time= takes real t returns nothing
* method operator time takes nothing returns real
* Credits
* -------------------------
* - Vexorian for vJASS and Table
* - Maker for the DisableUnit function
* - Bribe for Table
* - Chobibo for the addition in the DisableUnit function/
native UnitAlive takes unit u returns boolean
//There will be check every FPS second.
private constant real FPS = 0.31250000
//Feared units will change direction every EACH_CHANGE FPS.
private constant integer EACH_CHANGE = 3
//Feared units will go maximum in a circle of 150 around them each time they change direction.
private constant real AROUND = 150.
//The rawcode of the attack disable. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer DISABLE_ATTACK = 'W000'
//The rawcode of the morph. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer MORPH_ID = 'Z001'
//The rawcode of the bear form. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer BEAR_ID = 'Z000'
//The Table for Vexorian version
private HandleTable tab
private function round takes real r returns integer
return R2I(r+0.5)
private function modulo takes integer a, integer b returns integer
return a - (a/b)*b
//Credits to Maker for this awesum func <3
private function DisableControl takes unit u returns nothing
local boolean b
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Aloc')
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, 'Aloc')
if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
call UnitAddAbility(u,MORPH_ID)
call IssueImmediateOrder(u, "metamorphosis")
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,MORPH_ID)
call UnitAddAbility(u, BEAR_ID)
call IssueImmediateOrder(u, "bearform")
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, BEAR_ID)
//Thanks to chobibo for this idea
if GetLocalPlayer() != GetOwningPlayer(u) then
set b = not IsUnitHidden(u)
call ShowUnit(u,false)
call ShowUnit(u,b)
//I added this line to disable their attack too.
call UnitAddAbility(u,DISABLE_ATTACK)
private function EnableControl takes unit u returns nothing
local boolean backup = not IsUnitHidden(u)
call ShowUnit(u,false)
//I added this line to enable their attack.
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,DISABLE_ATTACK)
call ShowUnit(u,backup)
struct Fear extends array
unit targ
string path
string attach
readonly effect e
readonly boolean b
private integer steps
private integer startat
private static timer period
private static integer dindex
private static thistype array data
private static integer instanceCount
private static thistype recycle
private thistype recycleNext
private static method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this
local real x
local real y
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i > dindex
set this = data[i]
if modulo(this.steps,EACH_CHANGE) == this.startat then
set x = GetUnitX(this.targ)
set y = GetUnitY(this.targ)
call IssuePointOrder(this.targ, "move", GetRandomReal(x-AROUND,x+AROUND), GetRandomReal(y-AROUND, x+AROUND) )
set this.steps = this.steps - 1
if this.steps == 0 or not(UnitAlive(this.targ)) then
set data[i] = data[dindex]
set i = i - 1
set dindex = dindex - 1
if this.e != null then
call DestroyEffect(this.e)
set this.e = null
call IssueImmediateOrder(this.targ,"stop")
call EnableControl(this.targ)
call tab.flush(this.targ)
if this.b then
set this.targ = null
set recycleNext = recycle
set recycle = this
if dindex == -1 then
call PauseTimer(period)
set i = i + 1
static method isFeared takes unit u returns boolean
return tab.exists(u)
method operator time= takes real t returns nothing
set this.steps = round(t/FPS)
method operator time takes nothing returns real
return this.steps*FPS
method changeEffect takes string path, string attach returns nothing
call DestroyEffect(this.e)
set this.e = null
set this.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(path,this.targ,attach)
static method get takes unit u returns thistype
if isFeared(u) then
return tab[u]
debug call BJDebugMsg("Tryng to get wrong instance")
return 0
method start takes nothing returns nothing
debug if this.targ==null or this.steps==0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("You're instanciating badly ....")
debug return
debug endif
set dindex = dindex + 1
set data[dindex] = this
set this.startat = modulo(this.steps,EACH_CHANGE)
call DisableControl(this.targ)
if this.path != "" and this.attach != "" then
set this.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(this.path, this.targ, this.attach)
set tab[this.targ] = this
if dindex == 0 then
call TimerStart(period, FPS, true, function thistype.periodic)
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this
if recycle == 0 then
set instanceCount = instanceCount + 1
set this = instanceCount
set this = recycle
set recycle = recycle.recycleNext
set this.path = ""
set this.attach = ""
set this.e = null
set this.b = false
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
set this.b = true
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set tab = HandleTable.create()
set dindex = - 1
set instanceCount = 0
set recycle = 0
set period = CreateTimer()
library FearSystem /* v3
* */uses /*
* */ Table /*
* //By Bribe
* struct Fear extends array
* Description
* -------------------------
* This is a fear system; use it to remove player
* control from a unit temporarily. Units affected
* will also be unable to attack.
* Fields
* -------------------------
* unit targ -> The unit you want to apply the fear.
* string path -> The path of the sfx you want to add to the unit.
* string attach -> The attachment string you want the sfx to be on the unit
* readonly effect e -> The effect currently applied to the unit.
* Initializes to null
* Methods
* -------------------------
* static method create takes nothing returns thistype
* method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
* method start takes nothing returns nothing
* When you have set every parameters you start your fear instance.
* method changeEffect takes string path, string attach returns nothing
* If you already have set the effect of your instance and it is running
* and you want to change it use this.
* static method isFeared takes unit u returns boolean
* static method get takes unit u returns thistype
* Operators
* -------------------------
* method operator time= takes real t returns nothing
* method operator time takes nothing returns real
* Credits
* -------------------------
* - Vexorian for vJASS and Table
* - Maker for the DisableUnit function
* - Bribe for Table
* - Chobibo for the addition in the DisableUnit function/
native UnitAlive takes unit u returns boolean
//There will be check every FPS second.
private constant real FPS = 0.31250000
//Feared units will change direction every EACH_CHANGE FPS.
private constant integer EACH_CHANGE = 3
//Feared units will go maximum in a circle of 150 around them each time they change direction.
private constant real AROUND = 150.
//The rawcode of the attack disable. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer DISABLE_ATTACK = 'W000'
//The rawcode of the morph. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer MORPH_ID = 'Z001'
//The rawcode of the bear form. Be sure it is the same in the Object Editor.
private constant integer BEAR_ID = 'Z000'
private Table tb
private function round takes real r returns integer
return R2I(r+0.5)
private function modulo takes integer a, integer b returns integer
return a - (a/b)*b
//Credits to Maker for this awesum func <3
private function DisableControl takes unit u returns nothing
local boolean b
call UnitAddAbility(u, 'Aloc')
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, 'Aloc')
if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
call UnitAddAbility(u,MORPH_ID)
call IssueImmediateOrder(u, "metamorphosis")
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,MORPH_ID)
call UnitAddAbility(u, BEAR_ID)
call IssueImmediateOrder(u, "bearform")
call UnitRemoveAbility(u, BEAR_ID)
//Thanks to chobibo for this idea
if GetLocalPlayer() != GetOwningPlayer(u) then
set b = not IsUnitHidden(u)
call ShowUnit(u,false)
call ShowUnit(u,b)
//I added this line to disable their attack too.
call UnitAddAbility(u,DISABLE_ATTACK)
private function EnableControl takes unit u returns nothing
local boolean backup = not IsUnitHidden(u)
call ShowUnit(u,false)
//I added this line to enable their attack.
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,DISABLE_ATTACK)
call ShowUnit(u,backup)
struct Fear extends array
unit targ
string path
string attach
readonly effect e
readonly boolean b
private integer steps
private integer startat
private static timer period
private static integer dindex
private static thistype array data
private static integer instanceCount
private static thistype recycle
private thistype recycleNext
private static method periodic takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this
local real x
local real y
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i > dindex
set this = data[i]
if modulo(this.steps,EACH_CHANGE) == this.startat then
set x = GetUnitX(this.targ)
set y = GetUnitY(this.targ)
call IssuePointOrder(this.targ, "move", GetRandomReal(x-AROUND,x+AROUND), GetRandomReal(y-AROUND, x+AROUND) )
set this.steps = this.steps - 1
if this.steps == 0 or not(UnitAlive(this.targ)) then
set data[i] = data[dindex]
set i = i - 1
set dindex = dindex - 1
if this.e != null then
call DestroyEffect(this.e)
set this.e = null
call IssueImmediateOrder(this.targ,"stop")
call EnableControl(this.targ)
call tb.remove(GetHandleId(this.targ))
if this.b then
set this.targ = null
set recycleNext = recycle
set recycle = this
if dindex == -1 then
call PauseTimer(period)
set i = i + 1
static method isFeared takes unit u returns boolean
return tb.has(GetHandleId(u))
method operator time= takes real t returns nothing
set this.steps = round(t/FPS)
method operator time takes nothing returns real
return this.steps*FPS
method changeEffect takes string path, string attach returns nothing
call DestroyEffect(this.e)
set this.e = null
set this.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(path,this.targ,attach)
static method get takes unit u returns thistype
local thistype this
if isFeared(u) then
return tb[GetHandleId(u)]
debug call BJDebugMsg("Tryng to get wrong instance")
return 0
method start takes nothing returns nothing
debug if this.targ==null or this.steps==0 then
debug call BJDebugMsg("You're instanciating badly ....")
debug return
debug endif
set dindex = dindex + 1
set data[dindex] = this
set this.startat = modulo(this.steps,EACH_CHANGE)
call DisableControl(this.targ)
if this.path != "" and this.attach != "" then
set this.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(this.path, this.targ, this.attach)
set tb[GetHandleId(this.targ)] = this
if dindex == 0 then
call TimerStart(period, FPS, true, function thistype.periodic)
static method create takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this
if recycle == 0 then
set instanceCount = instanceCount + 1
set this = instanceCount
set this = recycle
set recycle = recycle.recycleNext
set this.path = ""
set this.attach = ""
set this.e = null
set this.b = false
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
set this.b = true
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set tb = Table.create()
set dindex = - 1
set instanceCount = 0
set recycle = 0
set period = CreateTimer()